Chapter 10
Now Xuewu has only one thought in his heart: "I can't drag him down anymore, he helped me along the way and taught me how to do it, now I will help him, even if I die here now, I must buy time for him. "

Xuewu stood with an axe, Lin Ye's heart was extremely violent, and death was approaching again, and there were zombies again, piles of zombies, in the last life someone pushed him out of the city and was bitten to death by zombies, in this life he has a supernatural power again, could it be Do you want to bury your future with your own hands?

Lin Ye had promised that he would be in charge of his own destiny, so how could he be willing to die like this.

"Ahhhh...give it to me!" Lin Ye roared, and the zombie also roared, and Xue Wu yelled and rushed towards the zombie.

The atmosphere in the entire sewer suddenly reached a boiling point.

Lin Ye's faith continued to grow, supporting his subordinate's ice ability, and he began to make a little 'sizzling' sound. His entire face was wrinkled due to excessive force, and he roared: "Ning!"

The crystal ice solidified even more, and Lin Ye succeeded, pulling the handle violently.


The iron gate was raised.


At the same time, Xuewu couldn't feel any movement behind her, and she focused all her energy on the zombie in front. Xuewu threw a ball of fire and smashed it at the zombie. When it fell on the zombie's head, it lightly Say aloud: "Explosion."

"Bang!" The fireball exploded, blasting a bloody hole in the zombie's head, and then fell to the ground.

This is the technique that Xue Wu understood after listening to Lin Ye's words. It has to be said that once the fire ability is used well, it is quite powerful.

Xue Wu wasn't excited about killing a zombie. Sweat dripped down her forehead, and she could feel that with her current state, she could only fire three such fiery attacks.

But now she still has to face six zombies, so she has to save her powers for emergencies.

Xue Wu picked up the fire axe, and with one ax cut off the neck of the first attacking zombie, at this moment five other zombies rushed forward.

There are too many, Xuewu doesn't have Lin Ye's strong control ability, nor does he have flexible fighting skills, so he can only throw an ax randomly to separate the zombies, and when a zombie is about to bite her, throw a fiery one to kill it She is dead, but two fists are no match for four hands. After using a fiery one at the end, the ability was instantly exhausted. She was pale and weak. At this time, she was careless and a zombie swung her claws at her, scratching her arm.

Suddenly Xuewu was thrown to the ground, and the zombie raised its head and bit her neck.

"Are you going to die?" Xue Wu's eyes were a little distracted, seeing more and more zombies approaching, she had no intention of struggling.

However, death just stuck to her snow-white neck, and did not take away her life.

Xuewu saw an ice arrow appear in the eye socket of the zombie who fell on her, and then a figure rushed over, wielding the tricky fire axe, and killed several zombies in an instant.

Xue Wu felt her body lighten, and was hugged.

"Are you okay?"

Xue Wu was very tired, but her heart was warm: "No."

After Lin Ye hugged Xuewu and asked, he quickly ran across the iron gate. At this time, several zombies chased after him, but after Lin Ye ran over, he kicked a rocker on the opposite side vigorously, and followed With a crackling sound, the iron gate fell, and two zombies rushed over, but were pierced by the falling iron gate and nailed to the sewer.

The two zombies didn't die, but roared with their teeth and claws. The zombies blocked by the other side also stretched out their hands and screamed, but there was nothing they could do about Lin Ye.

Lin Ye exhaled, looked at Xuewu, saw that her face was pale, and then saw a few scratches on her hands, and couldn't help frowning: "Are you scratched by a zombie?"

"Am I going to mutate into a zombie..." Xue Wu's eyes were filled with desolation, and she struggled to get out of Lin Ye's arms. After all, she only suffered a small injury, and her body was a little weak due to the exhaustion of supernatural energy. The point of action.

"If I mutate, I will definitely be ugly. Please, kill me first, and I will leave the most beautiful impression in front of you..." Xuewu smiled brightly, but only the twinkling eyes Her eyes betrayed her desire to continue living in this world.

"If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely be infected and mutate into a zombie, but if you are a person with supernatural abilities, the supernatural abilities in your body will form antibodies. You only need some anti-inflammatory drugs to eliminate viruses and bacteria."

Lin Ye held Xuewu's shoulders: "Don't worry, you won't die, but you still have to be careful, if you are infected by a zombie that is one level higher than you, the ability will not be so effective. You must have two different cores from zombies of the same level." , take it internally and apply it externally to detoxify, the more advanced the zombie, the faster the infection speed, you are lucky this time, but you still have to pay attention in the future, don't be careless."

"Really...Really?" Xue Wu's eyes lit up, it was hard to believe.

Lin Ye: "Will I lie to you?"

After hearing Lin Ye's affirmative answer, Xue Wu's complexion improved a lot.

Next, Lin Ye and Xuewu ignored the roaring zombies behind them. The exhausted two ate something on the spot and drank some water to replenish their strength.

While eating, Lin Ye asked, "Xuewu, you just thought about saving me instead of surviving, right?"

"I..." Xuewu was about to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Ye: "Okay, remember that next time you save someone, you must also ensure your own safety, and keep calm at all times. The more dangerous you are, the less you can I have fallen into a desperate death situation, and only by living can I have hope."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he took a sip of water, then took out a cigarette in his pocket, lit it and took two puffs, waiting for Xuewu to finish eating the bread.

Lin Ye said: "The injury on your hand has been treated simply, but just in case, you still need to carry out the necessary anti-inflammation. In the last days, besides the most scarce food, the second is medicine. I didn't bring many .and lost a bag in the fight, you ate the last piece of bread..."

Xue Wu just picked up a piece of bread and stuffed it into her small mouth, but she didn't close it in a daze. She thought to herself that it's no wonder that Lin Ye only drank water and didn't eat anything. It turned out to be all given to her, so she couldn't help looking at Lin Ye with red eyes, " Lin Ye, you..."

"Okay, don't look at me with that look, your look is the most annoying in the last days."

Lin Ye took a puff of cigarette and continued, "Don't give me the bread you've eaten, I don't like to eat saliva. And I've reached Bronze Level [-], and my physique is much better than yours, so I'm not very hungry. Food and medicine can be found."

Lin Ye threw the cigarette into the sewer, and the cigarette butt landed on a floating object, emitting a little fire, and slowly drifting away with the pile of garbage.

Just then, a "squeak" sound came.

"Mice, Lin Ye has mice." Xue Wu called out first, the nature of a woman was overcome by these little things.

(End of this chapter)

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