Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 463 Chapter 474: Immortal possession?Immortal burial!

Chapter 463 Chapter 470: Immortal possession?Immortal burial!

Everyone felt like they were dreaming, Mengshan Evil Buddha escaped, and that was the end!Haven't watched it yet?I thought the battle between the two would be extremely exciting, but now it is exciting, but the fight is just one move, and it is gone!
Everyone sighed and disappointed, Mengshan Evil Buddha is too useless!Can't even take Qin Ling's palm?Or is Qinling too powerful, and his cultivation has already surpassed the evil Buddha of Mount Meng?There was constant discussion among the people.

Qin Ling watched the Evil Buddha of Mengshan leave, and did not try to stop him, the opponent was as strong as himself, besides, the opponent had obviously suffered serious injuries in the palm just now, these were enough to kill chickens and monkeys, and there was no need to fight the opponent to the death , that will only make others cheaper.Moreover, the opening of the Immortal Treasure is about to begin, so it is unwise to fight with others at this time.

Thousands of meters away, on a mountain peak, here is the residence of the Sanxiao Sect, and the entire mountain is occupied by the Sanxiao Sect, on the top of the peak, a figure looked at Qin Ling with interest, with surprise in his eyes, "Who is that person? His palm technique is not simple!"

Ying Qianqiu approached slowly, "Senior Sister, that young man is Qin Ling, who is on good terms with my faction, Senior Sister wants to see him? I can call him..."

"Forget it, I'm just curious! Immortal burial is the most important thing right now, this time we must not let others take the lead!"

"Senior sister, how long will it take for this fairy treasure to be born?"

The woman's eyes lit up, and a golden light burst out, "No later than tomorrow, when that time comes, only disciples of the fusion period and below can enter the fairy burial. Remember what I told you, this time you must find that thing!"

"Do you know why it's called Immortal Burial?" The woman looked at Futu Mountain, seemingly lost in memory.

Ying Qianqiu said: "Since it is a fairy treasure, it should be because there are many treasures in it!"

"Haha... Treasures, there are indeed many treasures inside! But they are all dead people's things! What I'm talking about is not a fairy treasure, but a fairy burial, a burial for people! It's a place for burying immortals, do you understand?"

Ying Qianqiu was shocked when he heard it, as if he had understood what it meant, but he was not sure what he was thinking, because it was too shocking, "What does Senior Sister mean?"

"Do you know the two visions you saw before? Each of them has happened before, that is to say, everything is real, not an illusion, and the fairy burial is the place where the immortals fell. It is also a place where ten thousand immortals are buried. Every inch of the ground there is covered with immortal blood. It can be said that the immortal burial is a large tomb, a tomb where ten thousand immortals are buried. The danger in it is unimaginable... So you have to warn your disciples, Don't take it lightly, because it is a fairy burial, not a fairy storehouse."

Ying Qianqiu remained silent for a long time, the shock was too great, immortal burial!At this moment, Ying Qianqiu suddenly became worried.

Perhaps because she noticed Ying Qianqiu's change, the woman said again: "You don't have to worry too much, just be careful after entering the fairy burial, and there will be no great danger. I will take you in then!"

"Me? Can I go in?"

"Yes, I said you can, and you can. Although monks above the fusion stage cannot enter the fairy burial, I can bring one person in. Will you go in?"

Whether it's a fairy store or a fairy burial, it's a great opportunity, maybe you can get a fortune if you go in, but Ying Qianqiu was silent. She didn't answer immediately, as if she was thinking, "Dare to ask senior sister, Will Yan'er also enter the fairy burial?"

"That's right, I will take her in to find her chance..."

"Since this is the case, then Senior Sister should bring Senior Uncle Su in! She is Yan'er's master and has the cultivation base of the Three Tribulations Loose Immortal. If Senior Sister encounters any difficult things in the fairy burial, she can not only protect Yan'er, Maybe I can help Senior Sister..."

"Well, that's fine. The fairy burial is about to open, you go and call her and Yan'er, I have something to take them with..."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The earth was shaking, like ten thousand horses galloping, and a loud bang resounded in everyone's ears, "What is that?" Everyone looked back, and groups of black shadows galloped towards them quickly.The crowd heard the roar of the beast

"That's a wind monster!" Someone exclaimed, and finally recognized what the black shadow was.The wind monster moves like the wind, is as fast as thunder, and travels thousands of miles a day.At the same time, it is also a wild and untamable monster. I didn't expect so many to appear at once. What kind of power is it that is so capable?

"It's from the Blood River Sect!"

The boundless evil spirit and bloody smell swept over, and everyone frowned, knowing in their hearts who it was.

"Haha... I didn't expect fellow Taoists to arrive so soon." A red-haired old man in a blood-colored robe jumped off the Wind Demonic Beast.

"Fellow Daoist Xueming, you are late!"

"Oh? It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Yu Zhenzi, did not expect Fellow Daoist to come too?"

"There is a treasure born, how can I not come, and this time it is a fairy burial, even if you and I are both loose immortals, you can't resist its temptation, right?"

Xue Ming laughed wildly, "Haha... Fellow Daoist is right. But unfortunately, although Fellow Daoist comes, you may not be able to enter the fairy burial... I wonder if I am right?"

Yu Zhenzi was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled mysteriously, "Why, looking at the expression of fellow Taoist Xueming, can fellow Taoist Xueming enter the fairy burial?"

"That's right, that lord will take me into the fairy burial. I don't know who your Kunlun will be this time? You might as well tell me..."

"Amitabha Buddha! Even heretics dare to come here. Today, the poor monk will kill demons and eliminate demons." The Buddha's light was shining brightly, circles of Buddha's light appeared behind his head, and the monk's eyes were like copper bells, like a vajra with angry eyes.

"Old bald donkey, you are looking for death!" Xue Ming was furious. He was talking with Yu Zhenzi, and he jumped into the air, surrounded by blood energy all over his body. Above his head, a river of blood hung across things. With great viciousness.

"Junior Brother Wuxin, don't do anything, don't bother with evil spirits and heretics for now, Junior Brother, don't forget the purpose of our coming here, the Immortal Burial will be born soon, so we must not lose the big because of small things."

"Amitabha! Brother taught me that I was reckless. You monsters, I will let you go today..." The old monk became calm in an instant, and completely lost the murderous intent just now.

Patriarch Xueming was furious, and the other party aroused his anger, but suddenly died down. Is it clear that he wants to disgust himself? "Old bald donkey, don't you think that the ancestor will be afraid of your failure!" Xue Ming also knew that this is not the time to settle grievances.Immortal burial is the most important thing, and the adult is right behind, he didn't speak, he absolutely can't make his own opinion, and conflicted with the bald donkeys of Buddhism.

After the Mengshan Evil Buddha escaped, what Qin Ling didn't notice was that somewhere a thousand meters away, a malicious gaze was staring at him, "Qin Ling, let you live a few more days first, and wait until the fairy burial After that, I will kill you with my own hands!"

People from all major sects have basically arrived. Standing on the mountain peak, Qin Ling looked at the residences of several major sects, and found several powerful auras from each major sect. Qin Ling knew that it was the breath of Sanxian. The fairy has also come, and this fairy store makes Qin Ling feel that it is getting more and more difficult.

The night is dark, but the Futu Mountain a thousand meters away is more conspicuous, the fairy light is still rising continuously, and the purple air is directly shooting at the bullfight, as if the purple air is coming from the east, it is truly spectacular!

Qin Ling didn't know anything about Xianzang. He originally asked Niu Mang and Kong Rong to go out to inquire about it, but after the two went out, they haven't come back yet, and they haven't heard anything after thinking about it. Judging from the current situation, Qin Ling guessed Xiancang should be about to open, and by then it will only be possible to take one step at a time.

The moon and stars were scarce, and a crescent moon climbed into the sky at some point. Someone told, "There is a woman at the foot of the mountain who wants to see Qinling!"

Gathering his eyes, Qin Ling saw a familiar figure, "Let her come up..."

After a while, Sima Yan'er came to the top of the mountain. The first thing she saw was not Qin Ling, but Luo Xin beside Qin Ling. She immediately looked a little unnatural, but this unnaturalness was quickly hidden. With a charming smile, "Sister Xin'er is here too!"

Qin Ling felt dizzy for a while, and when the two girls met, he didn't know what to do, so he could only laugh a few times in embarrassment, "Yan'er, what's the matter with you?"

However, as soon as this sentence was uttered, Qin Ling regretted it, and thought to himself that he had said the wrong thing. Sure enough, after hearing Qin Ling's question, Sima Yan'er raised her eyebrows, "Why can't you come if you have nothing to do?"

Seeing Qin Ling's hesitant appearance, Sima Yan'er continued: "Okay, my sister won't tease you anymore, the purpose of my coming is to tell you something about the fairy burial..."

Immortal burial, the place where immortals are buried, where the bones of thousands of immortals are buried... I only heard Sima Yaner speak slowly.

Qin Ling was shocked, it turned out to be a fairy treasure, not a fairy burial.Ao Li and the others on the side were also stunned. Doesn't this mean that there is a great danger?
Then Sima Yan'er told several people that only monks under the integration stage can enter the fairy burial, and those who are in the tribulation stage and above cannot enter.

Finally, Sima Yan'er pulled Qin Ling aside and whispered something to Qin Ling.

Qin Ling's expression changed instantly after hearing this, and he remained silent for a long time.

After saying everything, Sima Yan'er and Luo Xin came together, and they came to the other side of the mountain, as if they wanted to avoid Qinling on purpose.

At this moment, Qin Ling was frowning and thinking. He never thought that the fairy burial could attract people from the upper realm. Just now, Sima Yan'er told Qin Ling that there are immortals from the upper realm. Qin Ling should be careful, especially the Shushan sect.

Qin Ling knew that if an immortal wanted to go down to the lower realm, it would be very difficult, and the minimum cultivation level of a golden immortal was required to open the passage to the lower realm. Doesn't that mean that all the immortals in the lower realm this time have a cultivation level above that of a golden immortal?
What is in the fairy burial that can attract the immortals from the upper realm here? Could it be that there is really some treasure inside that makes even them jealous.

While Qin Ling was thinking hard, Niu Mang and Kong Rong returned, seeing their disappointed expressions, everyone knew that they must be useless.

(End of this chapter)

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