Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 484 Chapter 496: Subduing the demons

Chapter 484 Chapter 490 Six: Subduing the Demons

The few monsters were fascinated by the sight at the moment, as if they had forgotten their situation, and were completely attracted by this wonderful battle.The strength of Qinling and the bravery of the green bull demon made the demons unable to extricate themselves.

The Cyan Bull Demon had already looked at Qin Ling squarely, "Human cultivator, you are very strong!"

"You are not bad, you actually let me use my best."

"Okay! Take me to the cow roaring mountains and rivers!" The green bull demon roared towards the sky, like a planet exploding, mountains and rivers collapsing, the sound was deafening, and the sound waves like turbulent waves came at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

The monsters backed away in a hurry, quickly sealed their ears with force, and kept their minds tight.Seeing this, the two senior brothers quickly followed suit.

The invisible sound waves turned into rolling sound waves, rushing towards Qin Ling, almost causing Qin Ling to lose his mind and suffer heavy injuries. Fortunately, the green lotus emerged, swaying silently, and a little bit of blue light, like firefly fireflies, enveloped Qin Ling. The sound wave instantly disappeared without a trace.

The blue light flowed slowly, as if it had been irritated by the sound waves, it turned into a small river, quietly flowing towards the green cow.

Qingniu's eyes were wide open, and it was unacceptable that such a powerful blow was so easily dispelled by the opponent. Looking at the glistening blue light and the incomparably holy Qinglian, the Qingniu demon couldn't believe it. This green lotus flower resolved it.

The blue light seems to be slow, but it is extremely fast. A dangerous breath permeates Qingniu's heart, the bull's eyes are wide open, and a blue light comes powerfully, and it has reached Qingniu's side.

The Qingniu was shocked and retreated quickly, but Qingguang was faster, and the Qingguang that turned into a small river instantly surrounded the Qingniu Demon in the middle, and the Qingniu Demon did not dare to move rashly. he.

It was the first time for Qin Ling to use Qinglian to confront an enemy. The strength of Qinglian made him dumbfounded. Just a moment ago, he just had a weak thought, and Qinglian shook quickly.

The blue light flowed quietly, seemingly harmless, but Qingniu knew the power of it, just now he tried it out, no matter what attack it was, it was ineffective against Qingguang.Just like a cow's hair entering the sea, not even a single wave splashed, how could Qingniu know that Qinglian is invulnerable.

The small river formed by blue light silently surrounds the green bull demon, suddenly there is a change in the small river, and petite blue lotus flowers appear, competing to bloom.The green lotus floated, as if it was really in the water.

what is this?The monsters have never seen such a weird attack method.

Blossoming green lotuses bloom, and the river transformed by the blue light slowly shrinks. At this moment, all the green lotuses are strangely connected together, like a beautiful garland surrounding the green bull demon.

Qingniu panicked, knowing that the opponent was going to attack, if he didn't resist at this time, he really had no chance.


The sound of the bull was earth-shattering, and the green bull was going to use the strongest attack. Waves of powerful mana attacked fiercely on the blue wreath. The river trembled and the wreath swayed, but it still couldn't stop anything.

The green bull demon is in a hurry, is it really going to be defeated?A kind of unwillingness and fighting spirit filled my heart again.

Moo!There was a flash of white light, and a huge one-horned green bull appeared in front of the demons. The one-horned green bull was one foot tall, with strong limbs, hooves, and a strong body, making it difficult to estimate how much energy it contained.

The blue light was misty, and after the green bull demon showed its body, the blue light also expanded rapidly, surrounding the green bull demon again, and the wreath formed by the green lotus became even bigger.

The one-horned green bull lowered his head and strode forward with all four hooves. He wanted to use the green horn on the top of his head to knock the green lotus open. His green horn was as hard as iron, full of divinity, and had the power to split mountains and rocks.

The green bull demon accelerated instantly, like a falling star, violently hitting the green lotus, the green lotus swayed, and the huge green lotus in front of Qin Ling emitted a hazy blue light, and quickly converged towards the green cow and go.

The green light flourishes, and the green lotus blooms with fragrance.The demons didn't see what happened, they saw the green bull demon crashing into the green lotus wreath around him, and then the wreath burst into blue light, and the green bull was wrapped in a mist.

When the green bull reappeared, only a huge lotus flower was seen, but the green bull demon was nowhere to be seen.

Qin Ling smiled faintly, and walked to the side of the lotus, "Now that the green bull demon has been captured by me, do you remember what everyone said?" Qin Ling looked around at the demons.

Several monsters bowed their heads one after another, only Liuyun Cangque and Wuming Grass Demon dared to look at Qin Ling, "Of course what I said counts, I pay homage to the King!" After finishing speaking, Liu Yun Cangque respectfully lowered his proud face in front of Qin Ling. head.

The nameless grass demon, whose expression was changing, finally walked in front of Qin Ling, "Meet the king!"

"Good! Good!" Qin Ling was overjoyed, the strength of the monsters was not weak, "You don't have to call me the king, just call me the young master."

"Who else? Could it be that all of you monster clan are people who don't agree with each other?" Qin Ling's words deeply stimulated the monsters, and the faces of all the monsters were full of anger.

The Wuming Grass Demon said beside Qinling: "Young Master, it's not that we disagree, it's just that they always take Qingniu as the leader, so they don't dare if Qingniu has not surrendered to Young Master."

Qin Ling said coldly, full of murderous intent, "Hmph! What I want is to worship me as king, not his Qingniu, don't you understand?"

The piercing killing intent spread, and the expressions of Emperor Xuejuan and other monsters changed drastically, and they quickly made a choice between life and death, "I will wait to see the young master!"

Qin Ling nodded in satisfaction, his eyes were like lightning, and slowly scanned the four demons. Although the iron-backed centipede was severely injured by Qin Ling and cut into two pieces, his life was tenacious and he survived, and they merged into one again.

Four blue sparks appeared in Qin Ling's palm, jumping silently, the three monsters showed fear, but Liu Yuncangque stared at the flame with fiery face.

"Relax!" Qin Ling ordered the four demons.

The four demons vaguely knew what was going to happen, but none of them dared to resist.There is no doubt that the people in front of them are decisive in killing, and the four demons dare not make fun of their lives.

The four flames entered into the hearts of the four demons smoothly. As long as Qin Ling had a thought, the real fire in the four demons' bodies would burst out, and the dead demons would be reduced to ashes.

Qin Ling nodded in satisfaction, "Very good! I think you already know what it is. It's a real fire. As long as you are absolutely loyal to me, I will take it back when the time comes."

Qinglian dissipated, Qingniu demon was released from Qinglian by Qin Ling, Qingniu looked at Qinling in a daze, "I lost, tell me! What do you want?"

Qin Ling said loudly, "It's what I said before, you worship me as king and obey my orders."

"Yes, I can worship you as king, but if you let me kill the giant ape king, even if you kill me, I won't go..." The green bull demon looked absolutely determined.


The Wuming Grass Demon seemed to be afraid that Qinling would kill the Qingniu Demon, because he just felt a murderous intent, and hurried forward to explain: "Young Master, because the Giant Ape King once saved Qingniu's life, Qingniu followed him. Great Ape King."

Qin Ling smiled faintly, "Okay! I promise you, I won't let you kill the Giant Ape King. What else do you have to say now?"

"Qing Niu pays homage to the young master!" The Qing Niu demon, like the other four demons, also accepted Qin Ling's real fire.Qin Ling now really wants to know what the color cow will look like when he sees the blue cow, it must be very exciting!

"The young master must have come from the outside world?" the nameless grass demon suddenly asked.

Looking at Wuming Grass Demon's hesitant expression, Qin Ling knew that the other party had something to say, "Just say what you have to say, don't have any scruples."

"Yes! Since the young master came from the outside world, doesn't the young master know that I won't be able to get out here? Or the young master doesn't want to go out..."

Qin Ling knew the meaning of Wuming Grass Demon, "Xuancao, I have already considered this when I wanted to surrender you, don't worry, since I dare to do this, I will have a way to take you out, the outside world is far away Much better than here.”

The nameless grass demon suddenly became excited, "What the young master said is true, is there really a way for the young master to take us out?"

"Of course, otherwise, why would I be so distracted and laborious to subdue you, wouldn't it be easier to kill you directly?"

All the demons were speechless, they were convinced of Qin Ling's words in their hearts, and at the same time they were all excited.

"Go back quickly and contact your friends in secret. If you want to get out of here, you know what to do. I will come to you at that time..."

"Yes, young master!" The four demons left happily, but the green bull demon did not leave, and was still behind Qin Ling.

After the four demons left, Qin Ling walked up to the two senior brothers. The young man struggled to stand up from the ground and bowed to Qin Ling, "Thank you for saving my life, fellow Taoist. You tell me your name, and my junior brother and I will repay you for saving your life in the future!"

Seeing that the two of them didn't know him, Qin Ling didn't point it out, "I'm here, Qin Yun. Speaking of which, I'm still implicating two fellow Taoists. These monsters came here for me."

"Fellow Daoist Qin, don't do this. Even without Fellow Daoist Qin, my junior brother and I might be found in this forest. This has nothing to do with Fellow Daoist Qin. It's because of our lack of strength. We wanted to find some treasures, but I didn't expect this to happen in the fairy burial Dangerous!"

"I don't know what the two friends are planning?"

The young man looked into the distance, and there was a sadness in his eyes, "There are dozens of my seniors, and now only two juniors and I are left. All of this is caused by our greed for immortal burials, so my juniors and I plan to go out here. It would be hard to survive if I stayed here any longer.”

Qin Ling nodded secretly. With their strength, they are really in great danger in the fairy burial. It is undoubtedly the best choice to go out now.

"Fellow Daoist Qin needs to be careful, monsters and beasts are not the only ones that can bring us danger..." After finishing speaking, Qin Ling asked Qingniu to escort the two of them out of this dense forest. , but after getting out of the fairy burial, you can't get in again.

When the two left, the young man told Qin Ling that there was a treasure at the end of the dense forest, and many monks were already heading there, and it was very likely that there were immortal artifacts among them.

After Qin Ling heard this, he looked at the end of the dense forest, "A fairy artifact?"

(End of this chapter)

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