Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 5 Ability Skills

Chapter 5 Ability Skills

If the supernatural power is applied to the enemy, freezing him, or acting on oneself to strengthen one's own ability, it will definitely be unexpected, but everything needs to be tested.

"Lin Ye, are you okay?" Lin Ye, who was thinking, heard Xue Wu's concern at this moment, and he was not angry with her. This woman is really self-defeating.

Lin Ye smiled slightly: "It's okay, it's just that the consumption is a bit high."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he stabbed the silent zombie's head with a dagger, widened the hole, and put his hand into the zombie's head to fumble.

"Lin Ye, you... what are you doing?" Xue Wu looked in disbelief. She felt that Lin Ye was too perverted to touch the zombie's brain.

After Lin Ye took a look at Xuewu, he continued to grope for a while, and took out a small thing with brains in it, then took out a bottle of water from his backpack, poured it on it, and immediately washed away the brains, revealing a small thing the size of a fingernail. crystals.

Lin Ye put the crystal under the corridor light and looked at it. It was crystal clear and reflected the light.

"This is a heteronucleus, the crystallization produced in the brains of mutated creatures. Ordinary people eat it to enhance their physical fitness, and people with supernatural powers eat it to slowly increase their supernatural power level." Lin Ye said without hesitation Throwing the heteronucleus into his mouth, he swallowed it expressionlessly.

Xue Wu felt nauseous for a while, but she still couldn't accept this disgusting way of improving her strength.

Lin Ye didn't care about her expression, "Take a break for 5 minutes and continue to look for weapons on the [-]th floor."

Lin Ye has very high fighting skills, but he doesn't have a weapon at hand, and he is not as strong as a zombie. The restrictions of the corridor make it somewhat difficult for him to move.However, after the battle just now, he understood a lot of fighting skills using supernatural powers, which was a better gain than killing zombies.

Next, Lin Ye and Xue Wu walked down the corridor. When facing the zombie, Lin Ye threw the water polo directly and hit the zombie's knee joint.

"Ning." Lin Ye issued a special ability.The water at the knee joints instantly solidified into ice, and one of the zombie's feet lost the ability to move, while the other foot was going up the steps, and fell down on the steps due to uncoordinated feet.

The zombie struggled to stand up, but Lin Ye didn't give it a chance. He put his five fingers together and then swung it forward. A water arrow formed from the gap between the five fingers and shot towards the zombie's eyes. When it was about to hit, it suddenly solidified into ice , the ice arrow glowing with a cold light was extremely sharp, and directly pierced into the eye socket of the zombie, the black liquid splashed out, and the zombie roared, and fell backward unwillingly.

Lin Ye came to the zombie and stabbed it with a dagger at the back of the zombie's neck, which was the most vulnerable, and Lin Ye broke it open and took out the heterogeneous core in just three or two strokes. Rub it twice and eat it.

"Lin Ye, aren't you afraid that this thing will bring you a virus?" Xuewu asked in surprise.

Lin Ye said indifferently: "Heteronucleus is the energy center of mutated creatures. It has its own anti-virus ability. Viruses dare not get too close."

"Oh, so that's the case. By the way, why did you become so powerful all of a sudden? You eliminated a zombie in an instant."

Hearing Xuewu's question, Lin Ye replied as he walked downstairs: "I just used the ability in a better way. Water wets the zombie and freezes it to control its actions. It's not a big deal. Consumption ability. However, I used the water arrow to condense the ice arrow later. Although I have reduced the consumption a lot, in fact, it is estimated that at the current level, I can only cast the ice arrow ability five times. Just now Try it. It’s better for me to use it sparingly now.”

Xue Wu lowered her head after listening, occasionally releasing sparks from her hands, frowning and thinking, as if she also wanted to realize something.Lin Ye nodded when he saw this scene. The most feared thing in the apocalypse is people who are still self-righteous and don't know how to work hard. It is very good that Xuewu can start to understand the way he uses his abilities under his explanation.

Lin Ye already has his own way of choosing friends in the last days. He doesn't ask much. Absolutely convinced and loyal is the first priority. It doesn't matter whether he has ability or not. Only by being able to study without being arrogant can he adapt to the last days.Lin Ye could feel that Xuewu took both.

There were not many people above the [-]th floor, so Lin Ye didn't meet many zombies all the way down, and Lin Ye killed the few scattered ones with his skills.

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach the eighteenth floor. Lin Ye looked at the numbers on the sign on the wall, "Are you sure there are weapons on this floor?"

Xue Wu said affirmatively: "Well, the dormitory floor is equipped with two emergency fire axes, which are generally not used often."

Lin Ye nodded, and pushed open the corridor door on the eighteenth floor. The sound of the door opening was very clear in the quiet corridor, which made people shudder.

Lin Ye went in first. There were many stumps on the floor of the corridor, exuding a strong smell of blood. There were several doors on both sides of the corridor. Only the first door was open, and the rest were closed. The murals are crooked, presenting a bleak scene.

Lin Ye glanced, the safety emergency box here was broken, the emergency ax inside had been taken away, and there was another emergency box at the end of the corridor.

Lin Ye walked over there cautiously, the second emergency ax was still there.

At this moment, bursts of roars came.

"Second child..."

"Brother, don't worry about it, run for your life."

With a sound of "Bang!", the corridor door was knocked open. Lin Ye saw a man in a suit, about 50 years old, rushing in, followed by a beautiful woman. They looked panicked, with the word panic written on their faces.

When Lin Ye heard the roar, he knew that a large number of zombies had been attracted. Looking at these two people, it was estimated that they were not far away, and this corridor was only one-way, and the exit was blocked. Lin Ye said decisively: "Xue Wu, Hurry up and guard that door."

Lin Ye pointed to the only open door, then smashed the emergency box with his fist, took out the fire axe, and immediately ran towards Xuewu. A man around 50 years old arrived first, and Xuewu stood in a stalemate at the door.

At this time, three more men ran over, and there were indeed many zombies behind them. One man was behind the two in front, and was caught and fell by the zombies. He rushed forward and bit him, and the man fell silent after screaming twice. .

The eyes of the two men in front of him were red, and they rushed towards the open door without hesitation. One of them held a fire axe in his hand, and he raised it up to chop at Xuewu, who was blocking their way with his back. However, Lin Ye had already arrived. If he could succeed, he kicked them fiercely, and both men were kicked into the house, and Lin Ye quickly went in and closed the door.

There was a bang bang bang sound outside the door, but it was a security door, no matter how much the zombies outside bumped into it, it would not be able to shake it in the slightest.

After closing the door, Lin Ye scanned the crowd, a young man with yellow hair, a man with scars holding a fire axe, a man in a suit holding a kitchen knife, and a seductive woman.

(End of this chapter)

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