Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 460 Chapter 470: Violent man

Chapter 460 Chapter 470: Violent man
On the street, there was a turmoil of people, and almost all of them were monks. Although there were many Buddhist disciples, compared with the monks in the former Buddha City, there were very few of them.Because the number of monks in Buddha City has skyrocketed again a few days ago.

The hustle and bustle of people flowed continuously, Qin Ling and the others came to a restaurant.Deyun Building, there is a huge plaque hanging on the gate of the restaurant.

"Guest officer, who are you? Please come in! Please come in!" The waiter warmly greeted him.

After Qin Ling looked at the restaurant, he said, "Arrange three rooms for me, and serve me a jug of good wine..."

"I'm really sorry for the guest officers! The shop is full and there are no more rooms..." The waiter looked at Qin Ling carefully, as if he was afraid that Qin Ling would get angry.

"Forget it, let's serve wine and food!" Qin Ling just asked casually, and the waiter's answer was within his expectations.The former Buddha City has long been overcrowded, and even the outside of the city is full of people, so the city must be full.

Huo Qilin jumped off Qin Ling's shoulder and landed on the table, observing the surroundings. Niu Mang was even more outrageous. From the moment he entered the restaurant, a pair of bull's eyes began to scan the entire restaurant non-stop.

Qin Ling glanced at the people in the restaurant, a monk came into Qin Ling's eyes, the monk seemed to be aware of Qin Ling's gaze, the two eyes collided, Qin Ling nodded and smiled, and the monk nodded slightly.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the teapot on the table was knocked down by the fire unicorn, and fell to the ground with fragments all over the floor.Qin Ling shook his head helplessly, he never stopped anywhere.

This sound attracted the eyes of all the monks in the restaurant. When they saw a puppy making trouble, some frowned, some just smiled, and some didn't even look at it.

"Hmph! Is a dog worthy to be our equal? ​​Boy, throw your mangy dog ​​out, so as not to stain the eyes of the uncle!" A strong man who was only a table away from Qin Ling pointed at Qin Ling and cursed loudly. No scruples.Sitting next to the big man was the monk. The monk was very ordinary. Anyone who glanced at him would forget him in an instant. The monk watched all this quietly without any fluctuations.

For the big man, Qin Ling was not even interested in talking to him, so he chose to ignore him.But Huo Qilin was not happy, and Zhao Han also stared at the big man with a cold face, as if he was ready to make a move!
The big man in front of him actually said that he is a mangy dog, Qin Ling can bear it, but I, Uncle Huo Qilin, can't bear it, hum!I am so mad at this uncle, Huo Qilin has already cursed this big man in front of him no less than a thousand times in his heart, I want you to know how powerful this uncle is.A gleam flashed in Huo Qilin's eyes, and he already had an idea in his heart.

Regarding Qin Ling's ignorance, the big man thought that Qin Ling was afraid, and became even more arrogant, "Boy, didn't you hear what I said? If you don't throw this dog out again, I will clean up with you. It's not as simple as throwing it out..."

"Huh..." At this moment, a raging fire suddenly burst out on the table in front of the big man. Because the incident happened suddenly and without warning, the big man couldn't dodge in time, and the flames on the cuffs were dotted and quickly ignited.

The big man let out an exclamation, and the table in front of him was reduced to ashes within a moment, and the flame on the cuff had been extinguished by the big man, but at this moment his left arm was completely exposed.Looking at the expressions of the people around him, the big man's face turned red for a while, then turned green for a while.

Huo Qilin happily rolled on the table, letting out the bad breath in his heart, feeling very comfortable.Especially seeing the aggrieved look of the big man, Huo Qilin felt refreshed, hum!Dare to say that this uncle is a dog, next time this uncle will definitely roast you!
The monk next to the big man sat with Hong Zhong, his eyes gleamed, and he looked at Huo Qilin in disbelief, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, after staring at Huo Qilin for a while, he turned his gaze to Qin Ling.

Seeing Huo Qilin rolling on the table, he almost burst out laughing, the big man's eyes almost burst into flames, he was ridiculed by the dog, and it was a mangy dog, it was a great shame.

"Boy, how courageous! You dare to entertain the uncle, you are looking for death!" After finishing speaking, the big man rushed towards Qinling, his hands were full of murderous intent.

In the restaurant, everyone's eyes were drawn here, some gloated, some were worried about Qin Ling, and some looked at all this coldly...

After the big man rushed towards Qin Ling, the monk beside him didn't stop him, but stared at Qin Ling closely, as if he wanted to see through Qin Ling.

He wanted to see how Qin Ling would respond, because Qin Ling's reaction was too unusual, as if he didn't pay attention to big men at all. Often this kind of people can be divided into two types, one is that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and this type of people They have just stepped into the world of comprehension, they have vigor and impulsiveness.

The other category is those with great strength, they like to hide their cultivation and appear in the cultivation world.This is the so-called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.It's okay not to mess with this type of people, but if you mess with them, you'll be unlucky.

The monk doesn't know whether Qin Ling is confident or not ignorant, the answer will be revealed soon.

"Guest officer, calm down, guest officer, calm down..." Just as the big man was about to rush in front of Qin Ling, the waiter ran over in a panic and tried to persuade the big man, hoping that he would not do anything. If the restaurant is destroyed, I am afraid that the waiter in the shop will not escape punishment.

"What are you, get out of here, or I will kill you as well!" The big man showed a fierce look, and a hammer appeared in his hand, and he smashed the waiter's chest with a mighty force.

The surrounding monks exclaimed, this big man is too arrogant!To have such a heavy hand on a defenseless person.But the monks around were just thinking about it, and they definitely wouldn't make a move for a small shop waiter.

snort!A cold snort exploded!The body has not moved, but the momentum has already been released. The anger of the monk in the distraction period cannot be underestimated.The boundless pressure came overwhelmingly, and an invisible wave of air hit the strong body of the big man with shocking power.


The big man panicked, panic appeared on his face, before he could react in the future, he was hit by an invisible air wave and flew tens of meters away, blood was spilled all over the ground, and the hard solid wooden tables and chairs were cracked and broken.

On the line of life and death, the shop waiter was still in shock, and stood there stupidly, his feet wet all over the ground.Such a big movement alarmed the shopkeeper in the store.

A thin old man came over and pushed the waiter, who was already frightened, "What are you doing here, why don't you hurry up..." The old man's stern voice woke up the waiter from his panic, and the waiter woke up from his panic. Panic turned into panic, thinking of the danger just now, his legs are still trembling until now.

The big man struggled to get up from the ground tens of meters away, with a trace of panic in his eyes, and then looked at the monk not far away, seeing that the other party did not respond, and then his eyes were completely replaced by resentment, "Where is the little bastard! Sneak attack on me, I will tear you up today!" After saying that, the big man rushed towards Qinling with big strides, but his eyes looked at the monk who came with him from time to time.

Seeing that the big man was about to attack again, people around shook their heads one after another. It was obvious that the power that Qinling had erupted just now was clearly felt by everyone present. No one is optimistic about a big man with a cultivation base. The best proof is that he was just blown away by the blast.

Some people lament that the big man doesn't know how to live or die, and doesn't know how to judge the situation.At the same time, everyone was guessing about Qin Ling's origins. With such a high level of cultivation at such a young age, he must not be an unknown person, but none of the people present knew the young man in front of him. It seems that there is no such person.

"Who is your Excellency? You dare to make trouble in my Deyun Building. Don't you think that my Deyun Building is easy to bully?" The old man exudes a powerful aura, which is only stronger than Qinling's.

Qin Ling was secretly surprised, he didn't expect a small restaurant shopkeeper to be so powerful.

The big man stopped his progress in an instant, and stayed there motionless, as if he had been immobilized by someone, and his expression seemed to be in great pain.Beads of sweat dripped down from the big man's forehead. Facing the old man's questioning, the big man couldn't speak, and an invisible pressure was about to suffocate him.

"Amitabha! The benefactor, calm down! The poor monk apologizes to the benefactor here, and the poor monk will compensate all the losses in your store. Dashan will apologize to the benefactor soon..."

With the sound of the Buddha's horn, the pressure on the big man suddenly disappeared. The big man almost collapsed on the ground in relief. His heart was already shocked by the strength of the old man. The big man limped up to the old man and apologized to the old man. He stared at Qin Ling firmly, his eyes of resentment were not concealed at all.

The old man showed a little surprise. The reason why the big man was able to move was not because he removed the coercion, but because of the hands and feet of the monk in front of him. The old man felt a strong Buddha power rushing out from the monk in front of him, counteracting his own strength. The pressure on the big man.

Seeing that the other party has already made concessions, the old man is too unreasonable.And the ordinary monk in front of him, the old man felt that it was not simple, and his aura that could be easily dispelled was not as ordinary as he showed now, otherwise this big man would not listen to his orders.

The venomous look in the big man's eyes sparked Qin Ling's murderous intent. Normally, Qin Ling would definitely kill him, but now he can't. Leaving aside the monk in front of him, Qin Ling felt that it was not easy.

On this occasion alone, Qin Ling couldn't make another move. To be able to buy such a big restaurant in the former Buddha City, the power behind him must not be weak, as can be seen from the old man in front of him, and the old man's strength is also very strong.I'm afraid that if I make a move, the opponent will block it.

It's definitely not the time to make a move at this time.

Sensing the torrential killing intent emanating from Qin Ling, the big man couldn't help taking a step back, but the hatred in his eyes didn't change at all.

(End of this chapter)

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