Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 101 The Curtain Opens

Chapter 101 The Curtain Opens
Listening to the discussion of several people, Qi Xuan didn't speak, but kept knocking on the table with his hands, and stopped after a while.

"Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. It's different now. It's better to be careful. I'll go there later, and you guys should take care of those people. Even if they really discovered the existence there, don't act rashly. I will arrange it myself, after all, we cannot afford to offend the forces established there."

Qi Xuan said slowly, originally he planned to go there in the next two days, but now he happened to use this excuse to go there, but Qi Xuan had other important things to go there.

As for that place, in fact Zhang Ren and others are fully qualified to know about it, but because Zhang Ren and others have no intention of staying, Qi Xuan didn't tell them. Generally, after knowing that place, many people really It is difficult to accept, but after understanding the behemoth behind it, it can only be accepted silently.

"Okay, there are a lot of things going on recently, everyone must be careful. I just received news that those people from the Goshawk League encountered a large group of zombie attacks on the way back. Although the strength is not high, there are many in number. Perhaps there is a zombie cave near Tianshui."

Regarding Qi Xuan's words, none of Wen Cheng and the others showed the slightest surprise. Obviously, they had already known the news in advance. The simple explanation of the zombie cave is that it exists like the entrance of hell, and inside is a fragment of a different space full of zombies. If the entrance passage is opened, there will be a steady stream of zombies coming out of it, which is almost a destructive existence for any small force.

For this kind of thing, Qi Xuan and the others discussed for a while but couldn't find any good solution. They can only use soldiers to cover up the water and cover it up. If they reach the point where it is really irreversible, they also have a hole card, but they need to pay a heavy price. It's just the abandonment of it, so a few people didn't worry too much about it.

"Then let's stop here today. Everyone still needs to investigate the matter of the past few days, and there should be no slack in the slightest." Qi Xuan said in a deep voice. Obviously, compared to the threat of foreign enemies, Qi Xuan is more concerned about certain internal affairs .

After Qi Xuan finished speaking, the three of Wen Cheng withdrew and walked out of the conference hall. The three of them glanced at each other, and a look conveyed their inner thoughts. This is also a unique tacit way in this doomsday world. A partition has ears, and misfortune comes out of the mouth, and if you are not careful, you will die without a place to die.

It's time to go and see him, maybe it's really him who left behind, this damn thing, I knew he was not a fuel-efficient lamp, Qi Xuan said ruthlessly in his heart, then got up and changed into a suit, wearing a mask He is fully armed, making it impossible to recognize his original appearance.

Not long after meeting, Qi Xuan quietly came to the entrance of the underground world. After looking around and seeing no one else, Qi Xuan quickly walked in.

Sure enough, he knew this place, and not a minute after Qi Xuan entered, a figure appeared not far from the entrance of the underground world, also wearing a mask and fully armed, but there was a dog crawling at the foot of this figure, making him It is not difficult to guess his identity.

That's right, this person is Zhang Ren. He sent all the dogs out to patrol and watch. He was also the most well-informed among them. While they were waiting patiently, the dog on duty outside came with news. His room was under surveillance, and Zhang Ren felt that something was wrong.

After he got Qi Xuan to go out in disguise, he decided to follow and have a look, so he arranged a few dogs to entangle the person who was following him, Zhang Ren followed Qi Xuan all the way to here without leaving a trace, watching the scene in front of him , Qi Xuan also verified his inner thoughts.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Ren still didn't rashly follow up. After Qi Xuan came in person at this time, he might have noticed something. It is really inappropriate to act alone at this time. Zhang Ren decided to wait for the evening to set off with everyone. .

But in the prison of the Colosseum in the underground world, there was a shocking scene. A burly man-like manager stood at the door of a cage, listening respectfully to the teachings of the prisoners in the prison.

"This is the first of the five forms of the world, and it is also a skill that is suitable for non-supernatural beings after I have improved it. You must tell him to remember that if the battle is not over after using it four times, you must give me to you." The denture of the opponent was crushed, there is a special gas in it, it will make the opponent's consciousness blank for a few seconds, and he himself will be weak for several days."

The prisoner who spoke was naturally Lin Ye. Now that he had a plan, Lin Ye couldn't be too shy about Liu Kui, who played a pivotal role in the plan.

Liu Kui is the name of the manager Dahan standing at the gate of the prison obediently listening to the lecture. The reason for this scene is because of Lin Ye's arrangement. If they get in front of Lin Ye, the only way is to convey their words to them through Liu Kui.

Although Liu Kui may not be able to convey his meaning so perfectly, as long as they have seven or eight points, they should be able to guarantee their victory.

As for Liu Kui, Lin Ye also had to work hard to convince him completely. Liu Kui could also learn and use the moves that Lin Ye asked Liu Kui to convey. This was also designed by Lu Pengfei early in the morning.

"Well, do you understand, you'd better find a way to transfer those three supernatural beings to my side." Lin Ye said to Liu Kui. Liu Kui manages ten prisoners, and three of them A supernatural person, and Liu Kui's strength among managers is still at the bottom.

After nightfall, Tianshui County was as silent as a mountain under the illumination of a blood moon, and the roars of several mutant beasts could be faintly heard from the distant forest.All surviving human beings are struggling on the verge of life and death every day.And all these struggles don't fit in the underground world!
Just like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, it has already been filled with human beings. Among these mighty human beings, there are a few strong men whose strength is above silver. They are the ones who maintain the order of this underground world.

"Welcome everyone to the Colosseum! Today, we will witness the opening of a crazy and passionate competition system! That is a 3v3 group battle. Among these 3 people or 3 zombies, only two can survive. Come down! This competition lasts for a week, please bet wildly!" After the host with a crazy face stood in the Colosseum and finished shouting, all the audience who heard this horrible competition system stood up and applauded, living in the doomsday For them, only stimulation can make them feel that they are still flesh and blood creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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