Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 472 Chapter 483: Underground Rat Nest

Chapter 472 Chapter 480: Underground Rat Nest

In the Lich War, the Great Desolate Continent was torn apart, Dao Patriarch Hongjun appeared, and with great magic power, condensed the fragments of the Great Desolate Continent into three thousand realms.

"Fellow Daoist Qin is right. I read in the classics of the Medicine Sect that the universe we live in can be roughly divided into three worlds, the fairy world, the human world, and the underworld. And this can be divided into many small worlds. The planet where the world is located is a small world in the human world..."

Everyone nodded, it was the first time they heard such a statement. "Then if we don't hurry up and get out of here, we may drift with the fairy burial and enter another small world.

"In theory, this is the case, but no one has tried it. Whether there will be any changes in this, no one knows."

Yuchi Gong walked towards the mouse demon step by step, "little mouse, think about it quickly, is there any way to get out of here, or does anyone know? Tell me quickly!"

The rat demon couldn't help backing away, and suddenly said: "By the way, my lord, my lord may know."

"Your king? Is he also a little mouse?"

"Yes, my king is a little mouse, but he is very powerful, you are no match for him."

"Little mouse, you dare to underestimate us. We will catch your king in a while and let you have a look."

Up to now, the only way to find the way out is to find the Shu King first, "You take us to find your king, and I will spare your life!" Qin Ling said to the Mouse Demon.

"The little demon dare not, if you let the king know that the little demon brought you there, then the little demon will really die."

Yuchi Palace lifted the mouse demon up, "If you don't take us there, I will kill you now. Do you choose to die now or live a little longer? If you take us to find your king, we will immediately kill you." let you go."

The rat demon was silent, and after a while, he seemed to have made up his mind, "Okay! I'll take you there, but you have to protect me. If the king kills me, you have to save me!"

"As long as you lead us to find your king, we guarantee that he will not dare to kill you."

In the desert, a group of people moved forward rapidly, a golden mouse led the way in front of everyone, and Yuchi Gong stared at the mouse demon closely. "Little mouse, why is it taking so long? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

The golden mouse demon pointed to a piece of ruins ahead, "It's here, it's just ahead."

"Little mouse, there are ruins ahead... Are you sure your king is here?"

"Yes, my king is under the ruins, and the little demon will take you to the entrance."

The ruins can no longer see their original appearance, and the remaining ruins are beaten by the strong wind, as if they are telling the prosperity and glory of the past.

Fu Baishan stood in the ruins and looked at them for a long time before slowly saying: "Fellow Daoist Qin, this place is not simple, is it? These ruins may have a history of ten thousand years, and they seem to be the walls of a city."

"Fellow Daoist Fu also noticed it." Qin Ling also stopped in the rubble for a long time, everything here was full of an ancient atmosphere.

Fu Baishan nodded, "Everything here is full of mystery. Is there any unknown danger?"

Behind a broken wall, in front of a dark mouth, the golden mouse pointed to the hole and said, "Here, go in here and you will find my king, who is inside." After the mouse demon finished speaking, he backed away, as if Not going in.

"Lead the way!" Yuchi Gong stood behind the golden-haired mouse monster with a strong killing intent.

Sensing Yuchi Gong's strong killing intent, the golden-haired rat demon succumbed again. He was really afraid of death and didn't want to die.

In the dark cave, there was no movement, but soon there was a sound, it was the sound of a mouse crawling, "Brother Qin, we have really come to the mouse's den!"

Soon, mice appeared in front of everyone, seeing the mice running past quickly, Yuchi Gong almost couldn't help but wanted to make a move.

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind the group of people, "Pioneer Rat, you are back. Your Majesty has already lost his temper..." A fat mouse wandered over and patted the Rat Demon on the shoulder.

The golden-haired rat demon's expression changed, but when he saw Yuchi Gong's eyes full of murderous intent, he smiled calmly, "So it's the little fat man, why don't you have time to hang around if you don't serve the king?"

"It's not because of you. Your Majesty sent you to arrest human monks, but you didn't return for a long time. Your Majesty was furious. How dare I make trouble again? Are you the one who caught these people?" The fat mouse took a look. Qin Ling et al.

The Golden Retriever was beating his heart, fearing that the little chubby mouse in front of him would find out, "That's right, they have been subdued by this vanguard, and now they have no strength to resist, so I'll take them to see the king... "

The fat mouse laughed loudly, and the fat on his face trembled, "Okay! Okay! If the king knows, he will be very happy. Adding these few, the Rat Pioneer caught more human monks this time than before. Maybe Once the king is happy, he will reward the Rat Pioneer heavily, and hope that the Rat Pioneer will not forget my brother..."

"Who did I forget? I won't forget the Rat Pioneer. Well, I'll take them to see the King, otherwise the King will really get angry." The two rats hooked their shoulders and talked happily.

Yuchi Gong looked at the back of the fat mouse with resentment, "Who is that fat mouse? Why are you talking so much nonsense? I really want to slap him."

The golden-haired rat demon twitched his neck, and said in a low voice: "He is a close friend of the king, and he knows seven out of ten things about the king. Fortunately, he didn't check today, otherwise we would be finished."

In the gloomy underground palace, "Your Majesty, the Rat Pioneer has returned, and he has brought back a few human monks for your majesty. This time, your majesty has something to eat again!"

The Shu King, who was lying on the jade chair, suddenly opened his eyes with a golden light, "What you said is true, the Rat Pioneer really captured those people?"

The fat mouse smiled obsequiously, "Yes, lord, the little one saw it with his own eyes, and now Pioneer Mouse is bringing them to see the king? The little one came to see the king in advance, just to make the king happy in advance..."

"Yeah, you've done a good job, I'm very happy." The Mouse King played with the copper pot in his hand, and the expression on the face of the Spiky Mouse couldn't be broken. "I want to see how you catch them..." Shu Wang muttered to himself, full of fun.

"Will you really save me?" the golden-haired mouse demon asked again.

Yuchi Gong got impatient when asked by the mouse demon, "little mouse, you have to say one more word, if your king doesn't kill you, I will shoot you to death right now!"

"Little mouse, how long will it take to arrive?" Yuchi Gong felt that he had walked through the maze-like tunnel for a long time, as if he was still in the same place, and everything around him seemed to have not changed.

"Hurry up, you can reach the underground palace through this passage. The security there is heavy, and the king seldom lets people enter the underground palace. Be careful!"

Huo Qilin said, "Little mouse, you said your king is very powerful, so tell me how powerful he is?"

The golden-haired mouse demon thought for a while, "I don't know, the king seldom fights with others. The little demon only remembers that 200 years ago, we met a very powerful human monk. The little demons were no match for him. In the end, the king made the move." , to kill him!"

"How strong is a very powerful human monk? Is it as strong as me?" Yuchi Gong snorted and didn't care.

The mouse demon looked at Yuchi Palace, the meaning was very clear, are you strong?It's just a little stronger than me, otherwise you still can't beat me!
Seeing the contemptuous eyes of the mouse demon, Yuchi Gong became furious, and was ignored by a little mouse in front of so many people, "I will let you open your mouse eyes in a while and see how I beat your king to the ground!" next..."

The golden-haired mouse demon continued: "200 years ago, the little demon seems to remember that my king once said that the cultivation of that human monk seems to be in the out-of-body period..."

"Uh! What did you say? Out-of-body stage? Little mouse, you didn't lie to me? Your king could kill out-of-body stage monks 200 years ago?" Yuchi Gong suddenly felt like he was being tricked. Well set, let yourself drill!Yuchigong was stunned, and looking at the expressions of Qin Ling and Yaozong, Yuchigong really wanted to beat up the nasty mouse in front of him.

After laughing, Qin Ling slowed down a lot, "Are you sure that 200 years ago, your king really killed the out-of-body cultivator?"

"Yes, yes, the little demon is sure." Although he had never seen Qin Ling make a move, the golden-haired rat demon had a feeling that the young man in front of him was terrifying, and this kind of scary rat demon had seen it on the Mouse King before.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, I'm afraid that Shu King is not an ordinary person, you and I need to be careful!" Fu Baishan said cautiously.

A disciple of the Medicine Sect said disdainfully: "Senior Brother Fu, you all think highly of that Mouse King, even if he could defeat monks at the out-of-body stage 200 years ago, so what? Don't tell me there are so many of us, are we still afraid of him being a little boy?" Rat Demon!"

The monk of Medicine Sect didn't have the slightest worry about the legendary rat king. With so many people in front of him, couldn't he still be able to deal with a rat monster.What's more, there are two masters in the distraction period.He couldn't help looking at Fubai Mountain and Qinling Mountain, wondering which of them was stronger, and the Shu King was just like a touchstone, the strength of the two might be determined soon.

"Brother Qin, leave it to me when you see the Mouse King. I want to see how powerful he is!" A cultivator, but Yuchi Palace is not afraid
Finally, under the leadership of the golden-haired mouse demon, everyone came to the outside of the underground palace. Everyone looked at the huge underground palace in amazement. What kind of place is this place? It is hard to imagine the glory and prosperity before.

"Mouse Pioneer, you are back, the king has been waiting for you." A mouse demon ran over after seeing the Golden Mouse and the Qinling people appearing.I looked around Qin Ling and the others for a long time, with a glint in my eyes, "It's such a pity that it's so delicious! Sigh..."

(End of this chapter)

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