Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 104 The Battle of Trapped Beasts

Chapter 104 The Battle of Trapped Beasts
After the man finished speaking, the man in black greeted his face with a big slap, fearful and afraid to say more nonsense.Complete obedience to this man.

A bronze zombie at its peak was engaged in a life-and-death fight with a slave who knew martial arts and was very powerful with a knife. This kind of battle was hard to come across after watching it a hundred times. The ticket price was already worth it, and Nie Quanqi, who was sitting on the ground, was automatically ignored by people.

Lin Ye stepped forward and pulled Nie Quanqi up, "Are you okay?" Lin Ye still has a good impression of this guy, and his team lacks someone who can occupy a side in the forest, and this guy in front of him may not even be himself. I know how valuable his wood ability is in the late end of the doomsday. There is a king with wood ability in a city. Basically, the defense system of the entire city is impeccable in front of people with the same level of ability. .

"Thank you for saving my life. You seem to be very powerful! Are you a supernatural being?" Nie Quanqi couldn't help but asked out of the confusion in his heart.Lin Ye looked at his hot and sincere eyes, and smiled faintly, "You will know later!"

Two people stood in front of the evolving worm corpse. The worm corpse had an extremely ferocious expression on its face, and its body was already being reorganized and integrated. This corpse worm seemed to have human thinking. When it was assembled and overlapped, there was no weakness in its body.

Lin Ye already knew that Nie Quanqi's ability was of the wood type, and his strength was probably at the second level of Bronze, but the zombie in front of him was much stronger than Nie Quanqi. During the breakthrough period, he was no different from a pig waiting to be slaughtered, Lin Ye said. : "Brother Nie, your wood-type supernatural ability should have binding at the primary level. You should concentrate and concentrate on trapping the guy on the opposite side. I will take care of it!"

Nie Quanqi nodded, closed his eyes slightly, with a painful expression on his face, a dozen blue vines came out from the ground, trapped the evolving insect corpse, and suddenly, the group of poisonous scorpions were at a loss and rushed to the ground Rolling over, the body of the insect corpse stopped evolving, a pair of red eyes were murderous, and an unpleasant metallic sound came from the throat.He was desperately breaking free from the shackles of the ivy.

At this moment, Lin Ye seized this good opportunity, flipped the figure in his hand and rushed forward like a ghost.After the poisonous scorpions lost the control of the insect corpses, they felt the monstrous murderous aura on Lin Ye's body by virtue of their biological functions, and immediately scattered like birds and beasts. Only a few sporadic ones remained loyal to protect the lord.

When Lin Ye bullied him, the long knife brought up dust on the ground. With the ability of this worm corpse, he didn't use the power of ice. When this guy completely evolved into silver, the outcome would be hard to say.

Under the sky full of dust, the long knife in Lin Ye's hand was slowly covered with a layer of frost. In the eyes of everyone, they just felt that the knife suddenly emitted a white and dazzling light, but no one could see that it was Lin Ye's ability. is causing trouble.

At this critical juncture, the green vines on the corpse worm's body were stretched by the soaring muscles. Lin Ye stabbed into the zombie's body with a knife. Fight to the death with Lin Ye.

At this moment, this guy in front of me can no longer be called a zombie. It is more appropriate to call it a mutant orc. Its head simulates a lump of black flesh, while its real head is hidden under its armpit. on the ground.There was a big bloody mouth like a piranha flower between the chest and abdomen, and black saliva flowed from the corner of the mouth.And just now, Lin Ye's knife happened to be stuck in its mouth.

The grotesque mutated corpse in front of him did not evolve to silver, but spent all his evolution points on his tyrannical body.Lin Ye tightly held the knife in his hand, and turned his head to see that blood was dripping from the corner of Nie Quanqi's mouth. He was indeed a little overwhelmed by the ivy bundle just now.For a person using a power for the first time, this approach is tantamount to quenching thirst with poison.

As the leader of the Tianshui League, Qi Xuan was sitting calmly drinking tea in the private room a moment ago, when he saw the sudden accident of the insect corpses on the field, he hurriedly stood up and asked a subordinate beside him in panic. "Is this zombie sent from above?" The subordinate replied tremblingly, "To my lord, yes." Qi Xuan's expression was mournful at this time, and he slumped on the chair, muttering "It's over!" , It's over, if the higher-ups blame it, they won't be able to explain it clearly."

In the Colosseum, Lin Ye lay the long knife with both hands, no longer hiding the killing intent accumulated on his body for so many years. For a while, his momentum rose sharply, and he felt the mutated beast corpse on Lin Ye's murderous aura "hiss!" "With a sound, the footsteps were actually retreating.

A zombie can break through its own class, and an ordinary slave can chop two zombies with an ordinary long knife.When had the audience outside the field seen such a battle scene, they all stretched their necks and applauded. At this point, it doesn't matter who wins or loses.The thrills they wanted to pursue were all seen today.Now they only hope that the zombie on the field will die, or that the two lowly slaves will die.

Just when the two sides froze, the mutated beast corpse finally couldn't help attacking Lin Ye, but its target was not Lin Ye but Nie Quanqi.

When the mutated beast passed through Lin Ye, the paper bag only carried a gust of wind. Nie Quanqi had no choice but to assimilate himself into a plant in desperation, but the mouth on the mutated beast's chest forcibly swallowed him.

Seeing this, Lin Ye cut off the sarcoma on its shoulder from behind with a knife. The mutated animal corpse was furious, turned around and shot towards Lin Ye with its six tentacles like flying spears.Lin Ye repeated his old trick, growling in a low voice, "Five moves in the world, explode".After cutting off the first tentacles of the mutated beast corpse, the long knife in his hand was already curled.

Lin Ye glanced at the long knife with a curly blade in his hand, thought secretly, stepped forward, gathered a ball of water from his hand, and threw it towards the bloody mouth on the chest and abdomen of the mutant beast's corpse.

The situation was critical at this time, and there were no more scruples. Seeing the water polo in Lin Shuo's hand, the audience on the field all exclaimed, "This slave can actually attack with a water polo!"

"Is he also a supernatural person? It seems that the strength of the underground world in Tianshui County cannot be underestimated!"

Lin Ye's figure moved forward rapidly. He wanted to block everyone's sight and condense the water polo that was shot into the zombie into ice.In that instant, three green vines sprouted from the ground. Nie Quanqi, who was standing behind, turned pale with blood in his mouth, and shouted wildly, "Brother Lin, kill it quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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