Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 99 Evolution Zombies

Chapter 99 Evolution Zombies
If this opportunity is used properly, it may even become a nightmare for the Colosseum.

"Whether you want to win, it's not about winning one game, but about winning all the time, until the end, and living until the end to become a king."

Just when the big man was a little downcast, Lin Ye's voice sounded behind the big man, as if with magical powers, making the big man turn around and nod unconsciously.

"Can you help me?" The big man subconsciously said, and after he finished speaking, Hao Ran realized that he had unknowingly changed his attitude towards Lin Ye so respectfully, this question even the big man himself couldn't figure it out.

"I can help you, but there is one condition, that is, you must absolutely listen to me. From now on, what I say and what you do, and I guarantee that these prisoners under your hands will win every game."

Lin Ye said solemnly, the reason why Lin Ye has such confidence is of course not that he has the confidence to turn ordinary people into strong people who can resist supernatural beings.

And this is also due to the Colosseum's setting of the rules for the prisoner competition. Ordinary people fight ordinary people, and people with abilities fight against people with abilities. Prisoners without abilities will at most only arrange third-level bronze zombies as opponents.

If ordinary people were to fight against high-level bronze zombies, it would be tantamount to courting death. Every prisoner was bought by the Colosseum, and the Colosseum would naturally not use its money for nothing.

Under the circumstances of the same level, with Lin Ye's means, he is absolutely sure that these prisoners under the hands of the big man will win the battle.

"Are you really sure?" The big man wondered. Although he didn't know where Lin Ye got such a strong confidence, but looking at Lin Ye's eyes, the big man unconsciously believed it.

Maybe this kid is really different, the big man murmured.

The alien nucleus and cigarettes that Lin Ye used to bribe him also seemed to have mysterious channels. In the eyes of the big man, Lin Ye's body was increasingly covered with a hazy and mysterious veil.

"You may not believe me yet, but you can only believe, because you have no choice. You must know the consequences of being eliminated better than anyone else. Trust me, you still have a chance."

Lin Ye still seemed to speak relaxedly.It seems that he is not worried about being rejected by the big man.

The big man thought for a moment, then nodded fiercely.

"Okay! I promise you! I will do what you say from now on." The big man said firmly.

Lin Ye nodded in satisfaction, whispered in the big man's ear, then turned and walked towards the Colosseum.

Seeing Lin Ye's disappearing back, the big man sighed deeply, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

I hope this kid can create a miracle, the big man murmured.

"Okay! The contestant No. 111 is on stage now. His opponent today is a third-level bronze zombie. It is definitely a close battle. Please look forward to the bloody scene! Let's shout with all your enthusiasm! "

Just as Lin Ye walked to the entrance door, he heard the high-pitched voice of the host from inside, followed by the shouts of the audience.

Bronze Level [-], you really think highly of me, Lin Ye sneered, judging from his performance in the last game alone, fighting against Bronze Level [-] zombies is absolutely certain.

It seems that this battle should and was deliberately arranged by someone, maybe it was not aimed at himself, but just a big man, Lin Ye guessed.

As for the management of the big man, Lin Ye didn't mind saving his life, because although he had a bad temper, he had never done anything harmful to the world. This is rare in the doomsday world, especially in this crazy underground world. up.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Ye has found a potential that can be tapped in the big man.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Lin Ye walked in slowly, and opposite Lin Ye stood a zombie with green ink on the mouth, looking a little impatient.

The skeleton of this zombie is extremely strong and the muscles of its body are extremely fit. It should at least be a practitioner before the end of the day.

The zombie roared, patted his chest repeatedly, and rushed towards Lin Ye. It seemed that he couldn't wait to tear Lin Ye to pieces.

Looking at the zombies rushing towards him, Lin Ye frowned slightly. He didn't expect to meet a mutated zombie here, Lin Yeye murmured.

Zombies surpass the third level of brass, and after reaching a high level, there is a one in ten thousand chance of evolving. Evolved zombies are like humans with abilities. Of course, they may be very weak abilities. It may be a dangerous ability, but it is full of uncertainty.

Lin Ye wasn't too worried about the zombie's own strength. After all, no matter how powerful the zombie's ability was, it was only at the third level of bronze, and it didn't pose any threat to Lin Ye's real strength.

What really troubled Lu Pengfei was how he could not reveal his strength in full view, but also make these perverted spectators happy.

If the ability is not used, if the zombie has a rare mutation against the sky, then Lin Ye will put himself in a dangerous situation.

Seeing that the zombies were getting closer and closer, they suddenly stopped three meters away from Lin Ye.

The zombie raised its head and yelled, its whole body turned khaki in an instant, and then it rushed towards Lin Ye. Surprisingly, the figure of the zombie disappeared in mid-air.

"How is this possible! Zombies of the third level of bronze can also have supernatural powers!"

"My God! This is still a zombie. This kid looks like he is going to die. It's really boring. Is this still a competition? Is this completely unilateral killing? We demand a refund!"

The audience under the stands talked a lot, and all kinds of emotions were vented.

Lin Ye was a little surprised that it was actually an earth-type supernatural power - Earth Dungeon. If Lin Ye hadn't dabbled in almost all supernatural powers in his previous life, he would have fallen into trouble today.

Earth Dungeon is a relatively high-end type of earth-type ability. To be precise, it is a talent skill, and only a very small number of earth-type abilities have this kind of innate talent.

right here!Lin Ye turned his attention to his right hand. Suddenly, Lin Ye slipped his foot and fell to his side. He just kicked out with his right foot. At the moment when Lin Ye kicked out with his foot, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

Coincidentally, Lin Ye's right foot sank, and with a slap, it happened to kick the zombie on the left face, and the black shadow flew out viciously.

It was simply luck that the entire venue fell into a brief silence, and immediately after everyone reacted, there were fierce cheers.

(End of this chapter)

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