Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 457 Chapter 467: From the Upper Realm

Chapter 457 Chapter 460 Seven: From the Upper Realm

In one year, Qin Ling has already guided almost all the children of the Qin family. On the whole, the strength of the Qin family has been greatly improved. Both Qin Tian and Qin Gang broke through to the Nascent Soul Stage, which surprised Qin Ling the most It should belong to Qin Ming, this Qin family's former genius really lived up to his reputation as a genius, his cultivation had already reached the late Yuanying stage, and he was almost about to break through to the out-of-body stage.

Qin Ling took a rough look at the strength of everyone in the Qin family. Apart from himself, Qin Ming was the one with the highest cultivation level. Yuanying's late cultivation base was followed by Qin Gang and Qin Ming. As for the other children of the Qin family, most of them were in Jin Dan period.

Although it has been less than four or five years since the beginning of the practice of the Qin family, the strength of the entire Qin family is not weaker than that of the small cultivation families in the cultivation world. Except that there are no masters in the Qin family, the Qin family The overall level of children is much higher than that of ordinary small families.

If other people know about this, I'm afraid the cultivation world will be shaken again. How did the people of the Qin family cultivate in such a short period of time.Not all of them are geniuses who don't meet in a thousand years, but even geniuses are not so perverted!

For this result, Qin Ling is still very satisfied, and it is also expected by Qin Ling. Everyone in the Qin family practiced the ancient immortal cultivation skills, which cannot be compared with the cultivation skills in the current cultivation world. In addition, Qin Ling has countless The panacea, everything is a matter of letting nature take its course.

In the City Lord's Mansion, the hundred and ten people selected by Qin Ling at the beginning have greatly improved their cultivation base. Zhao Han had already reached the out-of-body stage a year ago, and the other two did not disappoint Qin Ling. Inside, one after another broke through.

When He Lu found out about this, he looked at the hundred and ten people he personally handed over to Qin Ling, but now they have changed drastically, scolding Qin Ling for being a pervert. So much has been improved in such a short period of time.

He Lu pulled Qin Ling, wanting to ask why, when Qin Ling put the exercises and a bunch of elixir in front of He Lu, He Lu was stunned, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Qin Ling had wanted to teach He Lu a kung fu that he had chosen before, but after He Lu sent these hundred people, he went to retreat to practice, so Qin Ling had no choice but to give up.It was only now that I left the customs, and I happened to see this scene.

Looking at the profound cultivation method in front of him, and the elixir that he had never seen before, it took He Lu a long time to come back to his senses, "Where did you get this, don't say that you got it from the Sunset Mountain Range He Lu estimated that the elixirs in front of him were at least tens of thousands of years old, and they looked like they had just been picked. He Lu did not believe that there were such precious elixirs in the Sunset Mountain Range.

Qin Ling's answer to He Lu was that he found an expert's cave in the Sunset Mountains, from which he got his skills. As for the elixir, Qin Ling explained that he picked it in the fairy mansion last time.

He Lu didn't have any doubts about this explanation, "Good boy, you really have it!" He Lu couldn't stop himself from being excited, and called Qinling boy again.

In the end, He Lu went to practice again excitedly. With those elixirs, He Lu was confident that he could break through the tribulation period in the shortest possible time.Sure enough, after half a month, He Lu left the customs and became a cultivator in the tribulation period.

Not long after He Lu left the customs, Qin Ling suddenly received a message from Jiugong Mountain that Zhang Sanfeng was about to ascend. Looking at the jade slip in his hand, Qin Ling was only happy. For this strange man who is both a teacher and a friend, Qin Ling still respected him very much. Now that the other party was about to ascend, Qin Ling would naturally rush over. Fortunately, with He Lu sitting in Ziyang City, Qin Ling was more at ease.

Three days later, Qin Ling left for Jiugong Mountain. Ao Li did not go with Qin Ling, but stayed in the Qin Mansion. Also with him.

During this year, Qin Ling also heard about the two, but it was not good news. The two seemed to be being hunted by some people, and Qin Ling knew the reason without thinking about it. The two must have stolen something from others.

Few people knew that Qin Ling had left Ziyang City, only a few people in the City Lord's Mansion knew about it. This time Qin Ling was accompanied by three people, Zhao Han, and they traveled on a cloud-piercing boat.

On the way to Jiugong Mountain, Qin Ling thought of Luo Xin, this time Qin Ling changed his mind, and there was tenderness and firmness in his eyes.

Two days later, the three of them arrived at Jiugong Mountain. At this time, Jiugong Mountain was not like the scene of Ziyang City when Shu Feisheng was mentioned earlier. Jiugong Mountain was still the same without any change.

Zhang Sanfeng's reputation in the comprehension world has not been obvious, because he has been cultivating in Jiugong Mountain and rarely walks in the comprehension world. I am afraid that apart from the people in Jiugong Mountain, few people in the comprehension world know him.

Now that he has ascended to the Dao, it is spread around Jiugong Mountain. Little is known in the cultivation world, only a few old friends who have a good personal relationship with Zhang Sanfeng know.

Inside the cave, Zhang Sanfeng seemed to be talking with someone, while Luo Xin stood aside, at a certain moment Zhang Sanfeng suddenly looked out of the cave, then turned to Luo Xin behind him and said, "Xin'er, go out and greet someone, there is a distinguished guest coming !"

Luo Xin didn't know why the master asked her to go out to greet her today. This has never happened before. Who is it?Luo Xin walked out of the cave with doubts, and saw a familiar figure on the rugged mountain road. At this moment, Luo Xin froze there.She knew why the master let herself out...

Thousands of miles away, Tiangan Peak of Shushan Mountain, since Shushan failed to seize Baidi City, Shushan faction has been unwilling, but it is difficult to take back what has been said, not to mention an old ancestor of Shushan made a heavy oath, even if not Willing to, but also to endure, absolutely can not do anything to Baidicheng again.

Qinling has always been a thorn in the heart of the Shushan School. Whenever someone mentions Qinling, the disciples of the Shushan School suddenly feel ashamed, as if they have been slapped severely. The young monk used this to ridicule the Shushan faction, but Qianye Zhenyi was destined not to trouble Qinling, otherwise some Shushan disciples would have gone to Ziyang City to attack and kill Qinling.

In the main hall of Tiangan Peak, all the eight major peak masters were present, and all the elders sat upright, without saying a word. It seemed that something important happened in Shushan. Profound, looking directly outside the hall.

After about half a quarter of an hour, Qianye Zhenyi focused his attention and said slowly, "There is news from above that there will be a fairy envoy coming down to the realm soon..."

The hall instantly boiled, and the pot exploded. Seeing everyone's reaction, Qianye Zhenyi coughed slightly, "Don't make noise, this matter must not be publicized!"

"What the brother in charge said is true, will someone come down from above?" This news is really too shocking, it has never happened before.

"The news has been confirmed, there will be no falsehoods, and the other big religions will also have..." Qianye Zhenyi said again.

Everyone was stunned, this means that there will be more than one immortal descending from the realm, "I don't know the reason why the master master came down, so I can prepare in advance..."

Qianye Zhenyi shook his head, obviously he didn't know, "I don't know the reason yet, and I will only find out after the fairy envoy comes down, but during this period of time, everyone, don't do anything else, and everything will The most important thing is to welcome the fairy envoy..."

At the same time, the Three Nights Sect, Kunlun, Blood River Sect, Buddhism, Yaozu, etc. all received the news, and all the great religions knew it well, but no one said it.

Among the Three Nights faction, after Sima Yan'er returned, they went to retreat to practice. At this time, Ying Qianqiu was also convening the high-level discussions of the Three Nights faction.

"Sister in charge, is it because of Yan'er that the masters from the Upper Realm came this time? They want to take Yan'er to the upper realm?"

"Yan'er is just one of the purposes. They have another purpose. This time not only my Sanxiao Sect, but also people from several other great sects will come down. The specific purpose is still unknown, so during this period of time , we must be prepared to welcome the coming of the master from the upper world!"

Qin Ling stared at the figure a hundred meters away, with tenderness in his eyes, without any hesitation, he walked straight towards that figure.

So close at hand, but only a few inches away, Luo Xin could almost hear the heartbeat of the person opposite, Qin Ling stepped forward slowly, and slowly hugged the beautiful woman into his arms, "Xin'er, just stay by my side from now on! I won't Let you leave me again..."

Luo Xin's tender body visibly shook, feeling the heat from Qin Ling's body, and the words echoing in her ears, Luo Xin's eyes were hazy, she slowly raised her hands, and hugged Qin Ling quietly, at this moment time stood still, Luo Xin Felt like I was dreaming.

"Okay, let's go in! Don't let seniors watch the joke!"

Luo Xin's face turned red, as if she just remembered that this was outside the master's gate, the master must have seen it, and Zhao Han and the other three were also not far away, Luo Xin, who had never changed her face, turned ashamed at this moment, like a flower out of water Hibiscus.

The two walked into the cave, Zhao Han and the others were just outside the cave, they didn't come in with Qin Ling, looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Qin Ling stepped forward and respectfully said: "I've seen you, senior!"

Zhang Sanfeng laughed loudly, "You kid, how many times have I told you not to call me Senior Daoist... Come on, Lao Daoist will introduce you, this is..."

In fact, without Zhang Sanfeng's introduction, Qin Ling had already recognized him when he walked in here, "Qin Ling has met senior, if senior hadn't rescued him last time, I'm afraid junior will die!" The old man from Jiugong Mountain who saved his life once wanted to accept Qin Ling as his apprentice, but Qin Ling refused.

The last time Qin Ling appeared in Jiugong Mountain, the other party was not there, but he did not expect to meet here this time.

"Young friend Qin, you don't have to be polite. This old man only made the move because of his love for talents. Besides, didn't you express your gratitude before, little friend? Don't mention this matter again... Otherwise, the old man will say that the old man is merciful and blackmailed... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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