Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 458 Chapter 468: Three Harvests Ascension

Chapter 458 Chapter 460 Eight: Mitutoyo Ascension

Everyone laughed, and soon Qin Ling learned that Zhang Sanfeng would be promoted in a month. Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect Qin Ling to come so soon. It was thought that Qin Ling would be very busy taking over the position of Ziyang City Lord, so Zhang Sanfeng would [-] month advance notice.

The three talked about it until late at night before they left. On the top of Jiugong Mountain, Qin Ling and Luo Xin sat with their backs facing each other. The night sky was full of stars.Luo Xin was undoubtedly in a very good mood at the moment. Although her breath was still cold, there was always a touch of tenderness between her brows.

"My road ahead is unknown, full of dangers and killings, Xin'er, are you afraid? It may be a road of no return, a road forged with blood and corpses..." Qin Ling looked up at the starry sky, as if talking to himself.

Luo Xin smiled sweetly, shook her head slowly, and did not answer Qin Ling's question, but Qin Ling seemed to know the answer, and did not speak any more. The two of them just quietly looked at the night sky, their fingers intertwined. .

There is still a month before Zhang Sanfeng ascends, and Qin Ling has not returned to Ziyang City. Anyway, there is no major event in the city recently. Qin Ling plans to wait in Jiugong Mountain for a month, so he can also ask Zhang Sanfeng for advice. It is the ultimate goal of Qinling Mountains.

The real fire of the sun and the real water of the sun in the body are what Qin Ling is most worried about. Although there is Qinglian suppressing it now, but the strength is not enough, and it is impossible to control the two innate things. If you are not careful, the two gods will riot, just like Shang The same as the second time, when the sun is really hot and violent, Qin Ling has nothing to do, not only it is easy to hurt others, but it is also easy to hurt yourself.

Zhang Sanfeng's "The Promise of Yin and Yang" is now approaching perfection, so Zhang Sanfeng was able to directly enter the crossing catastrophe from the fusion period in such a short period of time, and then successfully cross the catastrophe.This is where the power of "Yin Yang Wu Ji" lies. It is definitely a peerless skill, and in Qin Ling's opinion, it is no worse than those ancient skills in his hands.

The two discussed yin and yang, sitting and discussing Taoism. Every time they talked, Qin Ling would always gain a lot. From time to time, he would understand something, and then go to retreat.

Looking carefully, one can see that Qin Ling's cultivation has become more and more advanced, and he is more restrained than before. Even without the cover of the Chaos Book, Qin Ling looks like an ordinary person from a distance.

Zhang Sanfeng passed the latest "Yin Yang Wuji" to Qin Ling, and said with a smile that when Qin Ling arrives in the fairyland in the future, he can go to him to ask for the latest version. Zhang Sanfeng's current cultivation level is at the Mahayana stage, and "Yin Yang Wuji" is naturally in this state , which is equivalent to saying that after Zhang Sanfeng arrives in the fairy world, he will start to deduce the follow-up exercises.

In this way, Zhang Sanfeng was about to ascend in less than ten days, and Qin Ling and Zhang Sanfeng were still discussing Yin and Yang, as if they didn't realize the time at all.

At this moment, the cultivation world is very peaceful, it can be said that the tranquility is a bit strange, all major sects seem to have closed their mountain gates, there is no movement at all, even the number of disciples walking in the cultivation world is much less.

Just when everyone was puzzled, it was widely rumored in the cultivation world that there were visions appearing in the former Foshan Mountain. Sometimes auspicious clouds shrouded, celestial lights shone, golden lotuses filled the ground, and thousands of immortals came to pay their respects.Sometimes the sky and the earth collapse, blood stains the void, thousands of immortals fall, and the sky and the earth cry...all of these seem to be vividly remembered, as if they are within reach.

This news gradually spread in the world of comprehension, and some people didn't believe it at first, but when someone went to the former Buddha City, he was stunned. It turned into a bloody red, and he seemed to hear the heaven and the earth crying for it... The man seemed to be crazy, and shouted, "Why is this happening?" Isn't the immortal immortal and happy forever?Why is even the immortals falling now.

What is strange is that not everyone sees the same scene. Some people saw the fall of the Ten Thousand Immortals, and naturally others saw the Ten Thousand Immortals coming to court. , sit and talk about the Tao, carefree, some people are intoxicated by it, unable to extricate themselves.

The voice of doubt gradually weakened, and monks continued to go to the former Buddha City. Some monks speculated whether there was a treasure born?That's why there is this vision, someone sneered, treasure?If there is a treasure, is it your turn to come?I'm afraid that someone will catch up before the news comes out.

The former Buddha City is located in the west of the cultivation world. It can be said that this is the territory of Buddhism. It is a Buddhist city. It is only three hundred miles away from Xiaoleiyin Temple, Lingshan, the holy place of Buddhism. It can be said that it is the most prosperous of many Buddhist cities.

Now this bustling Buddhist city is even more lively. There are crowds of people on the street, and there are many monks, all of whom come to see the vision.

The place where the vision appeared was on a hill a hundred miles outside the former Buddha City, Futu Mountain, a small mountain that was originally very inconspicuous, but now it has a great reputation, because it is just above Futu Mountain, and every once in a while there will be The vision appeared.

Whenever the vision disappeared, all the monks would swarm towards Futu Mountain, thinking that there would be treasures, but there was no treasure in front of them, except for hard rocks, there was nothing.Some people didn't believe it, and thought that the treasure was at the bottom of the mountain. In the end, someone hacked with a sword and an axe. However, they dug hundreds of meters and almost dug through the mountain. people joke.

Since then, no one has gone to Futu Mountain to hunt for treasures, and the legends about the treasures have gradually faded away. Everyone began to concentrate on staring at the vision in the void. The two visions have two completely different results. Come to court, be free and easy, or ten thousand immortals fall, and the void is stained with blood.

Regarding these two results, the monks argued endlessly, thinking that what they saw was real, and everything else was an illusion.

Three days later, the number of monks in the former Buddha City increased sharply, almost several times that of the previous few days. All these monks came to see the vision, and at the same time, some people had the heart of treasure hunting. Although everyone said that there were no treasures, it was not Everyone believes it.

As the number of monks in the former Buddha city gradually increased, all the monks suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, the monks who came to the former Buddha city were almost all casual cultivators, monks of small sects, and those disciples of the big religion did not see any of them. , Even Buddhist disciples are rarely seen, even if this place is so close to Buddhism.

Everyone is puzzled, don't know what's going on?Could it be that those big religions already knew that there were no treasures here, so they didn't send people here, or were they still preparing.

In Ziyang City, in front of the gate of the Qin Mansion, several figures came, at first glance, they were very familiar.Those figures walked straight into the Qin Mansion, and the guards in front of the Qin Mansion didn't stop them in any way.

In the hall of the Qin Mansion, several people from Yuchi Palace were seated. It turned out that those people just now were Yuchi Palace, Kong Rong, Xueshan and others. They have been traveling in the world of comprehension since the last farewell, and now they happened to pass by Ziyang City , So I came over to have a look, and I came here to congratulate Qin Ling. Before Qin Ling took over as the lord of Ziyang City, because the distance was too far, several people did not catch up, so they came here to plead guilty to Qin Ling.

When Qin De was in the backyard, when he heard that someone was visiting, the old man hurried to the hall to take a look. It turned out to be the people from Yuchi Palace, and he immediately knew the reason for their visit.

When they learned that Qin Ling was not in the Qin Mansion, but went to Jiugong Mountain, they immediately felt a pity, because this time they came here for another purpose, that is, to let Qin Ling go to the former Buddha City with them, and now The news about the former Buddha City became more and more serious. After hearing about it, several people immediately decided to go to the former Buddha City.

It's a pity that Qin Ling is not here, and several people feel very sorry. Finally, they leave and ask the old man to leave a message for Qin Ling, saying that they will wait for Qin Ling's arrival in the former Buddha City.

At this time, among the major religions, it's not that they don't know the vision of the former Buddha City, but the coming from the upper world is about to arrive, and the major religions don't want to be distracted at this time. The head teacher dare not imagine.

They will eventually ascend to the Immortal Realm. If they offend the Immortal Envoy, they will have a hard time after ascension to the Immortal Realm. Although they are the masters of a sect in the Cultivation Realm, they will be nothing in the Immortal Realm and have to start all over again.

All major religions are waiting, waiting for the arrival of the fairy envoy.

At night, it was pitch black, and there was no light in the gray night sky. I don't know when it started, the night sky suddenly began to flash and thunder, and the wind blew up, making the night sky seem like day.

If someone looked up at the night sky, they would find that there were no dark clouds above the void. Although the thunder and lightning flashed wildly, the night sky was as if washed by water.


A sound of thunder shook the void, and the entire void was like a gunpowder keg. The violent thunder explosion lasted for nearly half a quarter of an hour, and then suddenly disappeared strangely.

At night, the tranquility was restored again, but at this time, it was difficult for the major sects to be peaceful, because suddenly there was an extra figure in the major sects, and that figure was like an insurmountable mountain in front of everyone.

Shushan School, in the main hall of Tiangan Peak, Qianye Zhenyi stared at the tall and straight figure in front of him, "The head teacher of the Shushan School in the lower realm, Qianye Zhenyi, has seen Master Xianshi..."

That figure turned around slowly, it was a middle-aged man, his face was full of fortitude, and he had a sharp feeling, this feeling was very clear to Qianye Zhenyi, it was the feeling of a sword, which is enough to explain the person in front of him With a super strong swordsmanship, the whole person is like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

The man glanced at Chiba Maki lightly, "There is no need to be too polite, this time the lower realm is only for one thing, and that is, has there been any abnormal or unusual things happening in the lower realm recently?"

At the same time, on the floating island of the Three Nights School, a figure descended from the sky, like a flying fairy, floating above the floating island, and then appeared in the main hall of the Three Nights School.

"Not bad, not bad, it has a bit of charm!" This is a beautiful woman, if Sima Yan'er's beauty is a fiery red rose, then the beauty of this woman is a peony in that autumn. (Thank you for the reward from me.)
(End of this chapter)

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