Chapter 2

Lin Ye dazedly took out a dagger from his trouser leg, and slashed across his leg, blood splashed all over the ground, mixed into the rainwater and scattered.

Lin Ye gritted his teeth and didn't snort. The bloody smell lingered in his nostrils, and the pain lingered in his mind, forcing him to regain his consciousness and land on the crystal.The blue beam of light also seemed to be activated, brightened a little, but was quickly dimming again.

With another stab, Lin Ye regained his consciousness again.

When the beam of light became weaker, Lin Ye touched the dagger again, but only touched the skin lightly, and did not cut into the flesh.

Eyelids became heavier and heavier, Lin Ye slowly fell into a deep sleep, and the beam of light began to disappear...

Anyone at this time would be surprised to find that on the roof with Lin Ye as the radius, the rainwater within five meters had all condensed into sparkling ice.

Dark clouds filled the sky, only the bloody moon broke the clouds, and the red light dazzled the soul. On the roof of the International Trade Building in G City, a man and a woman were lying. About a day later, the woman woke up faintly.

It was Xuewu. After waking up, she covered her mouth and looked at the ice all over the ground in surprise. Lin Ye was lying in the middle of the ice. His legs were still stained with blood. Xuewu carefully covered the ice and came to Lin Ye. In front of Ye, he picked him up and patted him: "Lin Ye, wake up."

After some shaking, Lin Ye woke up. As soon as he started, he was involved in the wound on his leg. He couldn't help but his teeth and his face twitched, but he endured it and stood up with Xue Wu's help, his face He solemnly raised his hand, his palm trembling uncontrollably.

Xue Wu was surprised to find that in less than three seconds, a fist-sized water polo formed on Lin Ye's palm, and then flung it towards the iron gate of the rooftop ten meters away from him.

The water polo hit the iron door, making a dull sound.

Seeing this, Lin Ye's eyes shone brightly: "The power of water. Unexpectedly, it is the power of natural attribute water, and it has reached the power of the initial third degree."

The levels of supernatural beings and mutant creatures are divided into nine levels, each with five levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum (Awakened), Amethyst, Extraordinary, Epic, Immortal, and Divine Apocalypse.

Every time a supernatural person upgrades to a level, his overall physical fitness will improve, and his supernatural power will also increase.Lin Ye is at the first level of bronze at this time, and his physical fitness has increased by 1.2 times.

The ability is divided into two sections, one is the amount of the ability, which is determined by the level of the ability user.

The other degree, also called power strength, is divided into 24 degrees.For example, if the ice cones condensed by the same bronze first-level ice-type abilities collide, the third-degree ability will inevitably smash the first-degree ability easily, just like the difference between fine steel and iron.

The difference between quantity and degree: Quantity can transform multiple ice picks, but there is no quantity but only degree but only one ice pick.

Now Lin Ye's ability has reached the third degree of strength, which has to be said to be commendable in the early days of the end of the world.

In the early stage, ordinary supernatural beings have one degree, and geniuses can reach two degrees. Lin Ye can achieve absolute suppression at the same level.

But it will be difficult in the later stage, because each level of a supernatural person is a factor that changes the overall quality of the body and the amount of supernatural powers. With a large amount of supernatural energy, quantitative changes can be transformed into qualitative changes, making up for the difference in speed.

Lin Ye wanted to ask what kind of power Xuewu had obtained, when he noticed the ice under his feet.

Lin Ye couldn't help frowning, and said, "Strange, why is there ice?"

Xuewu thought he was asking her, and said, "I just found ice beside you when I woke up." After a pause, he continued: "Lin Ye, why did you have a water polo on your hand just now? The supernatural ability completely violates common sense."

Lin Ye seemed to be absent-minded. He lowered his head and observed Bing. He didn't speak until Xuewu asked again, "Well, it's a supernatural power. There are still many things that go against common sense in Doomsday, and you will know later. By the way, you There should also be a supernatural ability, mobilize the mind, think of the power of new life, you can use it, Xuewu, you get it yourself first, I want to study this ice."

Xue Wu looked at Lin Ye who was carefully examining the ice on the ground, and then at the blood moon in the sky, showing a puzzled expression, and sighed in his heart, "Everything is as he expected, maybe he is really a prophet."

After a series of strange things happened, Xuewu had completely believed Lin Ye's words, and understood that what Lin Ye said was right, so she started experimenting on the sidelines.

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he was completely immersed in his own world, checking every inch of the ice, and the icy air invaded his body in an instant, piercing his bones. However, he didn't feel uncomfortable, but instead felt a sense of intimacy.

Although the power of water also has an affinity for ice, especially Lin Ye's power of water is three degrees now.But the popularization of supernatural knowledge in his previous life told him that he definitely didn't have such a strong feeling, even stronger than his affinity for water, could it be...

Lin Ye's eyes burst into light, and when he saw Bing, he found a trace of energy floating in his body. He concentrated on examining Bing's palm, and could feel that this energy was in harmony with the power of water in his body.

Lin Ye is not yet familiar with supernatural powers, but through the underground ice and some guesses, he feels that through this air mechanism, his water power may be transformed into ice power.

In Lin Ye's memory, ice is a natural force that is hailed as one of the strongest abilities in the last days, and it is almost a unique ability.Ten years after the end of the world, the only ice-type supernatural being revealed to the world, humans called him 'Ice Demon' at the time.

It is rumored that he was an immortal superpower at the time, and with his own power, he turned a city into a field of ice, and built an ice palace in the city, with countless human slaves inside.He originally possessed the ability to save the world, but he was extravagant and cruel, and finally provoked a killing order from the Human Alliance.

Five immortal-level power users, thirty epic and extraordinary power users, and the Ice Demon fought in their ice palace.After the war, there was no more news from the Ice Demon, and only three immortal-level power users and a dozen epic and extraordinary-level power users were left to attack him.

Even though no one knew the details of the battle, people were not fools. They immediately analyzed that those who did not come out were all buried deep in the ice palace together with the ice demon.

Since then, the name of the Ice Demon has resounded throughout the land.

Now back to the end of the world, Lin Ye got the power of water, but there is a higher source of power in front of him, he must get it.

During the ten years of struggling in the apocalyptic life in the previous life, Lin Ye knew that no matter how strong a person is in the apocalyptic world, he can only linger in the face of countless zombies and various monsters. He has seen many lonely people with powerful abilities He was a hero, but he couldn't avoid death in the end, but he was just an ordinary person with some skills, but he survived because he was leaning against the human base.

It is necessary for human beings to be united, to be born again, and Lin Ye, who understands this, actually set up a base from the very beginning.And possessing the power of ice, building an ice palace base is something that is longed for. At this time, the opportunity seems to be in front of him, so how can he be reconciled if he doesn't give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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