Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 471 Chapter 482: Three Worlds

Chapter 471 Chapter 480: Three Thousand Realms
The golden mouse monster galloped at a high speed, but when it wanted to escape, it found that it was surrounded at some point, and there was no way to escape, "Damn it, when did this group of humans become so strong!" Those rat monsters who were with them have been beheaded to death.

"Brother Yuchi, don't hurt its life!"

"Brother Qin, don't worry, I will spare its life."

The golden mouse demon spit out words, glaring at everyone present, "You damned humans, if you dare to hurt me, my king will not let you go..."

"Senior brother, can it talk?" The members of Yaozong looked at the big golden mouse in surprise.

"There's nothing surprising about this. Monster beasts can speak human words after they reach the Nascent Soul Stage."

At this time, the mouse demon still dared to be so arrogant, Yuchi Gong decided to make it sober, "A little mouse demon dares to be so arrogant, it seems that I won't give you a little color, you don't know how powerful I am!"

Yuchi Gong was as fast as lightning, his whole body was covered with a layer of blue light, he came to the mouse demon in an instant, and punched the mouse demon in the abdomen.

The rat demon was terrified and couldn't dodge in time. The golden fur suddenly sprang up, like sharp thorns, showing their sharp edges.

The fist is like a hammer, and it hits the mouse demon with force like a broken bamboo.

The Rat Demon was thrown into the air by the fierce punch, and it backed up nearly ten meters before stopping.Kneeling on one knee, a trace of pain flashed in the mouse demon's eyes, "Ah...damn, you little human beings, you have angered me, I want you to die, die!"

"Little mouse, do you still want to struggle needlessly now? I advise you to be obedient and get caught, or you will be killed by me in a while, and you can't blame me." Yuchi Palace did not notice the anger and abnormality of the mouse demon.

Qin Ling faintly felt that the golden mouse in front of him was not that simple, "Brother Yuchi, be careful..."

"Brother Qin, don't worry, a little mouse demon can't make any waves."

"Ah... ah... human, you go to die!" The golden mouse demon suddenly erupted, and the bright light pierced into the eyes, and Yuchi Gong hurriedly closed his eyes.

"Brother Yuchi, be careful!" When the rat demon looked at Yuchi Palace resentfully, Qin Ling felt that the rat demon was unusual, and he couldn't see any panic when he had no way to escape.Is there anything to rely on.

Sure enough, the moment the Rat Demon suddenly exploded, the hair on his body shone with golden light, which hurt Qin Ling's eyes.Although Qin Ling was secretly on guard, he was still caught off guard.

Qin Ling closed his eyes, but his spiritual sense clearly caught the trail of the mouse monster. The mouse monster jumped up and headed towards Yuchi Palace. The mouse's eyes were full of pride, and its claws showed cold light.

After Yuchi Gong closed his eyes, he heard Qin Ling's reminder. Although his eyes couldn't see, Yuchi Gong knew that the Rat Demon would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In a flash, the Rat Demon had already arrived at Yuchi Palace. In front of him, the withered claws were like hooks, stabbing straight at Yuchi Palace.

Feeling a wave of fluctuation in front of him, Yuchi Gong yelled angrily: "Mouse demon, I didn't expect you to have this trick, it really surprised me, but do you think these can defeat me?" He had already opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed blue light, just in time to see the sharp claws of the Rat Demon coming rapidly, and a fierce wind hit Yuchi Palace's chest.

The blue light shines in the sky, thousands of blue lights erupt from Yuchi Palace's body, like a volcano erupting, submerging Yuchi Palace, everyone can't see his figure, only see the misty blue light.A blue light shot out without sound.

A disciple of the Medicine Sect stared at Yuchi Palace and said, "Senior Brother Fu, what kind of technique does this Yuchi Palace practice, and why is it so powerful and strange? I have never seen it before."

Fu Baishan shook his head, "I don't know, such a powerful cultivation method is definitely not something that ordinary people can have... This Yuchi Palace has a mysterious origin, and it seems that I have never heard of this person before."

"Brother, this person has been against Shushan since he appeared, so he is not from the secular world like Qinling?"

Another person said: "What the younger brother said is very reasonable. In this way, this person has already started to practice in the secular world. When did the secular world have a sect of cultivation?"

"Brother, I don't think it's a cultivation school, maybe he met a certain expert who taught him the cultivation method."

While the three of them were talking, the battle between Yuchi Gong and the Rat Demon was coming to an end, and the Rat Demon fell to the ground unwillingly, his blow just now did not cause any harm to Yuchi Gongzhao.On the contrary, Yuchi Gong beat him by surprise, and he was seriously injured.

The rat demon finally woke up and realized the seriousness of the problem. These people were not comparable to those in the past. The rat demon was thinking hard about why the human cultivators who came in this time were so powerful, which had never happened before.

"Mice demon, let me ask you, what is this place, and how can I get out of here? If your answer satisfies us, I can consider letting you go? How about it, I hope you think clearly, because there is only one chance .” Yuchi Gong revealed a vague killing intent.

The golden mouse squinted its mouse eyes and looked at everyone, "If I tell you, will you really let me go?" The mouse demon's small eyes kept turning, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yuchi Gong said contemptuously: "Of course, I don't need to lie to you as a little mouse demon. To be honest, I don't take you seriously at all. Your life or death doesn't have much impact on us at all."

The rat demon didn't think much about it, "Okay, you can ask! As long as I know, I will tell you."

Yuchi Gong was overjoyed, "Okay, you are indeed smart enough, then let me ask you, what is this place, and how to get out from here?"

"This is a boundless desert, boundless and endless. If you want to go out from here, I advise you not to waste your efforts, because there is no way out here."

Yuchi Gong's expression changed, "Huh? Why is there no way out, are you lying to me?"

Fu Baishan and the others secretly thought that it was dangerous, but fortunately they did not choose the first method at the beginning, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The golden mouse had a bitter face, "The life of the little demon is in your hands, how dare you lie to you?"

The golden mouse continued: "Everyone may not know that my king ordered the little demon to capture everyone. If he can't catch it, my king will not let the little demon go. He will refine the little demon into oil. So even if you If I don't kill the little demon, my king will not let me go."

"Little mouse, you still dare to pretend to be pitiful to us... as long as you tell me the truth, I can save your life, what do you think?" Yuchigong thought the golden mouse was very funny, and now he even cried to his group.

"No, what the little demon said is true. My king doesn't love anything, he just likes to drink oil. Every time there are human monks coming here, he will catch them and refine them into human oil,"

Luo Xinxiu's face was filled with surprise, and she asked in surprise, "What did you say? Refining human oil?"

"That's right, I remember the last time, a dozen or so monks broke into this place and were caught by my king, who then refined them all alive into human oil..."

"Is there anyone else here?" Qin Ling didn't know what was going on. Could it be that other monks entered here before, so why didn't he hear any news about the fairy burial when he was in the realm of comprehension.

"Yes, it was 100 years ago. Many monks came here. But they are not as powerful as you, and we caught them all in less than a while."

Yuchi Gong was confused, "Brother Qin, what's going on? Could it be that celestial burials appeared in the realm of comprehension 100 years ago?"

Qin Ling turned around thoughtfully, "Fellow Daoist Fu, did immortal burials appear in the cultivation world a hundred years ago?"

Fu Baishan and the others shook their heads, "A hundred years ago, no? This is the first time that the fairy burial has appeared in the realm of comprehension."

"That's right, fellow Daoist Qin, the Immortal Burial has never appeared in the realm of comprehension before..." Qu Yiyi also said.

Yuchigong smiled cruelly, thinking to himself that he was almost deceived by this little mouse, "Little mouse, you are dishonest, you dare to lie to us, it seems that you are trying to force me to do it!"

The mouse demon explained again and again, tears were about to flow, "No, no, the little demon dare not lie to you, what the little demon said is true, a monk really came here a hundred years ago..."

Qin Ling lowered his head and frowned, "Brother Yuchi, wait a moment, let me ask him a few questions."

The rat demon looked at Qin Ling tremblingly, because he just felt the monstrous killing intent from Yuchi Gong, he was afraid, afraid that the person in front of him would really kill him.

"You said that someone came here a hundred years ago, so before this, did anyone come here?"

The rat demon nodded hastily, his little head kept nodding, "Yes, yes, a group of human monks will appear every hundred years, that's why we discovered you so quickly, because we have already made preparations."

Seeing that the rat demon didn't seem to be lying, Luo Xin also asked: "What's going on? Why have we never heard of immortal burials in the cultivation world? This time it was also very sudden. No, The rat demon is lying to us?"

Qin Ling seemed to have grasped something, and already had a rough guess in his mind, "He didn't lie to us, what he said was true."

Qu Yiyi said: "I didn't lie to us, but Fellow Daoist Qin, this is indeed the first time that immortal burials have appeared in the realm of comprehension. Could it be that we didn't know about it before?"

Qin Ling now knew what was going on, "Fellow Daoist Qu is right, it is indeed the first time that the fairy burial has appeared in the cultivation world, and the problem lies in the fairy burial itself."

Huo Qilin tilted his head, "The fairy burial itself? Boy, please explain clearly, why can't I understand?"

"What I mean is that the fairy burial is mobile, it has been floating in the void, and it will appear in a certain world every hundred years. The last time it appeared should not be in our cultivation world, it should be in other worlds..."

Fu Baishan was surprised, "Brother Qin, do you mean that there are other realms of cultivation?"

Qin Ling looked up at the void, "The vast universe is not just our world, it is said that there are three thousand small worlds..."

(End of this chapter)

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