Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 464 Chapter 475: Immortal Burial

Chapter 464 470 Chapter Five: Immortal Burial
When the two heard everything, Niu Mang was overjoyed, "These are true, little Qilin, you didn't lie to Lao Niu, did you?"

Huo Qilin shook his body and gave Niu Mang a white look, "Believe it or not..."

"Xiao Huo is right, everything is true!" Yuchi Gong said from the side.

Soon, Niu Mang spotted the figures of Sima Yaner and Luo Xin, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and when he was about to ask who the black-clothed woman was, Huo Qilin smiled and said: "You pervert, don't make other people's ideas Now, she is not easy to mess with, and she is already famous..." While speaking, Huo Qilin looked at Qin Ling vaguely.

When Niu Mang heard this, he immediately froze, and looked at Qin Ling resentfully, "Why is this boy's beauty so good? I think my old Niu is so suave and suave, what is worse than this boy, even a confidante? None! God is so unfair..."

The sky gradually brightened, and Sima Yan'er left. The two girls talked for a long time, but they didn't know what to say.Qin Ling was going to ask, but seeing that Luo Xin was fine, he finally didn't ask.

Niu Mang looked at the back of Sima Yan'er leaving, and when Sima Yan'er passed by Niu Mang just now, he smiled at Niu Mang, which almost made Niu Mang forget about it, until he saw Kong Rong and others covering their mouths and laughing, Only then did Niu Mang realize that he was being tricked, and his heart turned cold, "Why are you laughing, is it so funny?" Niu Mang glared at them.

"Brother Niu, you have to be careful in the future. If she misses you, Brother Niu will have a wonderful life in the future..."

The sky is bright, and at this moment, the fairy light on Futu Mountain is even brighter. One after another fairy light, like rising mist, bursts out continuously, covering the entire Futu Mountain. Everyone looks at it, and now they can only see the fuzzy outline of Futu Mountain .

The monks around were so excited that it was hard to contain themselves, and the fairy storehouse was about to be opened!

Qin Ling ordered everyone to wait outside in battle, the fairy burial was full of dangers and unknown dangers.Qin Ling didn't intend to let these hundred and ten people in.


The ground trembled, Futu Mountain shook for a while, and countless boulders fell from the top of the mountain, fell into the cracks, and turned into powder, but no one saw all this.The earth is cracking, and celestial lights burst out from the cracks, soaring into the sky, directly hitting Doufu.The gorgeous brilliance illuminates Futu Mountain in colorful colors, as if in a fairyland.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the arrival of the last moment,

Niu Mang was agitated, pointed at Futu Mountain and said, "Is the fairy burial going to be born? Old Niu really can't wait..."

Looking from the Qinling Mountains, the surroundings of Futu Mountain, besides the sky full of brilliance, are filled with people all over the mountains and plains.

"Brother Qin, look!" Along the direction Kong Rong pointed, Qin Ling saw an acquaintance, Yan Dan.At the same time, there is a familiar figure, Hua Feng.

"Brother Qin, that's from the Shushan sect." Xueshan also recognized Yan Dan.

"Huh? That's Hua Feng. I didn't expect him to come too. It happened to let him escape last time. We must not let him go this time." Yuchi Palace also saw Hua Feng.

"Don't provoke them, wait until you come out of the fairy burial..." Qin Ling's face was serious, because he saw Hua Feng standing next to a man in black. The middle-aged man was very ordinary, but Qin Ling felt that Like a dormant prehistoric beast, the middle-aged man Qin Ling had never seen it before, and he didn't seem to be from the Shushan School. Qin Ling guessed that this person might be the immortal from the upper world. What surprised Qin Ling was, how could Hua Feng standing behind him?


The earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the Futu Mountain was sinking, submerged in the gorgeous glow.Ten thousand zhang celestial light filled the sky.

The fairy burial was completely exposed and displayed in front of everyone. A bright light curtain appeared out of thin air, blocking everyone's way, but not blocking everyone's sight. Behind the light curtain was an endless fairyland. The cranes are flying, the deer is holding the grass, Qionglou Yuyu in the clouds and mist, and the waterside pavilions are looming.

"Come on..." Someone yelled, unable to wait any longer, and rushed towards the fairy funeral.Everyone knows that behind the light curtain is the fairy burial.There are elixir and elixir, there are cultivation methods for cultivating immortals, and there are immortal artifacts... as long as you get any of them, you will be able to soar into the sky from now on.

The crowd lost their minds and ran towards the light curtain crazily. The crowd hit the light curtain like a tidal wave.


Some people in the crowd screamed, their blood soaked the sky and turned into a thick blood mist, and some people were shot by the light emitted from the light curtain, and then disappeared.

Some people panicked and stopped their progress, not daring to go forward again. All this is too weird. The person who just died was a cultivator who had just passed through the tribulation period. Under the light, he had no resistance at all. , It directly turned into a blood mist, it was terrible!

Qin Ling was also a little moved, this fairy burial was indeed extraordinary, the monks in the tribulation period were killed under this thin light curtain without even the slightest effort to fight back!The major sects did not spread the news that monks above the integration period cannot enter the fairy burial, because they wanted to weaken the power of other sects!

The monks at the front of the light curtain stopped, but the monks behind them didn't know it and kept coming.The miserable screams sounded again, and within a breath, hundreds of people died under the light and turned into ashes.

"Fellow Daoist Xueming, what do you think?" The people from several major religions did not change, but watched all this with cold eyes. They saw everything just now, as if they had expected it long ago.

Patriarch Xueming smiled faintly, "Fellow Yuzhenzi, don't you ask this question knowingly? Don't you know that monks above the fusion stage cannot enter? If you rush in rashly, you will be asking for death!"

"Hmph! A group of idiots, do you really think it's so easy to enter the fairy burial?" Several cold snorts came from the Shushan camp.

"Fellow daoists, stop quickly, stop!" In mid-air, an old man raised his head to the sky and screamed loudly like a bell.

Those who were desperately heading towards the fairy burial stopped and looked up at the old man.

Silently, the old man saw that his words were effective, and the anxiety on his face eased, "Everyone, please listen to the old man, don't rush in again, the fairy burial is full of dangers, not everyone can enter the fairy burial of……"

"Old man, who do you think you are? Why should we believe you? Do you want us to give up the fairy burial based on your words? You also said that not everyone can enter the fairy burial, so tell me now, what kind of People can't enter the fairy burial?" Someone asked.

The old man didn't know how to answer, this question really stumped him, because until now he didn't know who could not enter the fairy burial, but he clearly saw someone dying under the light curtain, so he concluded that entering the fairy burial must be There are no restrictions, otherwise why would someone die strangely.

The man looked at the old man contemptuously, "What? Can't you tell? I knew you were deceiving me!"

"This senior is right. Not everyone can enter the fairy burial, because I saw a person die under the light curtain with my own eyes..." A middle-aged man walked out of the crowd.

"Hmph, do you think I will believe what you said? You are the same as him. Now I will expose your lies." After finishing speaking, this person flew to the front of the light curtain at a very high speed.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be impulsive!" The old man wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

"Ah..." At the moment this person approached the light curtain, brilliance flashed above the light curtain, and a ray of light that was as fast as lightning, like an arrow flying from the string, hit this person's chest, and the blood mist flew away. Like ashes after a fire, blown away by the wind.

Quiet, deathly quiet, a living person just dissipated.Now everyone has believed what the old man said, and they are secretly glad that they are not like the man just now, or else they may be like him, and they don't even know how they died.At the same time, a question emerged in everyone's minds, why did that person die just now, but many people had rushed into the fairy burial before, and everyone saw it with their own eyes.

"Who is that person?" All major forces inquired about the origin of the old man.

"He is Yang Chan, a casual practitioner, quite famous among the casual practitioners." Someone told the old man's background.

The monks regained their calmness and thanked the old man for his reminder.Someone soon asked, "Who can enter and who can enter? Because someone saw other monks pass through the light curtain and enter the fairy burial safely. If there is a delay at this moment, the fairy burial will be divided up by others ...Everyone can't wait!"

"Could it be related to cultivation?" Some people put forward such a view.

Everyone thought for a while, "Does anyone know the cultivation level of that person just now?" Someone asked.

"I know, I know...he is a cultivator in the Transcendence Tribulation Period." Among the crowd, a young man responded loudly.

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped, no wonder the cultivators in the tribulation period were so insolent.But here comes the problem again, a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Stage doesn’t even have the power to resist under the light, so if Nascent Soul, Golden Elixir, Distraction, or even Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators rush forward, they will be dead rather than dead. quick.

"No, I saw with my own eyes a cultivator at the golden core stage enter the immortal burial, and he was safe and sound." Someone in the crowd said.

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man stepped forward, " cowards, you want to get the treasure, but also want to save your life. How can there be such a good thing in the world. You dare not go in, I dare!"

Everyone is watching, since someone dares to try, it is the best not to be afraid of death.Someone has already begun to probe the cultivation of the middle-aged man, this is very important, if he is fine, he can determine the conditions for entering the fairy burial.

Patriarch Xueming laughed loudly, "It seems that there are still people who are not afraid of death!"

Yu Zhenzi put his hands behind his back, "Man died for money, and bird died for food. It has been like this since ancient times. This person is a bit courageous, but this person's cultivation is in the fusion stage, so there should be no problem! You can enter the fairy burial. "

(End of this chapter)

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