Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 468 Chapter 479: Together

Chapter 468 470 Chapter Nine: Advance and Retreat Together
Soon someone questioned, "Brother, so what if he is Qin Ling, he was hunted down by Shushan..."

Fu Baishan glanced at Qin Ling, and said to several people: "Junior Brother, don't say such things anymore, he is no longer the little Golden Core cultivator back then, and now his cultivation level may have far surpassed Senior Brother. "

Several people were shocked, "Senior brother, are you kidding me! How is this possible? How long has it passed, how could his cultivation surpass yours, senior brother?"

"That's right, senior brother, you are at the distraction stage. No matter how powerful Qin Ling is, it is impossible to cultivate from the golden core stage to the distraction stage in just a few years."

"Do you think I'm joking? Although I don't believe it, the truth is right in front of my eyes. The current Qinling Mountains is indeed beyond my comprehension. Haven't you heard that the Yanhuang Jiaomujiao was beheaded by Qinling Mountains a year ago? Kill? And last night, Mengshan Evil Buddha was defeated by Qin Ling..."

Several people were shocked, they had never heard of this at all, "Is what brother said true?" Looking at Fu Baishan's determined eyes, several people couldn't believe it.

How did Fu Baishan know that Qinling's cultivation level did not exceed him, but was comparable to him. As for why Fu Baishan couldn't see through Qinling, it was because Qinling covered up his cultivation level and gave Fu Baishan an illusion.

Several people from the Medicine Sect looked at Qin Ling one after another, but in the end, their eyes were hazy, and they couldn't detect Qin Ling's cultivation level at all, but they could vaguely feel an irresistible spirit in Qin Ling, and they were shocked At this time, the way Qin Ling looked at him was obviously different.

"Brother Qin, if we stay together with Fellow Daoist Fu, our goals will become bigger and we will be easily spotted by flying gerbils..." Yuchi Gong was deeply worried.

There was a mouse cry, and a blood-red flower flashed under the quicksand not far away, and was then covered by the flying sand.

"Flying gerbil!" Huo Qilin was the closest and could see it most clearly. Qin Ling shot a beam of brilliance through the quicksand and shot the flying gerbil under the quicksand.

"Brother Qin, what's going on? Could it be that the flying gerbils have come?"

"Yes, we are being followed by them, and our every move is in their eyes, which means that no matter where we go, we will be under their surveillance, unless we can get out of this desert, so no matter whether we Together, we can't escape their surveillance! This is exactly what I want."

"This group of damned rats are really haunted. It seems that we need to let them know how powerful this Qilin is, or else they really think I'm easy to bully!" Huo Qilin said bitterly.

Fu Baishan was puzzled, "Brother Qin, what do you mean?"

"You kid, are you leading the snake out of the hole?" Huo Qilin asked suddenly.

"That's right, this desert is far away. If you want to find an exit, it may not be easy. Now you have to take risks. Maybe you will get unexpected gains."

Yuchi Gong understood completely now, "Brother Qin, what you mean is that the way to leave here may have something to do with flying gerbils?"

Afterwards, a group of people rushed back along the road the three of them had come from in Qinling Mountains. After they had left, a flying gerbil emerged from the sand. The direction in which the group of people disappeared, then nimbly burrowed into the sand and disappeared.

"Brother Qin, do you think we are being watched now?" Yuchi Gong looked around, all he saw was a piece of yellow sand, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"You are right, any of our actions now have fallen into their eyes."

"Then these damn rats have already prepared a trap, just waiting for us to jump into it?"

Qin Ling smiled irrefutably, "It's very possible."

Yuchi Gong's arrogance suddenly exploded, "It's so good, I can wipe out these damn rats and leave this damn desert. I don't know where the treasures in the fairy burial are? There are all broken copper and iron here." Yuchi Gong He kicked a broken sword that was almost buried, and the broken sword smashed out, revealing its true face.

Yuchigong ignored it and continued to move forward. When Yuchigong turned his head, he realized that Qin Ling had already taken the broken sword he kicked out of the desert into his hand.

"Brother Qin, what are you doing with this? These things are worse than scrap iron." Yuchi Gong said nonchalantly, he didn't even look at it, he was too lazy to look, because before, he searched for a long time with the mind of treasure hunting, I didn't find anything of value either, Yuchi Palace is completely desperate now, I don't expect any good things in this desert
"Do you really think so? I can give it to Xiao Huo in a while?" Qin Ling raised the broken sword in his hand, only the hilt remained, and the blade was less than a foot long. The hilt was black , hard and abnormal, after looking for a long time, Qinling couldn't tell what it was made of.The sword body was stained with rust, with layers of red rust firmly covering it, like a layer of black blood solidified for thousands of years, red and black.

Yuchi Gong folded back and turned back, "Brother Qin, is this a magic weapon?" Yuchi Gong took the broken sword in his hand, looked left and right, then threw it to Qin Ling, and said nonchalantly, "It's no different. ? Give it to the little unicorn, I wonder if he wants it?" Yuchi Gong looked at Huo Qilin.

Huo Qilin nodded repeatedly at the side, "I want, I want..." With Huo Qilin's shrewdness, he has already seen the extraordinaryness of this broken sword.At the very least, before it was broken, Huo Qilin could be sure that this was definitely a spiritual treasure.

Seeing Huo Qilin's appearance, Yuchi Gong knew that things were not that simple. This sword might be really extraordinary, but if it was said, how could it be easily taken back.

Fu Baishan came over and saw Qin Ling holding a broken sword in his hand, "Fellow Daoist Qin, did you find some treasure?" Fu Baishan stared at the broken sword for a while, but couldn't feel any fluctuations, just like a scrapped sword.Didn't feel any difference either.

There was a burst of shouting from the front, and I saw a person running over in a hurry, with a hint of anxiety on his face, "Senior Brother Fu, Senior Brother Fu..."

Fu Baishan's expression changed drastically, "What's wrong with Junior Brother, is he in danger?"

"No, Senior Brother Fu, we found Senior Brother Chen, he was right in front, when we found him, he was almost buried by the yellow sand."

"Really, Junior Brother Chen is alright? Let's go there quickly." Fu Baishan was overjoyed, he had no hope in his heart, but now that Chen Gong was safe and sound, the sadness in his heart was immediately dispelled.

Qin Ling held the broken sword, "Come on, let's go and have a look."

Tens of meters away, several members of the Medicine Sect gathered together, a young man lying in the middle, "Senior Brother Fu is here..."

"Senior Brother, take a quick look, what's wrong with Chen Senior Brother?" Several people were extremely anxious, Chen Gong usually treated them like brothers, so everyone was very concerned.

Fu Baishan squatted down, and after some inspections, the worries in his heart were completely eliminated, "Don't worry, Junior Brother Chen is fine, he just fainted, and he will wake up in a while."

"Fellow Daoist Fu, are you alright, fellow Daoist Chen?" Yuchi Gong stepped forward and asked.

"Thank you four fellow daoists for your concern, Junior Brother Chen is fine, he's just in a coma."

Chen Gong's safety and well-being filled the hearts of everyone in the Medicine Sect with a little bit of joy, and the sadness because of the death of many senior brothers also eased a little bit. The life and death of a cultivator is often a matter of a moment, and everyone understands in their hearts This truth.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, do you know where this is? How can I get out of here?" Several members of the Medicine Sect looked at Qin Ling one after another. Now that Chen Gong has been found, the next thing is how to get out of here.

Qin Ling smiled helplessly, "I'm afraid I will disappoint Fellow Daoist Fu. I don't know much about this place, let alone how to get out of here."

"Senior Brother Fu, what should we do? There are so many mice, how can we kill them all?" I'm afraid that before we finish killing them, our own mana will have been exhausted, and by then it will become the food of the flying gerbils. up.A disciple of the Medicine Sect said worriedly.

Fu Baishan showed deep worry. He has seen the horror of flying gerbils before. It is not enough to kill hundreds, thousands, or even ten thousand to solve the problem. "I don't know, fellow Daoist Qin, what can I do?"

Qin Ling looked at the bright yellow area in front of him, thought for a while, and said, "There are two ways to leave here. One is that we keep going in one direction, and we will always come to the end, but we will encounter The attack and killing of flying gerbils is unpredictable. The second method is a method of putting them to death and reviving them. Go to the mouse den. There must be a way to leave there, but there will be great risks. If there is a slight accident, I will Wait until there is no way out, and you will fall into a desperate situation..."

The group fell silent after hearing Qin Ling's words, while Yuchi Gong didn't even think about it, "That's still worth thinking about, of course it's the second method, I don't want to be chased all over the world by a group of mice."

"Fellow Daoist Yuchi is right, how can we monks be scared off by the little rat demon! Besides, we haven't avenged our dead brothers yet. How can we leave like this!" Fu Baishan said behind him.

"Junior Brother, don't talk anymore, we will listen to Senior Brother Fu." Qu Yiyi said to this person.

Fu Baishan's mind was running extremely fast, analyzing the pros, cons and dangers. This is related to the lives of all the brothers behind him, and he cannot be careless. If he was the only one, he would choose the second option without hesitation, but now not only Just him.After some weighing and deliberation, Fu Baishan finally chose the second option.The eyes of Yaozong and the others were all focused on Fu Baishan, waiting for his answer.

Qin Ling is also waiting. In fact, he already has the answer in his heart. No matter what choice Fu Baishan makes, his choice will not change. If Fu Baishan makes the same choice as Qin Ling, that would be the best. After all, one more person means one more person. power.

Qinling Guanfu Baishan's cultivation base is not weaker than his own.If they are different, then they will part ways, because Qin Ling knows that the first method seems to be safe, but in fact it is the most dangerous and dangerous at every step.

"Qin Daoyou, we choose the second option. I wonder how Qin Daoyou decided?"

(End of this chapter)

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