Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 7 Battle Fanatics

Chapter 7 Battle Fanatics
At this moment, there was a scream. It turned out that it was Hu San's woman who was drugged by Huang Mao. Huang Mao took the woman's hair and dragged it in front of Hu San, "Let you watch how I enjoy your woman before you die." ,Hahaha!"

Huang Mao pressed the woman hard and began to tear the woman's clothes. The woman struggled and screamed, while the knife scar slashed on Hu San's body with an axe. It had already split Hu San's body to pieces. In the gully, the blood stained the entire bed sheet, and also splashed the woman.

"I told you to kill my brother, go to hell, bastard!" Scar continued to chop, and Huang Mao was desperately preparing to enjoy this beautiful woman, but they didn't realize that there was a person standing behind them.

Just when the yellow hair was tearing at the woman's clothes, the woman suddenly broke away from him and ran away, the man with the scar was stunned by her, recovered his senses from the slash and cursed: "Fourth brother, what are you doing, you can't even look at a woman? "

However, under the desk lamp, Huang Mao stared at the scar with wide eyes, and then blood bubbled from his mouth, and he fell to the ground with a crystal clear ice spike stuck in Huang Mao's neck.

The man with the scar turned around and shouted, "Who!"

Lin Ye walked towards the scarred man step by step, "I don't want to care about your affairs, but if your attack involves me and my friends, you must pay the price."

The scarred man's face was black and purple, especially under the incandescent lamp. He didn't care how Lin Ye killed Huang Mao, or how Lin Ye broke the enchanting incense.He jumped up from the bed and rushed towards Lin Ye.

The man with the scar had practiced it before, and the fire ax slashed across Lin Ye's ribs very sharply. This prevented Lin Ye from attacking with the ax in his hand, and also preemptively struck him. He firmly believed that this ax would cause fatal damage to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye kept his expression on his face, but he thought of the fights in the doomsday. He also used an axe, which was much more powerful than the scar.

I saw the fire ax in Lin Ye's right hand suddenly swung back, and then quickly came out from his left hand. The ax had a sharp edge, and then Lin Ye turned around 360 degrees, increasing the attack power of the ax, and the target pointed directly at the man with the scar. Fire ax in hand.


With the same fire axe, a gap was opened on the axe of the man with the scar, and then he was thrown out by inertia, and traces of blood spouted from the man's wrist.

The man with the scar covered his wrist, with panic in his eyes: "You... who are you!"

Lin Ye didn't answer, and ran forward in two steps, and slashed at the scarred man's face with an axe. The scarred man yelled "No", and hurriedly resisted with both hands. The consequences can be imagined.

His hands were cut off directly, and with Scar's screams, a lot of blood was scattered, and Lin Ye struck the ax again, without any accidents, across the Scar's neck.


Lin Ye looked at the man with the scar with rounded eyes, and fell to the ground unwillingly, without a trace of discomfort, and more of a frenzy for fighting again, fighting in the apocalypse, without this frenzy, he would not be able to survive in the apocalypse Ten years!

Lin Ye looked at the blood-stained fire ax in his hand, and sighed secretly: "As expected, I am a battle fanatic."

Lin Ye wiped the fire ax on the man's clothes with the scar, and looked at the room. It was bloody, and three people died in one night. If it was before the end of the world, this would definitely be listed as a serious case, but after the end of the world, it would be nothing more than is the norm.

In addition to Lin Ye and Xue Wu, there is one person in this room who is still alive, that is Hu San's female companion, but looking at this woman, her clothes are tattered, her hair is messy, her head is held in her arms, her eyes are round and her mouth is open. Muttering "Don't, don't..."

Obviously, he was already half-crazy, and Lin Ye didn't care about it. He went back to the sofa and lay down again, and began to take a good rest...

The next morning, the sunlight outside the window was projected into the room, it was very dazzling, and it happened to shine on Xuewu. She stretched herself, and then got up suddenly, because she smelled a strong smell of blood, and she was almost surprised when she looked back. call out.

There were bloodstains in almost half of the house, among which Scar, Huang Mao, and Hu San were all dead, especially on Hu San, the bloody mouths were cut open like a pig, and the flesh and bones were turned out, looking extremely dead. awful.

Lin Ye, who was standing in the middle of the room, silenced Xuewu condescendingly, and explained: "These people were dishonest last night, so I got rid of them."


Lin Ye glanced at Xuewu, saw that she still wanted to say something, and spoke first: "I didn't kill the one who died the worst, well, don't say anything more, you have to accept how many people died in the last days, and it wasn't last night. I can stay awake, we all have to die. Know why you didn't wake up from the fight last night?"

"No...don't know."

"How do you know if you're sleeping so deeply?" Lin Ye's words made Xuewu blush, but the next words made Xuewu's forehead sweat.

"They used the incense. Even if your neck is broken when you fall asleep, you won't feel it. Be careful in the future. I can't guarantee your safety all the time!"

Xue Wu nodded apprehensively: "Thank you."

"Well, let's take a look, I found a way out." Lin Ye pointed to the top of his head, which was an exhaust pipe, "Let's go out after eating something!"


The two entered the exhaust duct. After Xuewu explained it, Lin Ye also learned that the exhaust duct was unobstructed and could go all the way to the first floor. He didn't expect it at first, but now that he thinks about it, this is the safest and most effective way to go downstairs. method.

Both Lin Ye and Xuewu now have a fire axe. Although there is a gap in Xuewu's axe, it does not affect the battle.

The two crawled all the way in the pipeline, the crawling sound was very small, and they would clearly identify the direction every time they passed an exit.

From the [-]th floor to the fifth floor, there was nothing abnormal. At this moment, Lin Ye heard some sounds from the pipe behind him, and it was obvious that something was behind.

Lin Ye held a strong flashlight in his mouth and shone it behind him, water arrows had condensed out of his hand.

The sound is getting closer and clearer.

Finally, the voice appeared in the sight of the two of them after turning the corner. It was a student girl, her clothes were messy, covered in blood, her face was good but pale, and she was obviously frightened.

After being irradiated by the strong light, the student girl raised her hand to cover her eyes and said, "Brother, don't kill me, let me go out with you, I can do whatever you want!"

Lin Ye squinted his eyes and looked at the student girl carefully. He didn't care anymore, and said to Xue Wu in front of him: "Don't worry, let's go."

Xue Wu nodded, without thinking too much, and continued to climb towards the ground floor.

In about 10 minutes, the three of them came to a duty room on the first floor. Lin Ye glanced at the netted exit, but there was no one there except the bed and desk, so he kicked the exit net and jumped down first. Xuewu also jumped down, and the student girl was the last one.

(End of this chapter)

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