Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 100 All parties are moving

Chapter 100 All parties are moving
"Nice job! Kill that damn zombie."

"Damn why is this happening? Is it something you did at the Colosseum? It's a shady scene, defrauding our consumers. We strongly demand a refund."

Following Lin Ye's kick, the zombie fell to the ground and tried its best to shake its body a few times, but it still didn't get up.A game that should have been without any suspense, but now has such a dramatic ending in the blink of an eye, people can't help but secretly stunned.

"Okay! I announce that the winner of this game is our No. 111! Next, challenger No. 111 is invited to take a rest, and our game will continue."

The host's voice sounded, but it sounded a little blunt, because it was two completely different versions from his prepared lines.

Following the host's words, Lin Ye turned around and walked back. No one noticed that his gaze was looking into a corner without leaving a trace.

"Damn it! How did this happen, what a fucking waste." In a dark corner of the ordinary Colosseum, a man wearing a mask cursed. Obviously, this unexpected ending made her very angry. And the direction this man was in was exactly the direction Lin Ye was looking at just now.

When Lin Ye returned to the cage, a figure was already waiting for him at the door of the cage. This person was Lin Ye's manager.

"You won again, congratulations." The big man said with a somewhat uneasy expression.He also went to watch the match just now, and in his opinion, he also believed that Lin Ye should die, but the result surprised him.

If it was a coincidence, the big man would never believe it anyway. There seemed to be many secrets hidden in this kid, but these secrets had nothing to do with him.

Moreover, I don't ask too much, what the big man asks for, what he wants, is just to survive.

Lin Ye didn't say much, just winked at the big man, and then walked in. The big man nodded knowingly, turned and left.

"What are you going to do next?" Xue Wu looked at Lin Ye and asked.

"Find a way to get out first, and then get him out." Lin Ye answered.

"You have a way to get out?" Xue Wu looked at Lin Ye in surprise.

"Not yet, but don't worry, it should be available soon, and we may not be the ones who will leave by then." Lin Ye's eyes flickered, obviously he had already made up his mind.

"You don't have to worry, I will arrange everything in the future. Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you. You understand my purpose and I know what you want. Smart people don't need to go around in circles."

Lin Ye whispered to the neighbor prisoner. The neighbor seemed to understand Lin Ye's meaning, but he just nodded himself, and sat down in the corner of the cage.

In the Tianshui County Giant League's base, Li Jie and the others stayed in the room and did not go out. Obviously, Lin Ye's inexplicable disappearance made them lose their backbone.

Although Zhang Ren guessed that Lin Ye and Xuewu probably went to the underground world, but after all, he had never seen it with his own eyes, and he didn't have much confidence in his heart. Besides, the underground world is full of filth and there are countless dangers. It is impossible to disappear without encountering any danger.

"Well, let me tell you one thing. No matter what, everyone must keep it secret. Don't tell anyone except us. Don't forget." Zhang Ren slowly stood up on the sofa and said softly. After careful consideration, he decided to tell everyone about the underground world.

After all, survival in the doomsday world has always been a whole thing, keeping secrets in one's heart puts too much pressure on oneself, and sometimes people will come up with unexpected ideas when they work together.

Everyone quietly listened to Zhang Ren's words. The three Wang brothers and Hu Fei were fine. After all, they had experienced some things. The most exaggerated reactions were Jiang Xinyu and Li Jie. It's just a little girl, and Li Jie has always been an optimist. In his world view, even if there are discord and disputes among human beings, they should at least be monolithic in principle. A force that threatens the human world is right.

However, slavery in the ancient society actually appeared now, and there are even some messy and dirty transactions. It is really unbelievable, and it will be unacceptable for a while.

"Although the few of us have not worked together as a whole from the beginning, we are partners who share weal and woe after all, and we know each other well. For the local forces here, we are the only ones who count as our own. As long as we are together for one day, no one of our companions will be allowed to fall behind."

Zhang Ren's words undoubtedly gave everyone a reassurance. Everyone nodded in conviction. After all, apart from Lin Ye, only Zhang Ren has the strongest strength and prestige. For everyone, it is the end of the world.

After discussion, everyone decided to go to the so-called underground world tonight to have a look. If you don’t speak with your own eyes, you have no right to speak. You can wear masks when you go. As some of them are outsiders, it shouldn’t be so coincidental that someone will recognize them.

Everyone sat quietly in the living room, quietly waiting for the arrival of the night.

What a few people didn't know was that while they were waiting for the darkness, there were several pairs of eyes quietly staring at them from outside.

"Lin Ye is missing. These people are secretly planning to go to a certain place at night. What do you think?" In the highest-level meeting hall of the Giant League, there were four figures sitting. The details of Li Zhong, as well as the chief bookkeeper Ling Bo, are also the current power center of the Giant League. Qi Xuan is sitting in the center at the moment, telling the three of them the news he just got.

"I sent people to ask today, and their people said that Lin Ye went out to find high-level zombies to collect heterogeneous cores. There shouldn't be any accidents." Wen Cheng said slowly, without seeming to care at all. .

"The leader is worried that Lin Ye's disappearance is related to the underground world, and their people probably want to go to the underground world to find out." Ling Bo said unhurriedly, and Qi Xuan looked at Ling Bo admiringly. Bo glanced and nodded.

"Impossible, the location there is so secret, even if most of our local people don't know the existence of that place, how could they outsiders who have just been here for a few days know about it."

Li Zhong affirmed that only the various upper-level forces and families are qualified to know in that place. If ordinary people know about it, a riot with unpredictable consequences will definitely break out, so this has always been the most powerful among the major forces. There is a tacit understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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