Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 456 Chapter 465: One after another shock

Chapter 456 Chapter 460 Five: One after another Shocked

The night was getting darker, Qin Ling was still in the city lord's mansion, and hadn't left, there was still some time before midnight, at this moment, there was only Qin Ling in the study room, the jade pendant in his arms lit up with a red light, and the ancestor Hongyun walked out of the jade pendant .

As soon as Patriarch Hongyun came out, the first thing he did was to ask Qin Ling about the Huo Qilin. Although he was hidden in the jade pendant, Patriarch Hongyun could still perceive things outside, "Boy, where did you cheat Huo Qilin?" ?”

Qin Ling smiled and said, "Senior, do you think I look like that?"

"The fire unicorn is really good, and the cow is also extraordinary. The more I look at you, the more difficult it becomes..." The ancestor Hongyun stared at Qin Ling fiercely, as if he wanted to see something from Qin Ling's face.

Fortunately, Patriarch Hongyun didn't see the Eastern Emperor Banner and the True Sun Fire before, otherwise he would have been even more shocked. At that time, Patriarch Hongyun happened to be in the middle of deep cultivation and knew nothing about what happened outside.

"Take senior to a place in a while, where senior's injury must be completely recovered within a hundred years!" After a while, he will enter the Chaos Book, and it happens that Hongyun Patriarch can also be placed there.

Ancestor Hongyun grabbed Qin Ling's arm, "Boy, you didn't lie to me, did you! Can you recover in a hundred years? Where is it? It's hard for me to recover in a hundred years even in the fairy world. Hundreds of years..."

Qin Ling smiled and said nothing, "Senior, don't be impatient, and I will bring senior back in a while!"

The night was getting darker and darker, and there was still an hour before midnight, but Chunyu Shan and the others had already arrived. As Qin Ling expected, no one withdrew, and everyone had a look of excitement on their faces. As Qin Ling said, when it appears next time, it will already be in the Immortal Realm, how can this not excite everyone.

Qin Ling showed up and nodded with satisfaction. Although there are less than 20 people now, they are the first force in Qin Ling's hands, so Qin Ling plans to train this group of people well and let them grow up quickly.

"Since everyone has arrived, there is no need to wait until Zishi, we can start now..." Qin Ling led everyone into a secret room.

In the secret room, more than a dozen people looked at Qin Ling excitedly, wondering where and how Qin Ling was going to take them?Why did you come to the secret room again?Although there were many questions in their hearts, no one asked them, and they all waited quietly.

"Now let go of your minds and close your eyes!"

Let go of your heart. Although everyone hesitated, they still did it. You must know that letting go of your heart is equivalent to opening everything to others. If others have malicious intentions, the consequences are absolutely unpredictable, but it has reached this point, and everyone can only continue. Moving forward, no matter what Qin Ling says, they will follow suit.

A second later, the figures of Qin Ling and others disappeared from the secret room. When they appeared, everyone was already in a vast mountain range. "Okay, open your eyes, we've arrived!"

In fact, Qin Ling didn't need to say it, everyone felt it. Although their eyes were closed, they could sense the changes in their surroundings, the strong aura, the roar of monsters, and various sounds.

Opening his eyes, what caught everyone's eyes was the ancient trees of the sky, and the countless peaks that merged into the clouds. Looking up, there was no end in sight. The endless aura made everyone even more horrified. How could there be such a strong aura!Someone glanced at the side and was stunned again. A plant of elixir was under his feet, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance, probably no less than a thousand years old.

Looking at the expressions of the crowd, Qin Ling had expected it, and interrupted the shock of the crowd, Qin Ling said: "From now on, this will be the place for you to practice, where you can get everything you want, and becoming a fairy is inevitable. Another point is that there is no need to worry about the catastrophe here, because there is no catastrophe here, but if you want to overcome the catastrophe, you can..."

The Chaos Book is a Chaos Spirit Treasure, which can naturally isolate all breaths, and the Dao of Heaven cannot be discovered, so there is no existence of Heavenly Tribulation.

Everyone was stupefied like puppets. All this had a great impact on them, and everyone was still immersed in boundless shock.Countless cultivation resources, coupled with good exercises, and there is no catastrophe, this is simply a holy place for cultivation, if you don't become a fairy, then just find a piece of tofu and kill yourself.

Chunyu Shan was the first to wake up from the shock, with endless excitement in his eyes, he looked at Qin Ling closely, "Young master, can this subordinate know where this is?"

Everyone looked at Qinling, such a good place for cultivation, they had never even heard of it before.Just as everyone was waiting for Qin Ling's answer, a red light lit up in front of Qin Ling.

A figure appeared, "Boy, is this the prehistoric mountain range?" Patriarch Hongyun appeared, this feeling was so familiar, it almost made Patriarch Hongyun think that he had returned to the prehistoric era.

The appearance of Patriarch Hongyun really frightened everyone, especially the appearance of Patriarch Hongyun, who was neither a human nor a ghost, was simply too frightening.The icy breath made everyone back several steps.

Seeing that Patriarch Hongyun finally appeared, Qin Ling knew that the other party couldn't help it anymore, and looked at Patriarch Hongyun with a smile, "What do you think, senior?"

Feeling this familiar feeling, Patriarch Hongyun was almost intoxicated. He hadn't felt this kind of feeling for millions or even tens of millions of years. It was a prehistoric feeling.

"Good! Good! As long as I practice here, I will be able to recover in less than a hundred years, haha..." Ancestor Hongyun raised his head to the sky and roared, his laughter revealing the bitterness and grief of thousands of years.

Amidst the laughter, a tall and straight body came slowly, it was Ping Yi, he walked towards the crowd with a step of tens of feet, without delay or rush.

Patriarch Hongyun stopped shouting, focused his gaze, and stared at Pingyi with a touch of shock in his eyes, because he didn't expect to see an acquaintance here, that figure was so familiar, "Boy, don't tell me, That person is the great witch Pingyi."

"Senior knows Ping Yi?" Qin Ling was surprised, he didn't expect Hong Yun's ancestor even knew Ping Yi, the friendship is too extensive!

"It was really him. Didn't he die in the Lich War?" Although Patriarch Hongyun died before the Lich War, Zhen Yuanzi told him almost all of the things that followed.

While speaking, Ping Yi, who was a thousand meters away, had already come in front of him, and Ping Yi also looked at Patriarch Hongyun in astonishment, just now he suddenly felt a familiar aura, so he walked over to have a look.And this familiar aura comes from the person in front of him.

Although Patriarch Hongyun is neither human nor ghost, it is difficult to recognize his appearance, but Ping Yi still recognized Patriarch Hongyun at a glance, "Fellow Daoist Hongyun?"

Through the expressions between the two, Qin Ling knew that the two not only knew each other, but also seemed to be very familiar with each other. Qin Ling quietly retreated from the side, woke up the few people who were in extreme shock, and led them to another place, here Just leave it to the two of them to catch up.

The turbulent waves, the shock in Chunyu Shan's heart wave after wave, rolled up thousands of waves, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time. He didn't even know how to leave, only that the middle-aged man who appeared last was very powerful. Nothing was revealed, but it was like a mountain, lying in front of Chunyu Mountain.

Qin Ling led the crowd towards Shi Yuan and Hei Xiong. Anyway, the two sides will meet sooner or later, so it is better to introduce them to Shi Yuan first, so as to avoid trouble in the future.

On a mountain peak, the stone ape, the black bear, and the dragon horse are currently practicing. They appeared in Qinling. The three of them quickly realized that when they saw Qinling followed by a group of monks, the three of them were also confused. They didn't know what Qinling was going to do. what to do.

Shi Yuan flew to Qin Ling, "Brother, who are these people?"

Everyone saw a nearly ten-foot-tall ape running towards them, and now they were not much surprised, because they were already numb, and everything today was really shocking to them.

"They will practice here in the future, I'll bring you to get to know each other..." Ignoring the three Hei Xiongs, Qin Ling said to the crowd, "This is a prehistoric mountain range, or a small world, and you are no longer cultivating In the world, from this moment on, you will practice here. Don’t look at the rich aura and countless elixirs here, but there are also many crises here. There are countless monsters here. They are powerful and fierce. More monsters You have never seen a beast before, so you must not take it lightly, so if you want to survive here, there is still a certain difficulty..."

Then Qin Ling took out a prepared jade slip from his bosom and handed it to Chun Yushan, "This is a cultivation technique I prepared for you. You can stop practicing the technique you practiced before..." Explain everything After that, Qin Ling brought everyone to another area, which was thousands of miles away from where Hei Xiong and the others were just now.

On a thousand-meter-high mountain, everyone was still excited, Qin Ling said to the crowd: "This mountain is where you will live in the future, I will visit you from time to time in the future, I hope you don't let me down, Let me remind you again, this place is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will lose your life. Whether you live or die depends entirely on your ability! Now, who of you wants to ask anything?"

Everyone looked at Chunyu Shan, as if everyone had regarded Chunyu Shan as the leader, Chunyu Shan shook his head, just now Qin Ling had already explained everything, there was nothing more to ask.

Qin Ling left, leaving everyone who was still struggling to calm down. Seeing Qin Ling's figure disappear, everyone immediately began to communicate. Everyone had too many things in their hearts.
"Brother Chunyu, why didn't you ask just now? You can just ask a random question?"

"That's right, what exactly is this place, and what is the prehistoric place that the young master mentioned, why haven't I heard of it at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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