Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 3 Doomsday Comes

Chapter 3 Doomsday Comes
The blue veins on Lin Ye's forehead popped up, and his palms kept shaking, showing that he was struggling, even though a minute passed.That trace of energy still eluded his spirit, and he couldn't catch it no matter what.But he still gritted his teeth and never gave up.


Lin Ye yelled loudly, but he didn't hear Xuewu's words of surprise after the experiment was successful.

Lin Ye just concentrated all his energy on his palm, where the water mist was misty, and the water droplets rolled in it, trembling and making a harsh sound of 'ZiZi'.

Lin Ye's face was full of sternness: "Bing, I must get the power of ice."

The water mist and water droplets on Lin Ye's palm suddenly became irritable, and finally with a bang, the trace of energy was caught by his mental power, and a tip of ice appeared on his palm.

"It's not enough, it's not enough, get up, it belongs to my power!" Lin Ye roared, raising his palms trembling.

The tip of the ice began to rise slowly.

Hard work finally pays off, Lin Ye felt that he had completely grasped that thread of energy, and he felt in the dark that only by pulling out this thread of energy could he connect to the power of Bing, he roared, "Ah!"

At this moment, with a pop, all the air was drawn out and flowed into Lin Ye's body.

And Lin Ye's palm was raised high, and he, lacking in strength, sat down on the ice floor, hurting from the fall and panting.

Even so, when Lin Ye saw the one-meter-long ice thorn in front of him, he smiled happily.

Xue Wu also looked at the ice thorn in surprise, she didn't understand, but from Lin Ye's smile, at least she could analyze that there must be something good in it, she didn't bother seeing Lin Ye so happy.

After a while, Lin Ye stood up and came to the edge of the rooftop.

Xuewu walked and said, "Lin Ye, my ability is fire, aren't you water, why did you turn into ice again?"

"Fire? A powerful ability to damage. My water is supposed to be the power of ice. I didn't feel it at first, but now I grasp the air and it turns into ice." Lin Ye replied while looking downstairs.

The [-]-meter-tall building looked hazy from below, but the bloody pool-like street surface was clearly imprinted in sight, and flames were everywhere in many places.

At this moment, the place below was completely chaotic, and only demon-like wailing and deafening explosions could be heard.In the air, a violent smell of blood wafted through his nostrils.

Xue Wu walked to Lin Ye's side and looked at him with a frosty face, a little strange, after all, he felt very happy just now.

"what happened to you?"

"look down."

Xuewu heard the reputation, and made her take two steps back at a glance. The strong smell of blood made her bow her head and vomit. This is not a bustling street in the past, it is a pool of blood.

"This...what's the matter."

At this time, Lin Ye had already come to the only iron door on the roof, opened the door, and answered Xue Wu's question in a cold voice: "The end is here, and the smell of corpses left by zombies eating humans is all here. We don't have time Now, before the TMG virus evolves, we need to quickly evacuate from the China World Trade Center and follow me."

Xue Wu looked at Lin Ye who only had a cold face, and thought: Does he feel nothing in the face of these?Was this man the Lin Ye she knew?

Sighing slightly, so what if it’s not, in short, the end is really coming.

G city.

The sound of explosions was endless, and the screams were terrifying. In the already crowded street, most people fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and some people in the car also lost consciousness and passed out.

Uncontrolled vehicles turned into steel meat grinders, crazily running over the fallen people one by one, the blood flowing out merged with the rain that kept falling, and flowed in silk on the street, the lights of high-rise buildings printed blood red rain, the whole City G fell into a pool of blood.

A small number of people still avoided the cars on the street and walked into the trail.

A young woman holding a comatose child hid in the alley, leaned against the wall and exhaled, looking at the silent child in her arms, thinking of today's disaster, she was speechless and choked up for a while.

Just as she was wiping her tears, the child in her arms opened her eyes, her face was ferocious, and sharp teeth grew out of her mouth.

The young woman felt something was wrong, but it was her own child in the end, and she didn't think too badly. When she turned around and was about to continue running, the child kicked her chest hard, jumped high, and bit the young woman's neck.


The young woman let out a cry of pain, and it was too late to stretch out her hand to tear the child away. The child's teeth were pulled violently, and a blood hole was opened in the young woman's neck, and bright red blood splashed the child's face.

The young woman could only stare at the blood-covered child in disbelief, her throat made a gurgling sound, and she soon lost her breath.

The child began to gnaw wildly, the young woman's neck was completely bitten off, and the flesh and blood were torn off piece by piece by the child and eaten.

The same thing happened here frequently. When I rescued my relatives, I was bitten. When I met someone who fell to the ground, I didn't pay attention, and I was thrown down instantly.

Seeing the unconscious people standing up staggeringly, and then roaring like beasts and running towards them, people couldn't help screaming with expressions of fear.

"What, help!"

"Ah. My hand was bitten, save me!"

"Don't come here! You are breaking the law like this!"

No matter how people shout, it is futile. Their only way is to escape.

However, after the fleeing people were knocked down one after another, they discovered in horror that those who lost their minds were much faster than them, and their strength was much stronger than them. Even if they penetrated their stomachs, their actions would not be affected much.

What's more important is that there are too many of them. Almost everyone has to face two or three of these things. There are fragments of clothes on it, and you would never think that it is the remains of human beings.

And making such bloody things reminds people of a sci-fi species, zombies.

At this time, no matter it is dawn or night, bloody scenes like those in G City are being staged all over the world.Human beings are terrified, desperate, hysterical cries.

A signal resounded.

The end has come.

Lin Ye and Xuewu came to the corridor together. In the early days of the end, the city's electricity was not completely cut off, and such a large shopping mall would have its own emergency power supply turned on even if the power was cut off, so the lights in the corridor were very bright, which also It facilitates the movement of the two.

Xuewu followed behind, Lin Ye was carrying a backpack in front, he threw the extra prepared backpack to Xuewu and said: "Essential things, take them with you."

Surprise appeared in Xue Wu's eyes, but after a while she realized that Lin Ye was probably prepared for what he did now, so he didn't think too much about it.

Lin Ye was the first to go downstairs. He had a wound on his leg and he applied the force of ice to cover the wound, and his movement was not hindered too much.As he went downstairs, he asked, "Xuewu, do you know where there are weapons?"

(End of this chapter)

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