Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 8 The Insidious Schoolgirl

Chapter 8 The Insidious Schoolgirl
Lin Ye glanced at her again, but the student girl just lowered her head, not daring to look at the two of them.

At this moment, the student girl let out an exclamation of 'Ah'. Lin Ye hurriedly covered the student girl's mouth, and found that there was a withered hand under the bed, grabbing the student girl's foot. It looks like a zombie.

Sure enough, a zombie's head stuck out, and it opened its mouth to bite the student girl's foot.

Lin Ye decisively pulled out the fire ax pinned to his waist, struck the zombie's neck with one axe, chopped off his entire head, kicked the zombie's head away, hit the wall and rolled to the ground.The head still opened its mouth as if it was going to bite someone.

"Be honest, if you call me again, I'll throw you into the pile of zombies." Lin Ye finished coldly, seeing the student girl trembling, with tears in her eyes, covering her mouth and not daring to say a word, she was relieved .

This can't be blamed on Lin Ye, after all, it's not a joke, and the door of the duty room is just a wooden door, attracting zombies and they are all finished.

"Zombies usually hide in the darkest places when there is no food. This is not their intelligence, but their instinct. I was careless this time, but it also reminds us to be careful in the future." Lin Ye's words are Said to Xuewu.

While talking about Lin Ye, he opened the door of the duty room and looked outside.The first floor is a shopping mall, which has all kinds of food. At this moment, many products have been knocked down, and many zombies are wandering inside the shopping mall.

Zombies didn't notice this place, which made Lin Ye heave a sigh of relief. Zombies in the early stage of the doomsday had similar senses of hearing and smell to humans. Fortunately, it was the early stage, and later zombies mutated again, hearing like dogs, smelling like sharks, a little noise and the smell of blood. , can make them chase you for a long time.

The shopping mall is very large, there are about [-] to [-] zombies, most of them are in the middle, and a very few are still wandering aimlessly around the periphery.

Lin Ye glanced, and his eyes fell on a green sign about 80 meters away: underground parking lot.

This is Lin Ye's purpose. There are not many zombies in the underground parking lot, so it is enough to find the sewer there, but the damn thing is that there are five zombies at the entrance of the passage, biting the remains of a staff member.

Lin Ye turned around and split the zombie's head open, took out the different core and ate it. He suddenly felt a heat in his abdomen, so he used the power, and felt that the amount of the whole power has increased a lot, and his current level is Bronze [-] order.

Lin Ye showed joy on his face. On the way, he killed ten zombies and ate all the different cores, so it is not surprising that he has reached the second level of Bronze now.

Lin Ye beckoned to Xuewu, "Xuewu, zombies can move very quickly, especially this group of zombies who have eaten food, their energy is fully sufficient, our destination is the parking lot 80 meters away, and it only takes about ten seconds In the time spent rushing, there are still a few zombies to face when rushing over, so don’t take it lightly, I counted 321 rushing, and immediately followed me.”

Seeing the two nodding, Lin Ye paid special attention to the student girl. She had regained her composure, which made Lin Ye a little surprised, but he didn't think too much about it. He turned around and said, "3...2...1, go!"

Lin Ye was the first to rush out, and as soon as he got out, the zombies rushed towards him, not too slow.

Not paying attention to what was behind him, Lin Ye stared at the front, pulled out the fire axe, swung the ax down, directly cut off the neck of a zombie, and then kicked away another rushing zombie.

Before reaching the passageway of the underground parking lot, Lin Ye threw a few water polos, hit the legs of five zombies, and dealt with one zombie with an axe.

Lin Ye then turned the water into ice, and the feet of the four zombies were frozen, unable to move at all.

After reaching the second level of Bronze, Lin Ye's physical fitness has not only increased to about 1.5 times, which is on par with the current zombies, but he is also more proficient in controlling supernatural powers, plus he has a handy weapon.Soon he got rid of the four zombies.

Xuewu and the student girl rushed over at the same time, but there were about twenty zombies chasing them about two meters behind them.

"Hurry up!" Lin Ye shouted as he stood at the exit and pulled the iron gate.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and I saw a cold light in the student girl's eyes, and she pushed towards Xuewu fiercely, hoping to push her down to attract the attack of zombies.

Xue Wu, who was running fast, had no idea that the other party would do such a move, and she was not at all wary, as she was about to be pushed down, an ice arrow shot fiercely, directly hitting the student girl's forehead.

The student girl stared wide-eyed at the man with cold eyes at the exit, and the last thought in her mind was: "He has been on guard against me."

Xue Wu was also stunned by this scene, but she immediately recovered and ran towards Lin Ye.

Because the student girl died, her flesh and blood attracted all the zombies, delaying Xuewu's escape, so she reached the exit safely.

Seeing Xuewu coming in, Lin Ye closed the iron gate, pulled Xuewu and continued to run down: "This door won't last long, go to the underground parking lot to find the sewer."

" did you know that student girl would harm me? She looks very weak." Xuewu asked while running.

Lin Ye said in a calm voice, "That's just a disguise. Let me tell you about the doomsday consciousness. Most of the people who can survive in the doomsday are three types of people. First, capable people, second, insidious people, and third, shameless women."

Xue Wu was a little annoyed when she heard the last two words, but after thinking about it carefully, it was true.

"There are a lot of intrigues in the doomsday. Unless it is someone who is absolutely trusted or tied to life and death, other people must be on guard at all times. I believe that the school girl has done a lot of things to let her companions act as ghosts, otherwise the weak She can't live now, and I looked at it, and her body was defiled not long ago, so she can still maintain this state, which is naturally not an ordinary person."

"You... how do you know?" Xuewu was a little puzzled.

"The ambiguous smell, although it is covered by the smell of blood, I can definitely know it." Lin Ye said, thinking of the three smells he was most familiar with in the last days, the smell of rotting corpses, the smell of blood and the ambiguous smell.



While talking, they had arrived at the underground parking lot, and the screams of zombies could be heard from the corridor at the back, apparently the door had been knocked open.

"Find the manhole cover quickly." Lin Ye called out, and by the light of a strong flashlight, he searched for manhole covers everywhere in the huge parking lot.

At this time, bang bang, a huge vibration came.

Xuewu showed a surprised expression and said: "Wh...what is it."

The two of them shone the flashlight forward at the same time, and at a distance of 20 meters, a three-meter-high, two-meter-wide giant ball-shaped monster with yellow hair appeared in their eyes. At this moment, its feet were rubbing against the ground like a bullfighting bull. , pointed directly at Xuewu, as if something was brewing.

"It's a mutated bronze level [-] ball corpse, get out of the way, Xuewu!" Lin Ye roared.

(End of this chapter)

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