Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 469 Chapter 480: Horror

Chapter 469 Chapter 480: Horror
Qin Ling's fighting spirit was furious, "In this case, I need to give it a go and fight a bloody way!"

Fu Baishan was also full of pride, "Okay! Just follow what fellow Taoist said, and kill a bloody road..."

Yaozong pointed to the front not far away, his eyes filled with horror, "Senior Brother Fu, look quickly! That's it?"

"Not good! It's a flying gerbil." The flying gerbil rushed towards the sky, billowing yellow sand, making everything in front of us more hazy.

The calls of flying gerbils and the rustling of galloping on the yellow sand became more and more clear.Both Qin Ling and Fu Baishan showed a dignified look. The people behind them didn't show the slightest fear. Instead, they were eager to try and show their skills. They were chased and killed just now, and everyone had already suppressed their anger. See, I'm so jealous!

"Protect Junior Brother Chen!" Fu Baishan solemnly said to the people behind him.

"Don't worry senior brother, even if I wait with my life, I won't let Senior Brother Chen suffer any harm."

"Brother, let me first see what these short-legged beasts are capable of." The momentum of Yuchi Palace suddenly changed, and a simple square seal appeared in the palm of his hand, which was the dragon scale seal given by Qin Ling.

"Go!" With a soft shout, the dragon scale seal rose in the wind, and instantly turned into the size of a mountain, covering the sky and the sun.

"Boom..." The Dragon Scale Seal fell with a bang, and it landed among the rats with a mighty momentum. A huge pit several meters deep and nearly ten feet wide appeared in front of everyone.

"This?" The members of the Medicine Sect were stunned, isn't this too perverted?If it hits the body, it's okay.

Yuchi Gong clapped his hands, seemingly very proud of the blow, "A group of rats are nothing more than relying on their numbers." Yuchi Gong withdrew the dragon scale seal, disdaining to look at the flying gerbils that rushed up again.Then he sacrificed the dragon scale seal again, and threw it heavily at the rats.

boom!With another heavy blow, countless flying gerbils instantly turned into bloody mud.

"Fellow Daoist Yuchi, you really have a good treasure!" Fu Baishan stared at the dragon scale seal for a few times, and found that this seal turned out to be a middle-grade magic weapon.

Yuchi Gong stroked the dragon scale seal, "It is indeed a good treasure, but it would be better if it was bigger."

Fu Baishan's face twitched involuntarily, not knowing how to respond.As an outstanding disciple of the Medicine Sect, Fu Baishan only has a low-grade magic weapon, and according to Fu Baishan's observation of the great seal on Yuchi Palace's hand, it is at least a middle-grade magic weapon, "Fellow Taoist Yuchi, I am here to help you."

Seeing that there were more and more flying gerbils, and they were in front of everyone, although Yuchi Palace tried their best to kill them, they were insignificant compared to the flying gerbils in front of them.Nothing stopped them from moving forward.

"Teng!" A simple and round alchemy furnace hangs horizontally in the air, and the flames in the alchemy furnace are raging, scorching hot.In the blink of an eye, the raging fire poured down from the pill furnace like a flood.


The flying gerbil seemed to have fallen into boiling oil, struggling and jumping wildly... It evaporated in less than a breath.Pieces of flames fell, and tens of thousands of flying gerbils died in the flames in an instant.Where the fire shines, it is difficult for an inch mouse to stay.

The members of the Medicine Sect were extremely excited, "Senior Brother Fu's Lieyang Cauldron, is it really powerful?"

"That's right, this Lieyang cauldron was given to my senior brother by my uncle. I heard that it is a magic weapon of my uncle in the early years. It is very powerful. I saw it today, and it is so..."

The joint attack of Yuchi Gong and Fu Baishan slowed down the attack of the flying gerbils, but within a moment the flying gerbils attacked again forcefully, and the whole area was covered in darkness.

"Senior Brother, I'll help you!" The members of the Medicine Sect, except for the two who took care of Chen Gong, the rest all made their moves one after another.

In an instant, the blue light was misty and the green mist rose.One after another with incomparable power, it turned into a circle of powerful waves, sweeping away, the flying gerbils drifted with the wind like fallen leaves, and disappeared in the endless yellow sand.

There were two people making moves, Qin Ling saw that there was nothing serious, he lowered his head to ponder the broken sword in his hand, the black rust was as black as blood, touching the sword body, Qin Ling found that because of the age, the black rust seemed to have condensed with the sword body One piece, difficult to remove.

A ball of blue flame rose from the palm of his hand, and Qin Ling placed the sword on it.

The blue flame kept beating, attached to the sword body, pieces of rust drifted down with the wind, and slowly the sword body revealed its original true appearance.

Qin Ling tightly held the broken sword in his hand, and slashed out, boom!The dazzling sword light exploded like a thunderbolt, and a deep ravine appeared before everyone's eyes.

Everyone present took a breath, this is too scary!The power of a sword is so powerful, and Qin Ling didn't seem to exert much force just now.

Among them, Huo Qilin was the happiest, because the broken sword was his now.

Yuchi Gong turned his head hastily, "Brother Qin, the sword just now was not caused by this sword, right?" Yuchi Gong saw the broken sword in Qin Ling's hand, and already had a guess in his heart.

Qin Ling was very satisfied with the power of this sword, it was indeed worthy of the magic weapon left by the ancients, even though the sword was broken, its power should not be underestimated.

At this moment, everyone has joined the battle. Faced with more and more flying gerbils, everyone began to feel more and more strenuous, and consumed a lot of mana. If this continued, they would be swallowed by the rat tide sooner or later.

"Brother Qin, if you don't make a move, are we really going to feed the mice?" Yuchi Gong didn't feel any nervousness, instead he seemed calm and calm, because he knew Qin Ling's methods.

On the other hand, the few members of the Medicine Sect frowned deeply. So far, at least one hundred thousand flying gerbils have been killed, but there are still not many flying gerbils. The flying gerbils seem to be endless, and they are endless.

Qin Ling knew that if he didn't make a move, the flying gerbil would really rush over, and then it would be really troublesome.After handing the Broken Sword to Huo Qilin, Qin Ling came behind the crowd, ready to strike.


A thunderstorm in the yellow sky startled everyone, Yuchi Gong and Huo Qilin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, the mana consumption of the two of them was huge, and they couldn't last long, after hearing the thunder, they knew that Qin Ling had already made a move.

After Yao Zong and others heard the thunder, they raised their heads and looked up at the sky. For some reason, there was a sudden thunder, and they couldn't see anything clearly above their heads.

Like everyone else, Fu Baishan looked up first, but without any results, Fu Baishan looked towards Qinling, and it was indeed him!Fu Baishan's gaze lingered on Qin Ling for a few seconds, his eyes flickering with shock and joy.

The flying gerbils went crazy. After hearing the thunder, they suddenly accelerated a bit for some reason, and they were about to rush to the front of the crowd, and the pressure of the crowd increased greatly.

"Xin'er, quickly retreat behind me with Xiao Huo, Fellow Daoist Fu, please rest for a while with a few fellow Daoists, and I will hand them over to deal with them."

"Can you do it alone?" One person around Fu Baishan didn't seem to believe it. Although they were convinced of Qin Ling's strength, it didn't mean they believed that Qin Ling could fight these flying gerbils alone.

"Who are you talking about, kid? Do you think my elder brother will be as useless as you?" Huo Qilin looked at this person with disdain.

Fu Baishan scolded softly, "Junior brother! Don't be rude! Fellow Daoist Qin, junior brother is reckless, don't blame me if you still hope!"

Qin Ling smiled lightly, "It's okay."

"Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you don't back away, be careful of being struck to death by lightning, then you can't blame us." Huo Qilin couldn't help but continue to speak sarcasticly.

Among the rats, a cold light stared at Qin Ling closely, then disappeared from the rats without a trace.

With eyes like torches, Qin Ling could clearly feel a group of rats staring at him, hum!It seems that you still can't help showing up.


The fire was shining brightly, the thunder was rolling, and the gray sky was illuminated translucently. Fireballs fell like meteors and exploded among the rats, setting off turbulent waves. Countless flying gerbils disappeared in an instant and turned into dust.

Several members of the Medicine Sect looked at everything in front of them in astonishment. Within a hundred meters, they were all surrounded by raging fire, and there were bursts of thunder in the raging fire, and the flying gerbils within a hundred meters were all dead or injured.

Fu Baishan did not expect that Qin Ling would have such a powerful thunder method, and now he understood why Qin Ling was so confident.Several members of Yaozong looked at Qin Ling in disbelief, especially the person who despised Qin Ling, the expression on his face was very ugly, as if he had swallowed a fly.

"Brother Qin is really good at tricks! Fu admires it!" Seeing that all the rats within a hundred meters were wiped out, everyone's pressure dropped sharply. Fu Baishan took advantage of this gap and walked up to Qin Ling.

"Fellow Daoist Fu is overwhelmed, it's nothing more than a trivial skill, not worth mentioning!"

"How does Fellow Daoist plan to get out of here?"

With deep eyes, Qin Ling looked at the hazy yellow sand a hundred meters away, "Find it, and then I can find a way out."

"Qin Daoyou, who is he talking about?"

"The leader of the flying gerbils, the Shu King, just felt that it was among the rats. The reason why these flying gerbils attacked us for no reason should be the order of the rat king. As long as we catch the Shu King, Everything will work out.”

"Alright, according to what Fellow Daoist Qin said, we will go together to capture the Mouse King."

In this way, Qin Ling opened the way with Binghuo Shenlei and pushed forward all the way. The poor flying gerbil has always been invincible in the desert, but who would have thought that he would encounter such a pervert as Qin Ling today.

In a dim palace hundreds of miles away, there are dense bones and lights, like fireflies in the dark night, flickering and extinguishing.Huge mice run around.

In the center of the palace, a monster with a mouse head and a human body is sitting leisurely on a jade chair made of jade, with its head held high, and a beautiful copper pot is held in its sharp claws. A drop of yellow liquid in the copper pot is slowly dripping. Fall, fall into the mouth.

The mouse demon opened the lid of the pot, and looked into the pot again and again with a pair of mung bean-sized eyes, and finally threw the copper pot aside unwillingly, "Come here, come here..."

"My lord, what are your orders?" A fat mouse appeared in front of the mouse demon with a chirp.

"Little Fatty, has Pioneer Mouse come back? Why hasn't he come back after going out for so long?" Not capped...)
(End of this chapter)

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