Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 461 Chapter 471: Gathering

Chapter 461 Chapter 470: Gathering
The monk also seemed to be aware of Qin Ling's fleeting killing intent, and smiled at Qin Ling, "Please forgive me, the benefactor, the poor monk is not strict in discipline, and I hope the benefactor will not be offended!" The monk appeared in front of Qin Ling without a sound , the words are full of sincerity, but there is another taste.

Qin Ling got up slowly, "Master is serious, how can I have the same knowledge as Master's dog? How can I say something strange." Qin Ling's words were not innocuous.

There was laughter from all around, and some female monks laughed backwards and forwards.

The big man was furious, "Little bastard! You..." Not only the big man was furious, but even the calm monk showed a trace of anger, and his unhappiness disappeared in an instant.

Zhao Han stepped in front of Qin Ling and glared at him, "What are you, how dare you make a mistake!"

"Your child is looking for death!" The big man was furious, and being scolded again and again, the anger in his heart was hard to suppress, and he had the intention of making a move.

Sensing the killing intent of the other party, Qin Ling's whole body was also filled with a strong killing intent, and he went straight to the big man.

"Are you two really going to fight here?" The old man was also furious, and a powerful force spread.

"That's enough, step down for the poor monk!" The monk scolded the big man behind him with an angry look on his face.Then he said to Qin Ling: "That's good, since the benefactor doesn't blame him, then the poor monk will leave..."

When the monk scolded him, the big man didn't dare to object at all, he obediently followed the monk and walked out of the restaurant.

Watching the monk and the big man leave, the restaurant resumed its hustle and bustle. Everyone lamented that it was a good show. They wanted to see the battle between the two, but they didn't expect such a result.

The old man walked up to Qin Ling, "Thank you fellow daoist for saving me just now, the little old man is very grateful. Come here soon and thank your savior!" The old man said to the waiter who was still in a daze not far away.

The waiter woke up like a dream, and knelt down in front of Qin Ling, "Thank you Daxian for saving my life, I am so grateful..."

An invisible force lifted the shop Xiaoer up from the ground, Qin Ling smiled lightly, "No need to be like this, no matter how you say the second brother is also because of the trouble I suffered, if you want to pursue the responsibility, it is still my fault, I should apologize to the second brother right."

"The little ones don't dare, the little ones don't dare..." The shop clerk was so frightened that he almost fell to his knees again.

"Okay, you go down first!" The old man's face was a little unnatural, as if he was very dissatisfied with the waiter's behavior.

After the waiter retreated, Qin Ling and the old man sat down. The old man looked at the fire unicorn with great interest, and then turned his eyes away.

Huo Qilin didn't care about the old man's gaze. He lay on the table and pouted, holding a jug in his arms, drowsy. After drinking the wine on the table, Huo Qilin didn't pay any attention to the confrontation between Qin Ling and the big man.

"I made senior laugh." Qin Ling pulled Huo Qilin to the corner of the table.

"It's nothing, this monster of fellow daoist is really strange." After carefully looking at the fire unicorn for a few times, the old man realized that the little guy in front of him was not a puppy, but an animal he had never seen before. monster.

Qin Ling smiled mildly and did not speak.

The old man was not angry because Qin Ling didn't answer, after all, everyone has his secret. "Fellow Daoist, is this the first time you have come to Qianfo City?" the old man continued.
"How did senior see it?" Qin Ling was a little surprised,
The old man smiled heartily, "The little old man can't afford the word senior, just talk about friendship with the old man." Then the old man continued: "The little old man has been in the former Buddha city for hundreds of years. , this vision is still there, presumably Fellow Daoist also came to see the vision, right?"

"That's right, this junior is here to see the vision..." Qin Ling suddenly thought of the people from Yuchi Palace who came to the former Buddha City first, and now they don't know where they are. Qin Ling looked at the old man and simply He asked, "I don't know if Senior has seen such a few people..."

Qin Ling described the faces of Yuchi Palace and Kong Rong. After hearing this, the old man shook his head, expressing that he hadn't seen them before. At this time, the waiter at the side walked over cautiously.

The old man turned his head and saw that the shop waiter hadn't left yet, angrily scolded, "Why haven't you left yet?"

The waiter in the shop stammered, "The shopkeeper... the little ones mentioned by the immortal seem to know each other..."

"What! Did you hear me right when you said you knew those people just now?" The old man couldn't believe it
"Yes, the Great Immortal saved the little one's life, how dare the little one lie to the Great Immortal, those people are in our store, they have been here for more than ten days..."

The little old man was confused, why didn't he know, he secretly thought that he was careless, recently too many monks suddenly came to Buddha City, the little old man couldn't remember clearly, and he didn't bother to remember, that's why he didn't have any impression.

"Where are those people now? Are they in the store?" Qin Ling didn't expect to ask him casually, but he was really right.

"No, those adults went out early in the morning..." The shop clerk remembered seeing those people leaving the restaurant together as soon as he opened the store door.

Qin Ling waved his hand, "It's okay, as long as you know he's here, it's fine when they come back."

As the old man left, Niu Mang was looking out the window at this moment, staring at the female monks passing by one by one, his eyes were shining brightly, and he had long forgotten about Qin Ling and others.

On the street, there was a constant flow of people. Looking at the tide-like crowd, Qin Ling turned his head and said to Luo Xin: "It seems that the vision this time is not that simple. What should the major sects know..."

"Whatever they know, there will be an answer soon! We just have to wait..."

Qin Ling spotted the Shushan School among the crowd, and they hurried past as if something important happened.Could it be that something happened in Futu Mountain?
Qin Ling stood up and asked others to wait in the restaurant. He walked outside the restaurant and followed the crowd. Qin Ling heard some useful information intermittently.

The two monks with flying swords on their backs whispered: "This time is really the right time. I didn't expect that there would be a fairy treasure born in Futu Mountain. Just thinking about it makes my heart boil, fairy! What they left behind There must be countless treasures in the treasure chest, and there may be a powerful cultivation method for immortality, if I can get one by then..."

"Hey! Keep your voice down, don't let other people listen to it. This was told to me secretly by a friend of mine in Shushan..." The person beside him hurriedly stopped.

"Just listen to it, don't you think they don't know? Look at them, I believe they are here for Xianzang just like us, and there are also those great teachers of the Sanxiao Sect, which one has hundreds of disciples, Don't you think they don't know?" The man pointed to the people around him.

Xianzang?Immortal?Is there really a fairy store?It is certainly not groundless that the major sects sent so many disciples here.It seems that nine out of ten it is true, there really is a fairy treasure in Futu Mountain, that vision is a signal that the fairy treasure is about to be born!

Qin Ling returned to the restaurant and told everyone what he had heard. When he heard about the treasure, Niu Mang didn't even look at the girl. Simple, it must be a sign of the birth of a treasure, and now it seems that Lao Niu is right..."

As the sky gradually dimmed, Qin Ling and the others stayed in the restaurant. At the moment when the sky was completely dark, several familiar figures walked into the restaurant.

Looking carefully, it was Yuchi Gong, Kong Rong and others. When they saw Qin Ling, they were overjoyed. They thought it would take a while for Qin Ling to arrive, and they were secretly impatient, but they didn't expect Qin Ling to come.Because several people also heard some news today, there may really be a treasure under the Futu Mountain!
"Haha... As the saying goes, it's better to come early than to come early. Brother Qin came so timely. Brother Yuchi and I were still worried that Brother Qin would not arrive in time!" Kong Rong still held the folding fan in his hand, looking like a handsome young man. look like.

Several people sat down, and Qin Ling introduced Niu Mang, Huo Qilin, etc. Niu Mang and Kong Rong had similar tastes, and when they met, they called each other brothers, and Niu Mang said bluntly, "Old Niu, should I also have a fan? "

"Exactly! Exactly! Brother Niu is right, as the saying goes, with a leaf in hand, I have the world!"

After joking for a while, everyone started to get to the point, "Brother Qin, have you ever been to Futu Mountain?"

"I went there once today, but unfortunately I didn't see the vision."

Kong Rong said with some apprehension, "It's better if you don't see it. It's better that it's rare. It's a bit evil! The most important thing is that today we found out that there might be a treasure at the foot of Futu Mountain? That's why we said that Brother Qin came here." It's about time..."

"This is not important news. We already knew that there was a treasure in Futu Mountain..." Huo Qilin said leisurely.

Kong Rong was surprised, "You already know? Who told you? Could it be the Sanxiao sect?" It took Kong Rong a long time to find out the news. There is only one possibility, and that is someone told him, and the most likely one is Sanxiaopai.

"It's not the Three Nights School, I just heard someone say it by chance..."

The news that there was a treasure in Futu Mountain spread quickly. As the news spread like wildfire, the former Buddha City ushered in the most spectacular scene ever.

Especially near Futu Mountain, there are thousands of monks, almost surrounding Futu Mountain, and at this time, there are countless practitioners in the cultivation world frantically coming here.It can be said that this is a grand event, and almost all the forces in the cultivation world are here.

In the west city of the former Buddhist city, there was a lot of people, and on the street, monks in groups of three or three were in groups, their eyes were full of enthusiasm, and the appearance of Xianzang made them lose their due calm. Just wait for the treasure to open.

There is an inn next to the street, but it is very conspicuous at the moment. The inn seems to be very deserted, which is very different from other inns. Now all the inns in the former Buddha City are full, but this is the only one that is deserted and deserted. There was a constant flow of people, but no one entered the inn.

"Where's the store? Get out of here quickly, or else I'll demolish your store..." An extremely arrogant shout rang out in the deserted inn.

(End of this chapter)

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