Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 4 The First Battle

Chapter 4 The First Battle
Xue Wu was surprised: "I don't know, I'm not a security guard."

Lin Ye frowned, "We're going to the parking lot, if we don't have weapons..."

Xue Wu also understood, "Let me think about it, there seems to be a fire ax on the eighteenth floor, is this okay?"

If it weren't for the strict inspections in this shopping mall, Lin Ye would carry weapons himself, so he wouldn't have to worry about weapons. He sighed and said, "Then we can only take risks. Where is the [-]th floor?"

"It's five floors away from the rooftop, and the above is the hotel floor." Xuewu replied.

Lin Ye nodded and walked down. Just a few steps away, he heard a voice coming from the bottom of the corridor. Looking down, a figure rushed up staggeringly as if drunk.The speed was not slow, and he reached the corner of the building in a blink of an eye, and Lin Ye and Xue Wu also saw his whole picture.

He was wearing a security uniform, about 1.8 meters tall, with a broad build.His face is pale with blue, the eye circles are black, and the eyeballs are completely white.

Xue Wu looked at the security guards rushing up: "Isn't this the security guard Ah Hua on the roof, he... he is like this..."

Lin Ye glanced at the corridor, and found that there was absolutely no place to use, and instead it was not suitable for fighting. He said with a sullen face, "You are really smart. You said security, and the security came. He is already a zombie. You stand back. Step back. This corridor is too narrow, you are here to affect my battle."

Xuewu was depressed when she heard Lin Ye's words, and thought: Can I blame myself?But being depressed was depressed, she still looked at Lin Ye worriedly, and then obediently climbed upstairs.After going up half a floor, I saw the security zombie screaming and rushing towards Lin Ye. I couldn't help but raise my heart. The security guards of the China World Trade Center are not vegetarians.

Lin Ye is more dignified. After humans become zombies, under the influence of the fully mature TMG virus, their strength and speed will be twice the original, although the TMG virus is still in the breeding stage.But it also allows ordinary zombies to have a 1.5-2 times increase in strength and speed.

The scary thing is that in the future, as the zombies eat and the TMG virus continues to multiply, some zombies will become stronger and stronger, and it is impossible for ordinary people to defeat them. This is why Lin Ye is eager to get the supernatural power.

Now the only weapon in Lin Ye's hand is a dagger, which is twelve centimeters long and only seven centimeters long without the handle.The action center of the zombie is: the brain occupied by the T virus among the three viruses of T, M, and G. It is undoubtedly very difficult to use his short dagger to break through the zombie's brain and strangle it, let alone when you launch an attack on the zombie. While attacking, zombies will also attack you.

Although Lin Ye is a Bronze Level 1.2 supernatural power user, and his physical fitness has been improved by [-] times, in this narrow space, it is quite troublesome for Lin Ye, who does not have a suitable weapon, to face the zombies rushing quickly.

When the zombies rushed over, Lin Ye adjusted his breathing, allowing his whole heart to enter a state of calm.To be able to survive in the human base for ten years, there must be a reason for his existence, which is a strong psychological endurance, superior combat skills and adaptability.

Lin Ye threw a water polo first, hitting the security zombie's face, knocking the upstairs security zombie to the ground, and then rolled down the corner of the stairs. An ordinary person would break a bone if he fell like this. However, the security zombie was completely fine, and soon stood up, roaring and charging up again.

Xuewu watched eagerly from above: "This is really a zombie."

The water polo's attack on the zombies is negligible, which makes Lin Ye a little depressed. Now he can't control the ice ability very well, so he can only create a water polo attack.

Seeing the zombies rushing again, Lin Ye threw a water polo again and smashed the zombies down.

Have you been having snowball fights like this?Smashing around?
Throwing a water polo again, Lin Ye felt that his physical strength had dropped a lot, and secretly speculated: "My physical strength can't bear the consumption of the ability, so I can't do this."

Thinking this way, Lin Ye found that after he threw the water polo this time, the zombie turned sideways. Although he didn't dodge it, it also indicated that he was dodging.

After being slightly surprised, he was relieved. After all, Lin Ye had killed zombies. He knew that the instinct of zombies is not only eating, but also has a certain ability to adapt. Once you always attack him in one way, he will instinctively avoid your routine attacks .

At this moment, the zombie had rushed up the steps, only two meters away from Lin Ye. Lin Ye didn't want to consume any more, so he gritted his teeth and drew out his dagger.

First he kicked the zombie's chest, but this only made the zombie fall back a step. Lin Ye then jumped up and stabbed the zombie with the dagger. He wanted to use the force of his fall to completely stab the dagger into the zombie's head. fighting.

The dagger pierced into the top of the zombie's head as expected, but Lin Ye seemed to have overestimated his strength, or underestimated the hardness of the zombie's skull. The dagger stuck only five centimeters into the zombie's head.

The zombies were very angry at Lin Ye's attack. With a roar, they threw Lin Ye down on the stairs, and bit Lin Ye with their mouths open.

Fortunately, Lin Ye reacted quickly, and quickly grabbed the zombie's neck with both hands, trying to prevent the zombie from biting it off. Smelling the pungent stench from the zombie's mouth, Lin Ye didn't feel much discomfort, but he was told by the bent hand If he continues like this, he will definitely be bitten.

"Lin Ye, I'll help you."

I saw a fireball the size of a ping pong ball smashing towards the zombie. It did not cause any damage to the zombie, but it ignited the back of the zombie, and the fire spread instantly.

Lin Ye under the zombie's teeth itched angrily, and cursed: "You big-chested woman with no brains, are you helping me or hurting me?"

Seeing the fire acting on the zombie, a flash of light flashed in Lin Ye's mind, and he said, "It's acting on the body."

Looking at the zombie's big black mouth, Lin Ye had a plan.

Let go of one hand, and in an instant Lin Ye condensed a water polo in his hand, and threw the water polo into the zombie's mouth. Lin Ye immediately turned the water into ice, filling the zombie's entire mouth.

The zombie didn't know what happened, so it hit Lin Ye with its head in a daze. However, since its mouth was blocked by ice, it couldn't cause any harm to Lin Ye at all.

Before the zombie attacked him with its two claws, Lin Ye pulled out the dagger on top of its head and stabbed it hard into the zombie's head, hitting the same place every time.

After Lin Ye stabbed fiercely a few times, he finally opened a big hole in the zombie's head.Immediately after hitting and stirring, red and white viscous liquid flowed out of the zombie's head, and it finally stopped moving.

After killing the zombies, Lin Ye pushed the zombies aside, gasping for breath, thinking about the battle just now, quite startling, but in the end his method also reversed the situation, and let Lin Ye's use of abilities Enhanced a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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