Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 465 Chapter 476: Temptation is hard to resist

Chapter 465 Chapter 470 Six: Temptation is hard to resist

The eyes converged, and the middle-aged man didn't care. When he came to the fairy burial, the gorgeous brilliance flowed rapidly on the light curtain. The middle-aged man slowly stretched out his hands and walked towards the light curtain.

The middle-aged man disappeared, he successfully entered the fairy burial, everyone was excited, he was fine, "Does anyone know his cultivation?"

There was a lot of voices, and the fire appeared in everyone's eyes again.Soon the cultivation base of the middle-aged man was revealed, and it was a period of fit.It turned out to be the fusion period, that is to say, monks whose cultivation level is below the fusion period can enter the fairy burial!At this moment, the monks present went crazy, and went towards the immortal burial in desperation.

With the entry of a large number of monks, the rest of the monks panicked and didn't care about so much. The treasure is right in front of them, and they can be obtained with one step. Then the phenomenon just now appeared again. Early monks, they are not reconciled.It is difficult to resist the temptation of treasure.

At this moment, there is no movement from the people of the major religions, they are still waiting.

Qin Ling's guess was right, the big man in front of Huafeng was an immortal from the Immortal Realm.And on Huafeng's left is Huafeng's master, Ancestor Helian.

The middle-aged man had been staring at the fairy burial. At a certain moment, he moved and said to the people in Shushan behind him, "Helian, you can gather everyone and you can enter the fairy burial..."

Patriarch Helian was overjoyed when he heard that, "Yes!" Patriarch Helian turned his head, "Ren Quan, you gather everyone to prepare to enter the fairy burial, Feng'er, you follow behind Wei Shi..."

With the dispatch of the Shushan faction, the various sects also started to act.Great religions such as Buddhism, Kunlun, and Sanxiao are all heading towards the fairy burial.

But what surprised some people is that there are scattered immortals in these great religions. Like the ancestor Helian of the Shushan School, there are still many monks who know them. Now these scattered immortals seem to want to enter the fairy burial. The monks who entered the fairy burial were confused. Didn't it mean that monks above the fusion stage could not enter the fairy burial?Why are these great teachers now...

Amidst the stunned monks around, Patriarch Helian and hundreds of Shushan disciples passed through the light curtain and entered the fairy burial.

The monks around were confused. How could the Sanxian enter the fairy burial? Could it be that it was fake before?Some cultivators in the tribulation period were overjoyed, even the Sanxian could enter, so couldn't they themselves?

A cultivator in the tribulation stage came to the immortal burial, and he was hesitating. Before that, many monks in the tribulation stage died tragically. Now that the scattered immortals can enter, whether he can also enter, he dare not move, he is always hesitating.

"You bunch of losers, thanks to the fact that you are still famous figures in the major factions, I don't believe that a mere light curtain can block me..." Everyone looked up, only to see an old man appearing in midair with a pale face, still It's like a dead face.

People from the major factions didn't care about this person's arrogance and insults. Since someone came forward, they couldn't be happier. They also wanted to see if the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period could enter the fairy burial.

"I really don't know how to live or die! A Mahayana cultivator dares to bully us!"

"Junior brother, don't get angry! This person is looking for his own death, we just let him go, don't worry about it." These are two loose immortals from a sect, after they saw Patriarch Helian enter the immortal burial, The two did not act rashly.

The old man walked towards the burial, his face was full of sarcasm, as if he was mocking all the sects.The old man stopped in front of the light curtain, not to mention, he really had some worries in his heart, but the words had already been said, hum!The old man doesn't believe it, even with his Mahayana cultivation base, he will be intimidated by your small light curtain.

The old man stretched out his hands towards the light curtain, his skinny hands passed through the light curtain smoothly, and reached the other end, the old man showed joy on his face, "Haha...just say it! How can a small light curtain stop you?" I can live with this old man, it’s useless for you big faction people, you are all greedy for life and afraid of death, I won’t waste time with you, I’m going to find my treasure..." The old man was so arrogant that everyone frowned , Is the judgment wrong.Why is this damn old man in front of him okay?

"Junior Brother, don't worry, you and I will wait and see."

The old man was very happy. He usually disliked people from various sects. Today, he was able to scold them in front of so many people. It was really a joyful thing.

When the old man was about to step into the light curtain, suddenly, he felt a little abnormal, because he couldn't feel the existence of his own hands. In a panic, he immediately retracted his arms from the other side of the light curtain, but the person in front of him Everything made him terrified, his arms were bare, and his palms had disappeared.

"Ah!" The old man panicked and backed away quickly, as if he saw something terrible. On his arm, there were spots of brilliance, like starlight, twinkling and twinkling. Wherever the brilliance passed, there would be nothing left. There was not even ashes, and before the old man had time to react, his arms were already swallowed by the brilliance, and within a short while, the old man turned into stars and disappeared without a trace.

Some people sneered, especially those from various sects.Some people were shocked, this is a Mahayana monk!It won't be long before he can ascend to immortality?To die so silently, it really made people feel a burst of fear.

Qin Ling and the others stood on the mountain peak, and everyone could clearly see everything that happened.

Yuchi Gong was shocked, "Why is the light curtain so powerful, it can kill even Mahayana monks!"

Niu Mang's eyes flashed gold, "I like the old cow, the more dangerous it is, the more treasures inside it..."

Qin Ling looked at the Immortal Burial from a distance, "Since it is an Immortal Burial, killing a Mahayana cultivator with the means of an Immortal is extremely simple. There is nothing to be surprised about. Get ready, we should leave..."

The death of the old man made everyone believe that those above the fusion period are not allowed to enter the fairy burial.If it is higher than the fusion period, it will be ruthlessly obliterated by the light curtain, and there is no possibility of escape. As for why those great religions have loose immortals entering it, everyone does not know, and they have no time to think about it. Anyway, there are no loose immortals in their sect , there is no need to bother about these at all.

And those sects with loose immortals hesitated at this moment. Those loose immortals were not sure whether they should enter or not. At their stage, it was extremely important for life.

At this time, all the people from the major sects had basically entered the fairy burial, and Qin Ling also led everyone towards the fairy burial, and Ao Li led the hundred and ten people to wait outside the fairy burial.

There are not many people around, and almost everyone who can enter the fairy burial has gone in, "Brother, let's go in quickly! Otherwise, they will snatch all the good things. You see, He Lian from the Shushan School is fine." , what are we afraid of..."

Before the burial, the two loose immortals were hesitating, and Qin Ling happened to overhear their conversation. Looking at the two, Qin Ling felt a little familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere before.

Seeing that the two feel familiar, Qin Ling intends to remind them, "You two seniors, it's best not to enter easily, because you can't enter if you have cultivated above the fusion stage, even if you are a loose immortal..." Qin Ling knew that if the two really reunited... Take a step forward, it is absolutely lifeless.

After finishing speaking, Qin Ling ignored the two, but directly passed through the light curtain and entered the fairy burial. As for whether the two entered or not, it had nothing to do with Qin Ling.

"Brother, who is he! Why do you say we can't enter? Then why can Patriarch Helian enter, and Patriarch Xueming, he also entered..."

"He is the Lord of Ziyang City, Qin Ling!"

"Brother, can we get in?"

The old man looked around, especially in the direction of the major sects, stared carefully for a long time, and finally said: "Don't go in! Let's retreat!"

"In the fairy burial, there must be countless dangers, you must follow me closely." Qin Ling reminded several people.Although Sima Yan'er had informed about the situation in the fairy burial, he didn't know the specific situation. Qin Ling knew that the situation inside must be close to death. Immortal things are not so easy to get, and it is the place where the gods fight, so it must be even more difficult. dangerous.

"Don't worry! Kid, don't worry about us..." Niu Mang was a little disapproving.

Passing through the light curtain, the eyes of several people are covered with a piece of yellow, surrounded by a piece of yellow, flying sand and rocks, and the strong wind is raging. It feels like walking into a desert.

"Brother Qin, what's going on? Didn't you say it was a fairy burial? Why do you feel like you have entered the desert!" Yuchi Palace looked left and right, and there was a haze everywhere, and it was impossible to see far.

Qin Ling looked back and found that there seemed to be a few people missing around him. Niu Mang, Kong Rong, and Xue Shan had disappeared.Now only Luo Xin, Yuchi Palace and Huo Qilin are left beside Qin Ling.

"Could the three of them already..."

Qin Ling looked in all directions, "No, they should be fine, they just got separated from us..." Qin Ling found out that none of the monks who had entered the Immortal Burial had been found by himself, which meant that the Immortal Burial must be more than just this one place , should be sent randomly.

Looking up, I saw a fiery red ball hanging above my head, like the sun.This is the fairy burial?Rather than saying it is a fairy burial, it is better to say it is a space. Qin Ling and others are now in a real space, and everything here is real.It's like a small world.

Qin Ling glanced at the sky again, it was a big star, a Mars like a sun star, who has such a great ability to photograph a planet.

"Ah! Small world?" Yuchi Gong didn't seem to understand what a small world was.

Qin Ling pointed to the fiery red mass above his head, "Did you see it? It is like the sun in this world, shining on this space. So this place is full of vitality, but also full of danger..."


The four of them seemed to hear angry roars, "Let's go quickly, we can't stay here for long, it's easy to attract monsters."

"Brother Qin, which direction are we going?" Yuchi Gong asked, the surroundings were covered in gray sand, and it was impossible to see the situation in the distance.

Qin Ling looked up at the sky, "Let's head east and follow the direction of the sun."

(End of this chapter)

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