Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 485 Chapter 497: Snatching the Immortal Medicine

Chapter 485 Chapter 490: Snatching the Immortal Medicine

Now there are fewer monsters in the forest, because the four monsters including Liuyun Cangque have already told the news of Qin Ling's death to the Giant Ape King. After hearing this, the Giant Ape King didn't say anything. The beasts all returned to their lairs.The forest has returned to its former tranquility.

In a lush place in the forest, there is a towering ancient tree that towers straight into the sky. Its lush branches cover several miles, covering the sky and the sun without a ray of sunlight. The trunk is so thick that it is difficult for five people to hug it.

"Boy, are they gone? Why is there no sound?" A soft voice came from the tree trunk.

"Wait a minute, these monsters are not stupid. If they are waiting for us to show up outside, we will not be dead if we go out at this time."

"These damn monsters come out like crazy, if they didn't find such an excellent hiding place, I'm afraid we will be captured alive by them!" Huo Qilin was afraid after thinking about it for a while.

The three of them were chased by more than a dozen powerful monsters in the forest, and they had nowhere to go. Fortunately, they found this thick and big tree. The heart of the tree seemed to be hollowed out. After the three of them got inside, Yuchi There were streaks of blue light all over Gong's body immediately, enveloping the two of them, and only then escaped the demons.

After a stick of incense, there was still no movement outside, Huo Qilin poked his head out slowly, looked around, and found that the monster had really left, so he walked out generously, "Come out! The monster has already left gone."

Yuchi Gong and Luo Xin walked out from the tree, "I don't know how Brother Qin is doing?"

"Don't worry! With these monsters, that kid is more than enough to deal with them." Huo Qilin jumped up to the top of the tree and looked into the distance, only to see a figure jumping rapidly in the forest, it was Qin Ling.

"The kid is here, let's go meet him."

A figure jumped out from the forest, it was Qin Ling.

"Brother Qin, are you alright?" Luo Xin asked as soon as they met. Although she had absolute confidence in Qin Ling, she was still a little bit worried.

Seeing that the three of them were fine, Qin Ling's worries disappeared, and he smiled at the three of them, "It's okay, you are not injured, are you?
Huo Qilin said disdainfully: "No, how could those monsters catch us!"

"Brother Qin, where are we going now? Are we looking for treasure?"

Qin Ling looked around, "Get out of here first..."

In this way, the four of them quickly passed through this ancient forest and entered the territory of another powerful monster, King Jingpeng, but the three of Qinling didn't know it yet.Still moving fast through the woods.

At a certain moment, Huo Qilin's speed suddenly slowed down, he sniffed the air with his nose, and took two deep breaths, "Boy, why did I smell a fragrance, like a fairy medicine?"

Yuchi Gong hurriedly sniffed a few times, "I smelled it too..."

Qin Ling had noticed it a long time ago, "Well, I smelled it too, let's hurry up and take a look, maybe some kind of elixir has just reached its maturity, so the fragrance of the medicine is wafting for miles."

"Elixir? Taking it should be of great benefit, right?" Yuchi Gong burst into laughter, as if the elixir was already in his hands.

In front of a cliff, hundreds of monsters gathered, with human and beast bodies... All of them exuded a powerful aura, and at the same time, hundreds of figures were quietly lurking in the dense forest not far away.

At this moment, the atmosphere is a bit tense. Everyone knows that there will be a massacre when the fairy medicine is fully mature, but no one is timid. Right in front of your eyes, all the monsters were screaming, as if they were demonstrating.Demonstrated his strength.

A mile away, Qin Ling stopped in his tracks, with a trace of solemnity between his brows, and stopped Yuchi Gong and Luo Xin, "We can't go any further, hundreds of monsters have already gathered in front of us."

"Hundreds of them?" Yuchi Gong was shocked, just a dozen or so chased him and he had no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth.There were hundreds of them, Yuchi Gong turned around and looked behind him, he didn't even dare to think about it, feeling the coolness swishing behind him.

"We sneaked over quietly, so we shouldn't attract their attention." After that, the four of them hid their breath, jumped quickly in the forest, and headed towards the cliff at top speed.

Hundreds of figures in the dense forest were nervous and excited. What was nervous was that there were so many monsters on the opposite side, and it would take a bloody battle to win the elixir.

What is exciting is that as long as one gets the elixir, even if it is a petal of it, as long as one takes it or refines it into a elixir, any of them can instantly improve one's cultivation, which is of great benefit to monks.

What kind of fairy medicine caused so many monsters to scramble for it? On a stone wall at the bottom of the cliff, a colorful grass swayed in the wind.

The grass has seven petals, and a flower blooms on each petal. The seven flowers are of different heights, arranged in the shape of the Big Dipper.Count carefully, and you can find that the petals show seven colors, red, red, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. Now the petals of the first six colors are mature, and only the last purple is missing.

Only when the purple petals bloom, this elixir is fully mature.Bursts of fragrance disperse with the wind, and all the monsters and beasts are attracted by this tangy fragrance, just like Qin Ling.

Someone has already mentioned the name of the fairy medicine, Seven Star Grass, this kind of fairy grass that only exists in the fairy world, and now it appears here, which makes the monks extremely hot, even in the fairy world, Seven Star Grass is rare, very rare.

Jelly!That is a fairy medicine!As long as you get it, you can soar into the sky.

Qin Ling also saw the Seven Star Grass. Although there are many natural and earthly treasures in the Chaos Book, Qin Ling has not broken through the prohibition of the Chaos Book now. Immortal medicines like the Seven Star Grass are rare, and more importantly, the Seven Stars Grass is one of the nine kinds of elixir necessary to refine the Jiuzhuan Golden Elixir.Very rare.


A goshawk hovered in the midair, and suddenly, like a sharp sword, the goshawk slid down from the midair at high speed, needless to say the purpose, and rushed straight towards the Seven Star Grass.

All this happened very suddenly, no one thought that Goshawk would snatch it at this time, because the Seven Star Grass will take a while to mature, if it is picked now, the medicinal properties will be greatly reduced.

The appearance of the goshawk completely ignited the extremely suppressed atmosphere, all the monsters roared, no longer caring whether the elixir was ripe, they shot one after another, and all of their unanimous attacks were directed at the goshawk, because at this moment the goshawk was only a few meters away from the elixir .

The monks not far away wanted to do something, but someone stopped them: "Don't be busy, after those monsters kill each other, we will each get the elixir according to our own ability." Everyone nodded unanimously.

The goshawk neighed, and the gray feathers shot out at high speed, like arrows from a bow, domineering and fierce.Like a rain of arrows, all the monsters were killed and injured in a short time.

The demons got angry, and they each resorted to their strongest means. The sky filled with demon light soared into the sky, like the morning glow all over the sky, turning into a ball of radiant brilliance and sweeping towards the goshawk.

Between the fairy grass and serious injury or death, Goshawk chose the fairy grass, regardless of the surging power, the iron claws like hooks still grabbed the fairy grass, the demons were anxious, did not expect Goshawk to ignore life and death!

Suddenly, a phantom flashed, and the goshawk lost its trace in an instant. The attacks of the demons hit a huge rock on the cliff.

All the monsters breathed a sigh of relief seeing the jelly grass, and some monsters asked, where did the goshawk go?
The monks not far away saw everything clearly, including the goshawk's whereabouts. It turned out that the moment the goshawk was about to touch the fairy grass, a colorful python appeared next to the elixir, and the goshawk was unprepared , was swallowed by the python.

Everyone rejoiced, fortunately they didn't make a move, they didn't expect that there was a giant colorful python guarding beside the fairy grass, this python has already become a spirit, it is definitely not easy to deal with.

The four of Qin Ling carefully sneaked 200 meters away from the cliff, and stopped. Yuchi Palace looked at the densely packed monsters on the cliff, which almost covered the cliff.Can't help cursing secretly, shit, why are there so many!

At this time, several figures flew in mid-air, and a huge monster bird appeared. Such a huge monster quickly attracted the attention of all the monsters on the cliff.

A big white-haired tiger was shocked and said, "No! That's King Jingpeng!"


Following the white-haired tiger's exclamation, the demons no longer had the heart to wait for the elixir to mature, and frantically rushed towards the elixir, immediately blocking the water around the cliff.All the monsters roared wildly, and the scene was extremely chaotic.


A large colorful python with the thickness of a bucket protruded its huge head from the dark hole, staring at the demons with a pair of snake eyes.

Why is there a powerful python here?Damn it!The demons cursed loudly, and at the same time they knew why the goshawk suddenly disappeared, presumably it must have been poisoned by the giant python.

The powerful aura of the python made all the monsters fearful and did not dare to go forward, but seeing the fierce bird in the air getting closer and closer, all the monsters couldn't calm down, and they didn't know who made the first move.The great battle unfolded, and all the monsters fought with each other with their lives defying life and death.

The big python was undoubtedly the most attacked, because all the demons knew in their hearts that if they wanted to get the elixir, the big python had to be removed.

The boa constrictor was furious. Someone wanted to take away the elixir that he had been waiting for thousands of years. The boa constrictor opened its bloody mouth, and a gust of blood blew up for no reason.Sucking fiercely at the Seven Star Grass, the big python wanted to suck the Seven Star Grass into its belly.

How could the demons be willing, one after another demon lights and flames all headed towards the big python, which was more powerful than attacking the goshawk just now.

Seeing all the monsters blocking each other, the bloody mouth of the boa constrictor immediately turned its direction, and swallowed the nearest monster into its belly in one gulp, and then spit out a mouthful of black air, and the surrounding monsters screamed and fell down one by one. cliff.

kill!The eyes of all the monsters were red-eyed, as if they had made an agreement, several monsters with powerful auras attacked at the same time, a soaring fire, a icy cold air, and sharp claws, instantly let the big python There were many scars, the huge python was covered with blood, and the bones could be seen faintly.


The boulders rolled, and the python crawled out of the hole. The body of the python, more than ten meters long, swept across the crowd of monsters.


A black shadow descended from the sky, covering the heads of all the monsters like a huge black cloud.

It may be due to nature, the big python's eyes are blood red, staring at the fierce bird in the sky.With its head held high, the snake letter hissed.

(End of this chapter)

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