Chapter 6

Five people were panting.

At this time, the man with the scar had already got up, stared at Lin Ye coldly, and then pointed the ax at the man in the suit: "You old man killed my second and third brothers, I will chop you up today."

"I, Hu San, have been on the road for so many years, and I have never been afraid of anyone. Come on, I am not a vegetarian." The man who reported himself as Hu San raised his kitchen knife, his eyes were fierce, and he didn't seem to be a good person at first glance, "You still blame me? We agreed to find food together, I just took them there, if your brother wasn't greedy, he would have died? A waste."

"You...I'll hack you to death." The man with the scar raised his fire ax but was stopped by the yellow hair. He glanced at Hu San, then at the woman next to Hu San, and said in a low voice: " Brother, this old guy is not easy to deal with. We..."

After hearing this, the scarred man squinted his eyes uncertainly, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed, and said: "The situation is turbulent now, Hu San, I don't want to hurt both sides, but you killed my second and third brothers, you must be taken away!" Give us half of the food that arrived, and let's put down today's grievances first."

Hu San looked at the bag in his hand, glanced at the other two men, thought about it, untied the bag, took out some of the food inside, and gave half of it to the man with the scar.

Lin Ye saw it, and guessed that the first floor below should be the kitchen. They went out to find food when they were hungry, and finally alarmed the zombies, resulting in the death of two people on the side of Dao Scar and Huang Mao.And Hu San's kitchen knife must have come from the kitchen.

Lin Ye didn't go to see them again, but took a look. This hotel room is not bad. There is only one living room, with two big sofas, and a big bed separated by a silk curtain in the inner room, which looks very interesting.

The man with the scar and San Hu came to Lin Ye after they had distributed the things: "Brother, that kicked bull, tell me how to make up for me."

Scar touched the fire ax in his hand, tilted his head and raised the corner of his mouth to look at Lin Ye.

Huang Mao said: "I think the girl next to this kid is pretty good, how about..."

When Huang Mao said that, Xue Wu's whole face turned red, and she was about to make a move. After Lin Ye stopped her, she said to the man with the scar, "My woman, if you want to move, you can take your life."

In fact, it is very easy for Lin Ye to kill these two people now, but he has been busy all day, and he doesn't want to waste energy on meaningless things. For a person like this, as long as you speak harshly, he will naturally not mess with you again.

Sure enough, the man with the scar saw that Lin Ye remained calm, and judged in his heart that Lin Ye was not very human, so he stopped and said directly: "Okay, my brother is also a talent, if you don't fight or know each other, this kick will be considered Find a friend. Now that ghost thing is everywhere outside, since we are together, we should get along well. I think we have three territories, and we will not violate the river."

"You are here." The scarred man divided a sofa for Lin Ye, pointed to another bed and said, "Hu San, I took advantage of your food today, so you sleep on the bed. My fourth brother and I sleep on another sofa .”

Hu San nodded in satisfaction, "Thank you Scar, if I can be saved, I, Hu San, will definitely make up for you two."

The corners of the scarred man's eyes twitched, and he waved his hand, "If you can't get out, let's talk about it, and then we will work together."

Hu San said a few polite words and went to the bed with the woman next to him.

Lin Ye glanced at it twice, didn't say much, walked to his sofa and sat down, Xuewu also followed and asked in a low voice, "Are we just in the same room with them?"

"Have a good rest and replenish your strength." After Lin Ye finished speaking, he lay down on the sofa, which took up more than half of the sofa.

Xuewu frowned: "I always feel like that scar and yellow hair will do something."

"I know."


In the dead of night, Lin Ye's room was pitch-black, except for the moonlight outside the window falling into the room.

Lin Ye lay comfortably on the sofa, while Xue Wu fell asleep leaning on the arm of the sofa.

There was a heavy snoring sound coming from the bed in the room.

At this time, a figure sat up and patted another person, and then there was a lighter clicking sound in the room.

Lin Ye has struggled in the apocalypse for many years. He never sleeps through, because most people, whether they are teammates, enemies, or mutant creatures, can make you sleep forever.

So when the two got up, Lin Ye woke up. He squinted his eyes and looked at the sofa where the scar and the yellow hair were in front of him. The two secretly lit the lighter and burned a small package.

When there was a strange smell in the air, Lin Ye frowned: "It's the ecstasy incense."

Lin Ye hurriedly condensed water-type abilities into a thin mist in front of his nose to block the fragrance. He didn't expect the other party to have such a thing, and it was very powerful. Just a little inhalation made him go limp , my mind is a little fuzzy.

It's impossible to continue like this, Lin Ye quickly mobilized the water system ability to sweat out the fragrance in his body, and then slowly recovered.

Scar and Huangmao had already stood up, Huangmao walked towards Lin Ye, Lin Ye saw that the secret path was not good, and began to accumulate powers in his hands, at this time Lin Ye found that Huangmao was being held back by the man with the scar: " Fourth brother, don't be a jerk, and be a bastard for Hu Sana first, if you dare to kill my brother, I will ask him to pay in blood."

Huang Mao looked at Xue Wu reluctantly: "Okay, listen to your brother, come play with this beautiful girl after finishing business."

The two walked towards the bed together, which made Lin Ye heave a sigh of relief.


Dao Scar came to Hu San with cold eyes, turned on the bedside lamp, then got a rope and tied Hu San up, Hu San didn't move at all on the way.

The man with the scar picked up the fire axe, and slammed it on Hu San's leg, leaving a 20cm long gash spurting with blood, and Hu San's body twitched involuntarily.

The scarred man's eyes flashed fiercely: "Give him the antidote, I can't take advantage of him for nothing, I want him to be tortured to death just like my dead brother."

Huang Mao sneered. He didn't think it was cruel at all, because they had done more cruel things. In their eyes, this world was the same as the end of the world before. Only four brothers depended on each other. Now two of them were killed by the bastard Hu San No matter how much he tortured Hu San, he felt nothing.

This ecstasy incense is their usual method, and the antidote is also in their hands. Huang Mao opened a medicine bottle, put it on Hu San's nose and shook it, Hu San's body moved, without pre-call, he It screamed like a pig being killed.

" legs, you..."

"Us? Hehe, we are here to avenge our brothers." The scarred man said with a distorted expression, and then he slashed at Hu San's chest with an axe. The ax was neither shallow nor deep, but it made Hu San tremble When he got up, blood was overflowing from his mouth, and the blood from his body stained the bed sheet next to him red.

"You guys agreed to work together in the future..."

"Cooperate? Kill my brother and still want to cooperate, I'll fuck you!" Scar slashed down again.

(End of this chapter)

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