Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 459 Chapter 469: Former Buddha City

Chapter 459 Chapter 460 Nine: Former Buddha City
Ying Qianqiu and the others were shocked, "Dare to ask, but is it the arrival of the Master Immortal Envoy?"

"Master Immortal Envoy? That's not a good name. You should call me Senior Sister! Anyway, you will be my Junior Brother and Junior Sister after ascending to the Immortal Realm..." The woman smiled lightly, feeling very approachable, without the slightest majesty that a fairy should have.

Everyone nodded quickly, "I don't know what is the purpose of Senior Sister going down this time?"

The woman looked at the hall, and at the same time said to Ying Qianqiu who was behind her: "Have any abnormal phenomena occurred in the lower realm in the past few days, for example, there is a treasure?"

In the small Leiyin Temple of the Buddhist gate, a ten thousand zhang Buddha's light illuminates the void, and a figure gradually manifests. For a while, the entire Little Leiyin Temple is filled with the Buddha's light and the words of the Buddha, and the sound spreads for hundreds of miles.

The monks in the former Buddha City looked at Xiao Leiyin's direction one after another, wondering what happened, why Xiao Leiyin suddenly burst into Buddha's light, could it be the manifestation of Buddha?

After watching for a while, the monks turned their attention to Mount Futu again, because at this moment the vision happened to appear again.

Qin Ling didn't know anything about what was going on in the realm of comprehension. Every time he asked Zhang Sanfeng for advice, Qin Ling would always retreat for a day or two.

Today is the last day, tomorrow Zhang Sanfeng is about to ascend, Qin Ling withdrew from the cave, knowing that Zhang Sanfeng must have something to explain to Luo Xin.

On the top of Jiugong Mountain, Qin Ling looked at the endless void. What made Qin Ling feel strange was that there seemed to be a lot less monks in Jiugong Mountain in recent days. At first, he didn't take it seriously, but now he realized that something seemed abnormal.

"Young master, there have been rumors that there is a vision in the former Buddha City in recent days, so many monks have gone to the former Buddha City..."

"Former Buddha City? Vision? How long has it been?"

I learned from Zhao Han that the vision of the former Buddha city happened half a month ago, and it seemed that some treasure had been born, and now many monks have gone to the former Buddha city.

The next day, Zhang Sanfeng ascended. Before ascension, Zhang Sanfeng told Qin Ling to treat Luo Xin well, otherwise he would definitely settle accounts with Qin Ling when he came to the Immortal Realm. At the same time, Zhang Sanfeng also told Qin Ling that he could go to Zhenwu Emperor Palace to find him when he arrived in the Immortal Realm.If nothing else, he'll be there.

A ray of celestial light fell, and Zhang Sanfeng ascended to the fairyland, Luo Xin didn't know whether it was sadness or joy, although in just a few years, Zhang Sanfeng was really good to her, and almost gave her all to guide her in cultivation, now Luo Xin's His cultivation base is faintly stronger than Sima Yan'er.

For Luo Xin, Jiugong Mountain now has nothing to miss. After cleaning up, Luo Xin closed the cave.

Qin Ling planned to go and see Qing'er, but was told that Qing'er was no longer in Jiugong Mountain, so Qin Ling took Luo Xin back to Ziyang City.

Three days later, a few people returned to Ziyang City. When the old man saw Luo Xin, he couldn't close his mouth, and Qin Lu even called out, "Sister-in-law!"

The old man told Qin Ling about the arrival of several people from Yuchi Palace, and when he learned that several people had also gone to the former Buddha City, Qin Ling thought to himself, it seems that the vision should not be that simple.

In the city lord's mansion, Qin Ling asked He Lu about the recent events, and he heard most about the former Buddha City. According to He Lu, when the vision appeared, there was no movement from the major religions. Just yesterday, the major sects started their actions at the same time, and each major sect had eight hundred disciples if not one thousand disciples went to the former Buddha City.

The matter is a bit serious. Originally, some monks in the cultivation world did not intend to go to the former Buddha city, but after seeing such a big movement from the major religions, they changed their minds instantly, and immediately headed towards the former Buddha city. It is definitely not easy to attract a great religion, this is what those people think.

Qin Ling thought about it, eight hundred disciples, what do these great teachers want to do?Is there really a treasure born?Whether there is or not, Qin Ling also plans to go to Qianfo City.

Afterwards, Qin Ling asked Qiu Zhong to discuss with He Lu, and finally Qiu Zhong and He Lu stayed to guard Ziyang City and Baidi City, while Qin Ling took Ao Li, Zhao Han and other hundred people to Qianfo City, Luo Xin naturally also went together, Qinling originally planned to bring so many people there, but Qiu Zhong and He Lu disagreed, saying that Qinling is now the master of the two cities anyway, how could he not bring some people, it would be a mistake to say that identity.

On the second day, Qin Ling led the crowd and headed towards the former Buddha City.

The former Buddha City is tens of thousands of miles away from Ziyang City, and it may be difficult to reach it in a short while, or four or five days at least. In the Yunchuan Zhou, Qin Ling has nothing to do, and started to refine the Chaos Book.The Chaos Book has not been completely refined in Qinling yet.

Three days later, as I saw more and more monks on the road, especially monks, I could hear bursts of Buddha's voice lingering, even in the void.Qin Ling knew that he had come to the Buddhist sphere of influence, and was getting closer and closer to the former Buddhist city.

Two days later, the former Buddha City was in front of us, and during this period, the Chaos Book was wiped out by the Qinling Mountains. Suddenly, there was a spiritual riot in the Chaos Book. inside.

As more and more restrictions are refined, the Great Desolate Mountains are getting bigger and bigger, and at the same time, the Great Desolate Mountains are becoming more dangerous, that is to say, the further the restrictions are, the stronger the monsters in them will be. The ban was refined by Qinling Mountains, and the prehistoric mountain ranges that were previously blocked have no restrictions on each other. The monsters in this banning can come and go freely from now on, appearing in any area refined by Qinling Mountains.

Outside the city, Qin Ling found a lot of powerful monks stationed near the Futu Mountain outside the city. Qin Ling also made a special trip to the Futu Mountain to see the rumored vision, but he stared at the Futu Mountain for a long time. Leng did not see anything.

However, I saw two familiar figures, one as white as snow, like a young man in troubled times, with a personable demeanor, causing many young monks around to scream.

Qin Ling really wanted to go up and beat him up, he was obviously so wretched, but he looked like a handsome young man, if he didn't know what kind of person he was, he might really be deceived by him.

Qin Ling didn't know that figure had been spotted by Qin Ling at this time. Qin Ling said a few words to Zhao Han who was behind him, and then Zhao Han walked towards the two figures.

Niu Mang was high-spirited and immediately felt a sense of majesty, especially when he saw a lot of young monks flirting with him around him, Niu Mang wanted to pounce on him immediately.

Huo Qilin was lying on Niu Mang's shoulder, rolling his eyes, obviously looking down on Niu Mang, "Is that all you have to offer? Just a few little girls make you happy like this, you are really a perverted bull without ideals!"

"What are you talking about? Lao Niu, I am worthless. Lao Niu thinks you are jealous! But it is useless to be jealous like you. You should pray that you can meet a female unicorn in the future!"

"Hmph! My lord will be jealous of you. After I take shape, I will definitely look better than your wretched appearance! Then I will catch a few fairies to serve you..."

While the two were bickering, Zhao Han walked up to them, "But Fellow Daoist Niu?"

Niu Mang looked at Zhao Han curiously, he didn't know the person in front of him, but he probably knew him from the other person's appearance, "Who are you?"

"Zhao Han in Xiaziyang City, my young master welcomes you!"

Following Zhao Han's gaze, the two of them looked, Niu Mang's eyes lit up, and he looked straight at Qin Ling. The Huo Qilin had already turned into a flame and landed on Qin Ling's shoulder.

Seeing that Niu Mang was staring at Luo Xin who was beside Qin Ling, Huo Qilin smiled wickedly and said, "Niu Mang, keep looking around, be careful with your eyeballs..."

Qin Ling knew Niu Mang's nature, and was not angry because of it. He introduced to Luo Xin who was beside him: "Xin'er, this is Niu Mang, a rather colorful cow, you will know later..."

Niu Mang had a sullen face. Is there anyone who introduces someone like this?At the same time, he also roughly guessed the relationship between Qin Ling and Luo Xin, and envy, jealousy and hatred instantly arose in his heart, thinking that I am so handsome, I am not as good as this kid!
"Have you two discovered anything?" The two arrived at Qianfo City before Qin Ling, so they should know a little more.

"I didn't find anything, but the vision was very mysterious, as if it was real. Lao Niu, I almost fell into it. Last night, after seeing the vision of Wanxian falling, three monks died inexplicably!" Niu Mang was a little scared, and now he still felt a chill behind his back.

Huo Qilin also said, "It's far more than that, those cultivators who saw Ten Thousand Immortals coming to court are already quite delirious and seem to be crazy..."

Qin Ling didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, so it's hard to judge.

The vision does not appear every day, but once every three days. Now there is still one day before the time of the appearance, and it is still early. Qin Ling plans to go to the former Buddha City first, and then make plans.

Qin Ling found a location, which was relatively good, not too far from Futu Mountain, and let everyone stay here.Qin Ling went to the former Buddha City together with Niu Mang and others.

The first feeling when stepping into the former Buddhist city is peace and tranquility. Although Qin Ling does not want to deal with Buddhism, he has to admire them. Although their practice methods are different from Taoism, they are not weaker than Taoism on the road of practice. pulse.

Gazing at this ancient Buddhist city and looking at this majestic Buddhist holy land, Qin Ling was secretly shocked. The dazzling Buddha light was like a vast ocean, and the huge waves formed by Buddha light violently beat Qin Ling's Taoist heart.

Even if there is a slight wave of unsteadiness, the Buddha's light will take the opportunity to enter. It's okay if you can resist it, but if you can't resist it, the final result will be to lose your hair and become a monk.This is also why monks in the realm of comprehension do not like to step into the territory of Buddhism, or they will never return.

Rolling Buddha waves, continuous, surging worship.Qin Ling let out a cold snort, and his whole body burst out suddenly, like a volcano erupting, the fire was so powerful that the billowing Buddha waves were instantly extinguished.

Luo Xin noticed Qin Ling's abnormality, and asked concerned: "What's wrong?"

Qin Ling smiled lightly, "It's okay, let's go to the city!" (Internet disconnected, so it's late! Today is the third watch, so it's an apology!)
(End of this chapter)

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