Chapter 1 New Power
The night was as dark as water, and the sky was full of a full moon, so beautiful, but a dark cloud slowly drifted towards the moon, as if to hide the quiet moonlight.

Not long after, the wind picked up, and the wind became stronger and stronger, making it difficult for people to open their eyes.

The wind is just a prelude, and the heavy rain comes in an instant, washing the world to its heart's content...

The people walking on the road looked at the heavy rain, and they all fled into various places to hide.

With such a perfect worldview, they just thought that the rain was an environmental imbalance, or made a few jokes that it was an ominous omen.


Lin Ye was standing on the roof of the China World Building in the center of G, his brow-level hair was dripping with rain, and the storm stained his white shirt red, slapped his resolute cheeks, and covered his cold eyes, but he didn't care , standing upright, holding a very clean crystal and looking up at the sky.

Behind Lin Ye, there was a beautiful woman who was also drenched in the rainstorm. She said, "Brother, don't be crazy, go back, I don't want to see you like this."

Lin Ye didn't move, but his voice was cold: "Xuewu, have you seen this rain? The blood-red rain, I'm right, the end is coming, if you still recognize me as your big brother, pick up the crystal and come with me Waiting for new power."

Xue Wu looked at the crystal in his hand, and didn't know what to do for a moment. The former boss of the underground forces in G City, after he betrayed his relatives, did he become like this?
"Even if the rain is blood red as you expected, it won't prove anything."

Lin Ye said: "You will know later."

Just after Lin Ye finished speaking, he looked up at the sky. At this time, in the dense dark clouds, a light red circle that was difficult to spot appeared, opposing the hazy moon in the sky at a 90-degree angle.

Lin Ye's face showed a trace of instinctive solemnity, and he raised the crystal in his hand high.

At this moment, at the center of the blood-red circle in the west of the sky, a group of black spots appeared, spreading towards the blood-red circle like ink entering water.And the blood-colored circle also invaded the inner circle in a red wave.

The blood red and jet black fused together to form a bright red full moon as sticky as plasma.

People looked at this vision and were stunned.

"What's that? The second moon?"

"Blood-red moon, what's going on, could it be... something ominous really happened?"

Everyone became confused, the blood rain was an imbalance in the natural environment, how could the blood moon appear quietly, how could it be explained scientifically.If it cannot be explained, disaster will inevitably occur.

People thinking in this way began to escape aimlessly, and no one cared about the rampage of vehicles on the road. The traffic in the already crowded city center was instantly paralyzed. Human instincts to feel danger and fear of the unknown completely exploded.

Xue Wu on the roof also looked at the blood moon in the sky with a look of horror, and at the same time looked at the generous back.

In the past, he was passionate, but because of his enthusiasm, he couldn't adapt to the growth of the power, and everyone betrayed his relatives, but Xuewu never gave up. During those days, he was depressed and depressed, but Xuewu believed that he would recover if he was strong. .

But not long after Lin Ye came back to look for her, she felt that Lin Ye had changed, became indifferent, and even said a little crazy: "The blood rain is coming, the blood moon is coming, the doom is coming, prepare two crystals to accompany me Go to the roof of the China World Trade Center to meet the new power."

Xue Wunian couldn't bear to see Lin Ye like this because of the brother-sister relationship, but she didn't want to provoke him, so she followed his wishes and wanted him to end this self-imagining as soon as possible.

She thought it was a coincidence when the blood rain fell, but what about the blood moon?Xue Wu, who knew Lin Ye well, knew that he was just an orphan, now 23 years old, but he didn't have the special skill of astronomy.Is it a prophet?Still have inside information?

Even... an idiotic thought appeared in her mind, and she was thrown away instantly. She felt that she was infected, how could things like time travel and rebirth happen?
Well, maybe...

Xuewu's thoughts were interrupted by a roar: "Xuewu, it's started, hurry up, hold up the crystal and put on the new power, remember, as long as you can hold on, hold on for as long as you can, don't relax, it's about your future survival chance."

After Lin Ye yelled, he no longer cared about Xue Wu, he no longer had the heart to care about others, he had to concentrate on the crystal wholeheartedly.The reminders just now and not long ago are based on the love of my brother. In the future, in the last days, human feelings will be in vain, and pity for heaven and man will be your own grave.

Lin Ye, who has lived in a human settlement for ten years in the midst of the doomsday, knows this very well. That kind of human affection is a betrayal. The cruelty of the doomsday is beyond what people today can understand.

After being thrown out of the settlement and reborn after being bitten to death by zombies, Lin Ye cherishes this opportunity very much. He must seize the beginning of his strength.

Just as Lin Ye was staring at the blood moon resolutely, the blood moon seemed to respond to his gaze, and a piece of blood red exploded silently, spreading in the sky, spreading and covering the entire earth at the speed of light, and in this blood red, there was Other colorful beams of light appeared, lasing to other places.

Among these beams of light, Lin Ye excitedly saw a fiery red and a sky blue beam of light shooting towards the rooftop where he was.


After the end of the world, the blood moon, blood light, and blood rain complement each other, causing a large area of ​​corpses, with an average of six out of every ten people being transformed into corpses.

However, the truth of contradictory interpretations seems to be tested. When the light of the end times descends, the light of salvation also descends together.

The Light of Salvation was named after people's exploration later, and the blood moon lowered the beam of light.There is a one in ten thousand chance of glass objects, which can be used as containers for the new power in the blood moon in the last days.Anyone who comes into contact with this object will automatically introduce the power of new life into the body to form supernatural powers.

The more pure glass species you have, such as crystals, the greater the chance of obtaining supernatural powers.And the higher the place, the chance of getting a supernatural power can also be increased.

There are many kinds of supernatural powers, such as controlling metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, which are the most stable and powerful natural forces.And light, shadow, etc.

The roof of the China World Building where Lin Ye is located is one of the tallest buildings in City G.

Knowing this, Lin Ye had already prepared everything, only the arrival of the new power and the subjective conditions of the tenacious control of the mind.

At this moment, the power of new life is coming, so Lin Ye absolutely does not want to get just a little bit of power.

Bang, the ball of light splashed on the blue crystal that Lin Ye raised, and a huge coercion descended on Lin Ye in an instant.A strong sense of heaviness and hazy drowsiness came over him, making him, who had never experienced these before, staggered back two steps, and his consciousness began to separate from the crystal.

In the haze, Lin Ye watched the beam of light begin to shrink and fade.

Do not!
The last days need power, and I need power.Lin Ye clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.The opportunity that God has given me will never be allowed to be robbed!

(End of this chapter)

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