Chapter 11

Lin Ye looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a pair of faint blue light spots approaching them. He used a strong photoelectric light to shine into the distance, and saw a mouse as big as a cat. Its hair was wet with sewage, black and white. It was so shiny that it couldn't completely cover the wrinkled reddish skin when it was attached to the body. There were a few long whiskers on the nose and two rows of sharp teeth underneath. The two blue light spots were the eyes of the mouse.

However, one pair, two pairs... more than a dozen pairs of blue light spots began to flicker, Lin Ye hurriedly scanned with the electric light, and a row of mice came running over. To his surprise, except for some cat-like Rats the size of a dog, one of them the size of a dog.

Based on experience, Lin Ye judged that these mice were mutant beasts formed under the influence of the blood moon. The ones as big as cats should have the strength of Bronze Level [-] or [-], and the leader Mouse King, the size of a dog, is estimated to have at least Bronze Level [-] or above. strength.

Xue Wu also saw these rats, and was afraid of rats as big as a palm, but now seeing so many ferocious rats, she felt powerless all over: "What should I do, Lin Ye."

In fact, Lin Ye was also a little helpless. Behind him was a dead end sealed by himself, and there were many zombies there, and in front was a row of mutant rats, and the speed was so fast that the distance between the two sides was shortened in an instant.

At this time, a small ball of floating fire attracted Lin Ye's attention. It was the cigarette butt he had thrown out just now, and it was already burning on the debris.

Lin Ye also saw the number of mice clearly by the light of the fire, exactly ten. He also found that all the mice avoided the fire as soon as they saw the fire.


Lin Ye looked around as he spoke, and there was a lot of rubbish accumulated in the back, which flowed over from opening the iron gate just now, and there were some flammable materials inside.

Lin Ye hurriedly moved the rubbish over to form a circle.

Xue Wu was puzzled: "What fire, what time is Lin Ye, what are you doing with these garbage, the mice are coming."

"Xuewu, take off your clothes." Lin Ye took off his coat first, even his shirt, and threw it on the slightly damp garbage.

"Ah, what are you going to do?" Xue Wu was annoyed in her heart, but then she thought that Lin Ye was definitely not the pervert she imagined, and wanted to have sex with her before he died.

Even so, she still couldn't let go of her extreme wild thoughts.

Seeing that she was still in a daze at this moment, Lin Ye took two steps forward, hugged Xuewu directly, and then ripped off her clothes, unbuttoning all the coat buttons.

"" Xuewu really didn't expect Lin Ye to be so eager, so he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip tightly.

But then she didn't feel Lin Ye's other movements, Xue Wu couldn't help but slowly opened her eyes, and saw Lin Ye covering her coat on the garbage, then lit the clothes with a lighter, and the sewer became warm and bright.

Xuewu didn't know, so: "You don't want to..."

Lin Ye was bare-chested, showing his muscular figure, and said: "Mutated beasts are not like zombies. They just mutate their bodies and become violent and bloodthirsty by nature, but the fear of natural enemies still remains in their bones. These mutant rats are naturally timid and fearful." Fire, even if you become more courageous after mutating, the fear of fire in the original source has not diminished, so I will use fire to separate the mice first, and then it will be easier to fight."

"What's wrong with you, your face is so red, is the wound already infected?" Lin Ye frowned, his expression slightly dignified. Infection is not a trivial matter, and once it is fully infected, it will undoubtedly die.

Xuewu could see the concern in the other person's eyes, and was moved, but at the same time, she was annoyed by her own stupid thoughts, "No, the fire is too hot, it's roasting."

"Here they come."

Lin Ye looked at these mutated rats rushing towards him, and still felt a little uneasy. This kind of method was just something he discovered through observation just now, whether it works or not is another matter.

Lin Ye kept staring at the mutated rats. They stopped when they came close, grinning their teeth and showing ferocious expressions at Lin Ye and the two of them.

Seeing that the mouse did not dare to approach the fire circle, Lin Ye heaved a sigh of relief, but also sneered in his eyes: "Are you trying to intimidate us in this way? Then I will show you something practical."

Sewers, inside the ring of fire.

Lin Ye condensed the water arrow in his hand and flicked it out. Then he held the water arrow empty-handed, and a chill quickly covered the water arrow, turning the water arrow into an ice arrow in an instant. The condensation speed and attack power increased significantly.

Because when the control handle of the iron gate was repaired just now, Lin Ye's ice ability was increased by one degree due to his stubborn spirit, reaching 4 degrees of ice ability.

The increase in degrees not only represents the hardness of the ice element, but also increases the speed at which Lin Ye can condense the ice ability. An arrow in the blink of an eye makes it impossible for a mutated mouse with teeth and claws to avoid it.

The other mutant rats were still roaring, but one of them was headshot instantly, and the yellow blood splashed all over the mutant rats next to it, making them instinctively take a step back. Only the dog-sized mutant rat king took a step forward instead of retreating. , roared, swearing its anger as the leader of the mouse king.

Lin Ye confronted the Shu King with a serious face.In fact, this kind of ignition can't do any harm to the mutant rats at all. It's just equivalent to the fear of cliffs for those who are afraid of heights. Once they overcome or are cornered, they will easily cross over obstacles that seem dangerous but are actually not a threat.

With Lin Ye's current strength, it would be difficult for him to match the Shu King, not to mention that there are so many first- and second-order mutant mice that would assist the Shu King, while Xue Wu could at most face two second-order mice.

But what made Lin Ye breathe a sigh of relief was that the mouse king seemed determined to cross the circle of fire, but the other mutant mice didn't have the courage.This opened the door for Lin Ye's next actions.

Lin Ye didn't hesitate anymore, and swished out five ice arrows in a row, with an attack speed of one shot per second.Now that he is at the second level of bronze, the supernatural energy can maintain ten ice arrows without being exhausted.

The arrows were right, and after Lin Ye headshot the five mutant mice, he stopped for a while to catch his breath.After all, such a high outbreak still made him a little tired, but it was worthwhile to trade this exhaustion for watching mutant mice being killed.

Outside the circle of fire, the Shu King watched his subordinates being killed one by one, bared his teeth, his hair stood on end, let out a roar, and rushed into the circle of fire without hesitation.

Lin Ye's expression was solemn, and he was already on guard in his heart. He swung his fire ax to meet the mouse king, and the ax collided with the mouse king's claws, making the sound of metal clashing.

This scene scared Xue Wu next to her, she couldn't believe it, and couldn't help feeling anxious for Lin Ye.But she couldn't intervene in it. She knew that her duty was to prevent the remaining three mutant mice from affecting Lin Ye's duel with the Shu King.

Xue Wu came to the circle of fire, and used his supernatural ability on the circle of fire with both hands, the flames of the circle of fire were doubled directly. The three mutant rats who were eager to try because the mouse king jumped over the circle of fire, took a few steps back in fright. They can make shrill calls outside the fire circle to help their rat king.

(End of this chapter)

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