Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 473 Chapter 484: Rat King

Chapter 473 Chapter 480: Rat King

The golden-haired mouse demon laughed a few times, afraid that Qin Ling and others couldn't help but do it, "Shufei, if you want to eat, after a while, I can tell the king to reward you, how about it?"

The rat demon named Shufei shook his head, "Shu Xianfeng, stop joking, if the king finds out, I will still be alive, I just made a small joke. Shu Xianfeng, hurry up!" Bring them in! Your Majesty is already waiting anxiously."

Inside the underground palace, it was very quiet, and the faint lights were like will-o'-the-wisps, jumping around indefinitely.As soon as the few people entered the underground palace, they felt a icy chill, the walls paved with bones, and the silent dancing ghost fire... everything was so penetrating.

"My lord, my little one has already captured all those human monks, please take a look at them." The golden-haired mouse demon half-kneeled on the ground respectfully, beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead, and his heart was already beating in his throat.

The Mouse King on the jade chair didn't move, as if he didn't hear it. The golden-haired mouse demon knelt on the ground, not daring to make any changes, and his nervousness intensified again.

The atmosphere was a bit abnormal, Yuchi Gong was about to make a move, but was stopped by Qin Ling, who motioned him to wait and see.

"Mouse Pioneer, you seem to be very nervous, can you tell me why?" The mouse king's voice suddenly sounded in the quiet underground palace, and it lasted for a long time.

"Your Majesty, the little one... I'm not... nervous... The little one was just injured a little while fighting these humans, so that's why..." The golden mouse demon felt that he could hardly hold on.

The Shu King sat up from the jade chair, with a cold look in his eyes, "Oh? The Rat Pioneer was injured? You have worked so hard to capture these humans for me. How do you want me to reward you? I will definitely not I will treat you badly!"

The more the golden-haired mouse monster heard, the more disturbed he felt, "This is what the little ones should do, and the little ones dare not have any extravagant demands."

The Shu King took his eyes away from the golden-haired mouse monster, and then he looked at Qin Ling and the others seriously, "Do you want to see this king very much? Now that you have seen it, it should be your wish. This king has not seen a human being for a hundred years. You are now a monk, and I am very happy that you are here today, so I decided to let you live a few more days."

Qin Ling didn't move his expression, he looked at Shu Wang quietly, "You found out?"

"Of course, do you think this king is a fool? How could this king not know about the ability of Rat Pioneer? If he said that he captured some of you, this king would not be surprised, but if he captured all of you , I have no choice but to be suspicious." Shu Wang looked at the people behind Fu Baishan, then turned his gaze to Luo Xin, and finally glanced lightly at Yuchi Palace.

"Big Mouse, what do you mean? Do you think you can defeat all of us? Quickly tell us how to get out of here, or I will make you look good today. If you don't pull out your mouse hair, I won't be called Yuchi Palace." Wang's disdain made Yuchi Palace very angry.

The Shu King laughed loudly, " are such a stupid human being. When you are in this king's territory, you still dare to be arrogant and speak rudely. You must know that your life is in the hands of this king. If this king wants you to live, you will live." , if this king wants you to die, you must die."

"What a big tone, let me come and see if your ability is as strong as your tone." Yuchi Gong walked steadily towards the Shu King. Yuchi Palace was full of prudence and prudence.

"You are fine. You are the first one in history who dared to challenge this king, but this king will not show mercy. I planned to let you live a few more days to see how this king concocted you human monks, but It seems unnecessary now, because you are already a dead person in the eyes of this king." The Shu King looked at Yuchi Palace with his contemptuous eyes, completely dismissive

The blue light was dazzling, and Yuchi Palace turned into a ray of light, galloping towards the mouse king, "Hmph, little mouse demon, you dare to speak out loudly, today I will tear off your mouse skin and pick off your mouse bones..."

The Shu King jumped high and leaped into the air, his body suddenly erupted with evil energy, strands of black energy entwined all over his body, and a corrupt atmosphere permeated the underground palace.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the golden mouse immediately got up from the ground and ran behind Qin Ling and the others, showing half of its head, watching nervously.

Qin Ling said to the golden-haired mouse behind him: "Go outside the underground palace quickly, don't let other rat demons enter, and come in after we get rid of the mouse queen."

"Yes, Xiao Yao is going right away." The Golden Mouse wished to leave here early, but now that Qin Ling told him to go out, he immediately ran out without looking back.

Qin Ling was not at all worried that the Golden Retriever would run away. Firstly, Qin Ling didn't take the Golden Retriever to his heart, and secondly, Qin Ling knew that the Golden Retriever would do what he said and would not let a mouse in.The Golden Mouse has betrayed the Mouse King.There is no turning back when the bow is opened. Only by helping Qin Ling and others to get rid of the rat king can the golden mouse survive.

The demonic aura filled the air, and the strength displayed by the Shu King shocked Qin Ling and Fu Baishan. The Shu King's strength was probably not weaker than either of them.

"Oops! Brother Yuchi is not his opponent." Yuchi Gong, who only has the strength of Nascent Soul, is the opponent of Shu King.

The situation on the field is already very clear.Yuchi Palace is not the opponent of the Shu King, this point, Yuchi Palace is also very clear, the moment the Shu King broke out, Yuchi Palace already knew that the Shu King is indeed very powerful.

The gusts of evil wind brought by the evil spirit made it unbearable for everyone, and they tried to resist one after another, making it difficult for the evil spirit to get close.However, the Yuchi Palace, which was surrounded by evil spirits, was not so lucky. Not only did it have to resist the invasion of evil spirits, but it also had to guard against the rat king.The misty blue light turned into speckled starlight, sprinkled with blue brilliance, dotted around Yuchi Palace, blocking the invasion of black air.

"Brother Qin, do you know what method the Mouse King is using and why his evil spirit is so powerful? I feel that as long as he gets infected, his consciousness may be injured."

Qin Ling was also thinking about this issue. Qin Ling found that there was a strong sadness and unwillingness in the evil spirit. As long as the monk touched it, the black energy would swallow the monk's consciousness.

This is the dead air, the dead air left by the monks that the Shu King killed.After Qin Ling figured this out, the anger in his heart was hard to suppress, how many monks would die with such a strong death aura, although Qin Ling didn't know them all, it didn't prevent Qin Ling from killing the Shu King.

The blue light was shrinking little by little, and Yuchi Palace was almost unable to hold on.

"Haha... I said before that you are not my opponent, and it is useless to regret it now. I haven't tasted the flesh and blood of a monk for a long time. I really miss it..." The Mouse King walked towards Yuchi Palace step by step, and his death was overwhelming. , the pressure in Yuchi Palace increased sharply, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Qin Ling made a move, and arrived in an instant, appearing next to Yuchi Gong. After checking Yuchi Gong's injuries, he felt a little relieved.A disciple of the Medicine Sect hurried over and helped Yuchi Gong aside.

Shu Wang's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect another one to die, but when he saw Qin Ling's posture, Shu King's eyes lost a bit of contempt, and a bit more solemn and thoughtful, because he didn't see Qin Ling's identity at all. How did it appear? Although he has been paying attention to the movements of Qin Ling and others, Qin Ling appeared without warning.
The Shu King's eyes became serious, "You're kind of interesting, I seem to underestimate you..."

Qin Ling answered coldly, "I just wanted you to tell us how to get out of here, and I didn't want to hurt your life, but now I've changed my mind. If I don't kill you, it's hard to calm the anger in my heart."

"Kill me! Haha...human beings, I admit that you have some skills, but if you want to kill me, you can't do it!" The mouse king raised his head to the sky and screamed, the whiskers above the corners of his mouth were trembling constantly

"Really? How do you know I can't do it if you haven't tried it?" Qin Ling's murderous intent rushed towards the Shu King like a flood bursting a bank.

"Huh?" The Shu King was shocked. It wasn't until Qin Ling burst into a powerful aura that the Shu King knew that Qin Ling had hidden his cultivation just now. The Shu King looked very ugly because he faintly felt that Qin Ling's strength might not be weaker than his own. However, if he fights recklessly with him, it is inevitable that both sides will suffer. Looking at Fu Baishan and others who are eyeing him, Shu Wang immediately made a decision in his heart.

"No wonder you are so confident, so you came prepared, it seems that this king really underestimated you." Shu Wang sneered again and again.

"It's not too late to know now, at least you will know in whose hands you will die."

"Hmph! Do you think this will turn the situation around? Is this king's method beyond the comprehension of you ignorant monks? This king will play with you first and see how capable you are?" Boundless death anger Coming roaringly, Fu Baishan and others who had retreated to the end still felt the chill.

Filled with death, they turned into ferocious mice with ferocious expressions, and rushed towards Qinling
"Senior Brother Fu, Qin Ling's cultivation should not be much different from yours, right?" Sensing the aura emanating from Qin Ling, the members of the Medicine Sect finally saw Qin Ling's cultivation clearly and were distracted.

The shock in Fu Baishan's heart was difficult to conceal. Although he knew that Qin Ling's cultivation was not weak for him, it was still unbelievable that it was clearly displayed in front of his eyes.During the distraction period, Qin Ling has only been practicing for a long time, and he has reached such a point. He has worked hard for thousands of years to achieve what he is today.

Qin Ling soared into the sky, and a cyan lotus platform appeared at his feet. After flying into the air, Qin Ling's hands were flying, and he could only see countless phantoms, and he couldn't see the movements of his hands clearly.

"Senior Brother Fu, look quickly, that blue lotus is so beautiful!" The green light flowed like a trickle, flowing quietly on the green lotus.Qu Yiyi interrupted Fu Baishan's meditation. When Fu Baishan looked at Qinling, the situation on the field changed instantly.

Qin Ling flew into the air, and the mouse, turned into dead air, jumped a few feet high, bared its teeth and rushed towards the blue lotus platform.

Suddenly, the mouse that jumped into the air exploded, turning into puffs of black air, which dissipated instantly.

A chirping sound came to everyone's ears, and then everyone saw the flames soaring into the sky, and clusters of flames appeared around Qin Ling. At this moment, Qin Ling was like a god of fire descending into the world, exuding bursts of majesty.

(End of this chapter)

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