Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 12 Fighting the Rat King

Chapter 12 Fighting the Rat King

Xuewu was instinctively afraid of these mutated rats, but when he thought about the man behind him, when he was confronting the most vicious and huge rat king, he couldn't help biting his lower lip stubbornly, and turned his head from time to time to worry about Lin Ye's safety.

Lin Ye was not surprised that Shu Wang was able to fight the sharp fire ax with his claws. What really surprised him was that he used all his strength in this blow, but felt a slight pain in his palm, and his body was also knocked back a few steps .

While Lin Ye was still immersed in that blow, the Shu King swung his claws again like lightning.

"So fast!" This was Lin Ye's first thought. He took a step back, raised his ax and struggled to block the Mouse King's attack. His body was constantly being pushed back in front of the iron gate, and he could feel the zombies behind him attacking him. The roar of flesh and blood.

Obviously, the Shu King's strength should have reached the fourth level of Bronze, and the situation would be bad if he continued to fight like this.

Sweat was streaming down his forehead, and his teeth were clenched. Lin Ye tried to send out the icy air from his palm, covering it towards the fire axe. In a blink of an eye, the entire fire ax was covered with a layer of ice.

The icy air also invaded the mouse king's claws along the axe, and after a while its entire claws were covered with a layer of ice.

The Shu King felt cold all over, and quickly drew his claws back.

Lin Ye sneered, the icy air of 4 degrees is like a low temperature of minus 30-40 degrees, and there is no way a mouse can resist it.

Lin Ye, who had tasted the sweetness, quickly took advantage of this advantage, and every ax was filled with icy air, and he himself was not bad at wielding axes, so he had the advantage for a while.

But this advantage comes and goes quickly.

After several times of confrontation, the Mouse King suffered a lot, he let out a roar and stopped resisting, his figure kept wandering in the sewers, dodging from left to right, turning Lin Ye around, and almost got hurt by the rat's claws a few times, fortunately He knew he couldn't get hit, so he used the icy air to condense a thin ice armor, which could be broken with one blow, but under his constant repairs, the Mouse King didn't cause much damage to him in a short period of time .

But Lin Ye originally had very few abilities left, so it is absolutely impossible to continue to consume them like this. Looking at the Shu King's attack is getting smoother and smoother, he even figured out a way, knowing that the repaired place is weaker, so he kept attacking There.

Lin Ye's situation became worse and worse, but his heart became calmer because of the critical situation. While fighting, he thought about ways to break the passive situation.

Looking at the water in the ditch next to him, Lin Ye made a plan in his mind, and after resisting the attack, he jumped into the ditch.

The Shu King didn't hesitate to jump into the water, the dog's body just didn't cover his limbs, but that was enough.

The Mouse King attacked at an unabated speed in the water. Lin Ye did not put on a defensive posture, but his eyes turned cold, and he slapped his palm into the water flow of the ditch, "Congeal."

Visible to the naked eye, the surface of the water in the ditch froze instantly, involving Shu Wang's attacking figure, and controlled it within a second, but Shu Wang was only slightly stunned, and was about to break free of the thin ice immediately.

How can Lin Ye make it easy to get out of the planned one, but it is not easy to do it.

Lin Ye's eyes were fierce, and veins burst out on his forehead, arms, and Chiguo's upper body, and he shouted sharply, "Freeze!"

In an instant, a large amount of icy air was released, and Lin Ye, who was at the source of the icy air, blushed, his whole body was hot from exertion, and the sweat flowed down freely, but it was condensing into ice in an instant .

Lin Ye's whole body is like a group of burning men covered with ice veil, green on the outside and red on the inside, which is extremely weird, and his body shape is also swaying due to the extreme consumption of supernatural powers.

Lin Ye's all-out efforts had achieved very good results. In the ditch, the flowing water from him to the Mouse King was originally just a thin layer of crystal clear ice, but now it was no longer crystal clear and turned dark green.Because the ice in this section of the ditch has thickened, and even some places have completely frozen.

The Mouse King struggled, but did not get rid of the thick ice, and the cold air of the ice directly invaded its body, making it tremble uncontrollably, and what trembled even more was its heart. It seemed to know that if it went on like this, it would inevitably is dead.

Then the Mouse King roared, all his hair stood on end, hissing and twitching vigorously, trying to get rid of the shackles of the ice.

At this time, Lin Ye's face was pale, the ice on his body was gone, only fire-like red remained, and the bulging tendons on it had not disappeared, and he was bending over panting at this moment.

Lin Ye's powers were consumed too much, and his whole body felt extremely tired, but he still lifted his feet with difficulty, and stepped onto the frozen ditch with sewage flowing over it.

Lin Ye dragged the fire ax and walked towards the struggling Shu King step by step. He raised the ax and slashed down under Shu King's terrified eyes.

The Shu King screamed, his head was split open, and a stinky green liquid flowed out of it.It swung its body crazily, but it couldn't break free from the ice's confinement. It screamed and wailed, but it was useless.

Lin Ye's eyes were red, feeling tired, he just wanted to kill the Mouse King as soon as possible.

Lin Ye raised the ax without hesitation and chopped it down...

After seven or eight mechanical cycles, at first the Mouse King was still screaming, but later he could only hum, and finally there was no sound at all, only the instinctive twitching of the body remained.

Lin Ye didn't stop, and continued chopping until the Shu King's head was like a shattered watermelon, and he didn't stop until the Shu King was declared dead.

Lin Ye then stretched out his hand to dig something in the "rotten watermelon".Until he took out a crystal, which was the heteronucleus, he swallowed it in his mouth, and immediately felt a wave of hot air reverberating in his lower abdomen, which melted away in an instant.

The whole person was shocked, his physical strength recovered a little, and his abilities also recovered. What's more gratifying is that Lin Ye felt that after eating this fourth-level bronze heterocore, he was only a little bit close to being promoted to the third-level bronze.

Lin Ye turned his attention to the remaining mutated rats. Seeing that even the rat king had been killed by this man, the three mutated rats instinctively backed away and ran away in fear.

"I want to run, hehe, if you come, leave it for me as an energy source for upgrading!" Lin Ye sneered and threw out three ice arrows, easily nailing the escaped mutant mouse to death. One of them missed, but this kind The Frost Arrow is Lin Ye's latest realization of the Frost Arrow with the air of ice, as long as it is hit, the cold air will enter the body and affect the ability to move.

The arrow was still nailed to the mutated mouse's shoulder. It didn't take a few steps before Lin Ye swung the ax away. The rotating ax accurately cut off the mutated mouse's entire head, and rolled around twice. What remained was the sound of the flames burning, the howling of the zombies behind, and Lin Ye's panting.

So far, none of the mutant mice remained, and all of them were eliminated.

The smell in the sewer was still there, but it was still mixed with a strong smell of blood. The flames cast the backs of Xue Wu and Lin Ye in the sewer, like two monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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