Chapter 9 Crisis
At this time, the corpse of the ball had already finished brewing, and with a roar, its huge body rolled up, shaking the entire parking lot, and reached Xuewu's position in an instant at a very fast speed.

It was crushed and passed by, hitting a car without stopping, twisting and deforming the car, and the skin of the car was torn apart.

Lin Ye's eyes turned cold, he didn't see what happened to Xue Wu from this angle.

"Lin Ye..."

Hearing Xuewu's voice, Lin Ye knew that she dodged the blow, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Although the ball corpse is a bronze-level four, it is large in size and does great damage, but its attack is in a straight line. Try to find obstacles to avoid it. All right, continue to look for the manhole cover!"

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he started to run, because the ball zombie turned his target to him, and Lin Ye heard the roar of many zombies at the entrance.There is no time to waste.

Lin Ye chose a pillar to avoid. When the corpse of the ball hit the pillar, he turned over and ran away. The pillar was smashed and a cloud of dust was thrown up.

Before rebirth, Lin Ye dealt with quite a few corpses. In addition to the advantages of resistance to attack and great destructive power, its fatal shortcoming is that it attacks in a straight line and needs to be charged before attacking.Knowing this, Lin Ye was naturally unscathed when he dealt with the ball corpse.

Within 2 minutes, Lin Ye used the pillars to escape four attacks from the ball corpses. Zombies rushed over. Lin Ye also used the ball corpses' attacks to complete a wave of assists, allowing the ball corpses to kill a large number of zombies at once.

"Lin Ye, I found it, here, under a car."

Hearing Xuewu's shout, Lin Ye hurried over and saw a manhole cover under a car, so he pushed the car with all his strength, "Drink..."

The car was pushed away by Lin Ye, Xue Wu exclaimed: "The ball corpses are attacking."

Lin Ye glanced at him and saw that the ball corpse had fully charged tens of meters away and was in a critical condition. He hurriedly pulled up the manhole cover, hugged Xuewu and jumped down together.

When it fell, the manhole cover turned dark and turned bright, and the sound of "booming" pierced into the ears of the two people, making their eardrums hurt.

Apparently when they jumped down, the corpse of the ball just arrived at the position where they were just now. Xue Wu was hugged by Lin Ye and landed firmly. up.

Seeing that Lin Ye was walking forward without any discomfort, Xue Wu gave another abnormal evaluation in her heart. In fact, what she didn't know was that Lin Ye experienced countless things that happened within a second of life and death in a second in her previous life, so she had calm now.

However, Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Hurry up, the ball corpses won't come down, but there are still many zombies behind."

Xue Wu nodded and hurriedly followed.

Lin Ye led Xuewu forward in the sewer, smelling a disgusting rancid smell, which had the same effect as the smell from zombies, and it lingered for a long time, Xuewu covered his mouth while running However, Lin Ye didn't care, and opened the way ahead with a bright small electric light.

The sewer has a channel half a meter deep and three meters wide, in which there is sewage and all kinds of garbage, large and small.The smell comes from the foul water in this canal.

Lin Ye and Xuewu walked on a two-meter-wide sidewalk. In the secluded sewer, apart from the sound of their footsteps, there was also the sound of dripping water from time to time. Xuewu felt the coolness behind him.

Although Xuewu had been the eldest sister, as a woman, she still couldn't get rid of her instinctive fear of such things, so she could only follow Lin Ye closely to give her a sense of security.

The two walked for several hundred meters, and the roar of the zombies could be heard faintly behind them. The sound was heard far away, but Lin Ye hurried up his pace anxiously: "The zombies are not slow, let's leave quickly."

Lin Ye and Xuewu chose to trot, but the voice behind them chased them like a ghost, and the voice became louder and louder.

"Run." Lin Ye no longer hesitated, he still underestimated the speed of the zombies, apparently the zombies were about to rush over.

After running hard for a certain distance, after passing a few corners, something that suddenly came into view made Xuewu scream: "Lin Ye, there is an iron gate blocking it."

Lin Ye saw that there was indeed an arched passage ahead, but it was blocked by a rusty iron gate.There is still a lot of garbage piled up in front of the iron gate.

Xue Wu's face was a little pale, and she sighed: "It's over."

"Not yet..." Lin Ye said in a cold voice, rushed over to move away the piled up garbage, and said to Xuewu, "Don't stand still, come and help me."

Xuewu stepped forward to help move, although she did her best, she was very anxious in her heart: "Lin Ye, what time is it, what are you doing?"

Lin Ye didn't keep an answer, and buried himself in removing the garbage blocking the iron gate. After removing some, a black iron lump that looked like a solid spoon caught his eyes: "Okay, there's no need to move it."

Xuewu asked: "This is?"

"Control the handle of the iron gate." Lin Ye said, stretched out his hand to hold the handle, gritted his teeth and pulled it, making a clicking sound, but the arc of the movement was very small, he said with difficulty: "Quick, Xuewu is here to help you. The handle has not been used for a long time and is stuck with rust."

Just as Xuewu was about to step forward, several loud roars made her body tremble. Looking back, several zombies had already passed the corner, roaring and rushing towards them. The sound was not only a few, but at least some zombies were behind them. There were dozens of them, and they were so loud that Xuewu's heart trembled.

"Don't stand still, come and help." Lin Ye gritted his teeth and roared.

Xue Wu ran over quickly with an ugly face, and held the handle with Lin Ye, Ka Ka... Boom!


"It's broken, what should I do? It's broken." Xuewu was sweating profusely, and looked back at the few zombies leading towards them, but they were [-] meters away, and the speed was very fast, and Xuewu couldn't help showing a smile on his face. With a look of fear, "What should I do, Lin Ye?"

Beads of sweat appeared on Lin Ye's forehead as well. He was just about to throw away the half-broken handle when he suddenly thought of something.

Lin Ye hurriedly put the handle on the fracture, and then exuded all his strength to exert the power of ice to the extreme, immediately forming crystal clear ice at the fracture, but Lin Ye felt that it was not strong enough and needed to be stronger.

Lin Ye gritted his teeth, his eyes were red. What he is using now is not using a lot of supernatural powers, but controlling the ice through mental power to make the ice harder, but this is not an easy task!He had to increase the power of the 3rd-degree ice system a little more, and he was only a second-level bronze supernatural power user, which was difficult for even silver supernatural power users. One can imagine that the difficulty was self-evident.

At this time, the zombies had already rushed over. Xue Wu looked at Lin Ye's actions and understood what he wanted to do, so instead of being dumbfounded, she took a deep breath to calm down, then pulled out the fire axe, and took a few steps forward to stop him. Zombies, even though she was a little scared, she had nothing to worry about when she thought that the man behind her was protecting her all the way ahead and she had done nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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