Chapter 105

In order to be able to trap the mutated beast corpse, Nie Quanqi overdrawn what little power he had on his body. The five steel-like tentacles paused for a few seconds under the bundle of green vines, and stopped in the air in a daze. The hair under the armpit of the animal corpse made bursts of "hissing" sounds. This is the first time since this TMG infected zombie became a life-threatening threat.

Lin Ye seized this short few seconds, under the watchful eyes of all the gamblers and audience, Lin Ye let out a yell, and punched into the bloody big mouth with one hand.

Everyone present saw this horrifying scene. Half of Lin Ye's body was swallowed by the mutated beast's corpse. At this moment, Jiang Xinyu, who was sitting in the stands, stood up and was about to rush to the arena. Rescuing Lin Ye, Li Jie and Hu Fei also stood up, their nerves were tense, Zhang Ren's brows were tightly wrinkled, and his hands were fisted.

At this moment, the animal that ate Lin Ye's mutated corpse let out a shrill and sharp scream.Then the whole body was torn apart like fireworks being blown away, and one of the tentacles pierced the soil of the arena like a javelin, and the blood when the flesh and blood exploded splashed onto the platform.The audience sitting in the front row couldn't dodge in time and cursed.

Nie Quanqi fainted to the ground because of his overdraft ability.Lin Ye stood in the middle of the arena like an ancient god of war, and the whole field fell into a deathly silence. Three seconds later, there was a loud noise, and all the humans watching the game went crazy. A mutated beast carcass with a peak bronze head.There was thunderous applause, cheers, and applause for a long time without stopping.

In the hidden corner of the arena, the man raised his eyebrows and murmured: "It seems that this guy's strength is only so good, it's really boring!" "Wang, do you want to bring that guy over here?"

"No, just let him stay here. Throwing a catfish into a lifeless fish tank will be more interesting after all. This guy who is not interesting in the end of the world is not very fun after all!"

"Then Qi Xuan, the leader of Tianshui County, do you want to see him?" the person asked again in a low voice.

"No, no, I don't see, I don't see, I don't have superpowers, so I can't take care of so many things. As long as this Tianshui County doesn't fall into the hands of other gangs, it doesn't matter who is the leader." The middle-aged man seemed Looking a little tired, he stood up and walked towards the gate of the Colosseum.The man behind is right behind
Lin Ye held the zombie's alien core tightly in his hands. He noticed that all the audience were cheering, and only these two walked out.

He just put his hand into the body of the mutated beast corpse, suppressed the smell of the corpse, condensed the water molecules in its body into ice, destroyed the organs in the guy's body, and then used the "five human-style collapses" to combine With the strength of his own third-level silver, he smashed this zombie into slag.

"It turns out that hiding one's own strength is not an easy task." Standing in the middle of the arena with blood on his face, Lin Ye laughed at himself.

The voice of the host began to sound out of nowhere: "Congratulations to our No. 110, who won the victory instead of the human side. We congratulated him on his victory with warm applause and cheers. It made a good start for us, Next, let’s invite the next group, the beast fight is about to begin.” The people at the scene fell into crazy shouts again. To them, the end of the life-and-death struggle between Lin Ye and Nie Quanqi was nothing more than a dog-eat-dog fight, winning or losing didn’t matter at all , and only those who bet will feel sorry for their money.

Lin Ye hugged Nie Quanqi who had fainted to the ground, and walked towards the prison. Liu Kui watched anxiously as the two entered in front of him with complicated expressions. He had only ten prisoners under his command. time, then he has to go to the court to fight the zombies to the death. He doesn't know what the people above think, but he knows that if this continues, all the prisoners and managers in this prison will die, and every room Empty cells would be filled by the steady flow of slaves.

The entire cell was immersed in the scope of sadness. Since the end of the day, they escaped the bite of zombies and the invasion of alien beasts, but in the end they all died at the hands of the same kind. Precipitation in the heart.

And Lin Ye saw all this in his eyes. He was only one chance away. His original plan was to turn all the prisoners into warriors in the doomsday. He would stand out from these slaves and become a manager. The managers all obeyed him, but things changed beyond his imagination.

All the steps are compressed into only one fuse. The most primitive fear of every human being is the instinct of life and the instinct of death. When someone wants to override these two laws through rule changes, no matter at any time, Exploited human beings will rise up and rebel no matter the cost.

After killing the corpse of the mutant beast, Lin Ye looked at the cheering audience, and a plan slowly took shape in his mind.He's going to set this place on fire.This kind of evil at the lowest level of human beings should be obliterated.

"Liu Kui, I want Nie Quanqi to live in the same cell as me." Liu Kui nodded with blank eyes.Seeing the bloodstains on Lin Ye's body, Xue Wu asked anxiously, "Lin Ye, are you alright!"

Lin Ye looked cold, "I'm fine, he was injured."

He put Nie Quanqi, who was on his shoulders, on the ground, and sighed, "This little man is so heavy."

Xue Wu is different from Jiang Xinyu, Xue Wu is tolerant and restrained, Jiang Xinyu is passionate and unrestrained, her love for Lin Ye is the kind of silently giving behind her back, without expecting anything in return.However, Lin Ye seems to have no desires and no actions. He has never had much interest in himself and that woman from the beginning to the end. Sometimes when he looks at his handsome and timeless face, he will have dreams in his heart, but the truth will be different. Tell her fiercely, you, stop fantasizing.

Lin Ye put the heterogeneous core taken from the mutated zombie's body into Nie Quanqi's mouth, and his face gradually turned red. After seeing Lin Ye came back safe and sound, the neighbor next door squeaked to express his happiness. And be able to see him again.

The shouts from the audience outside were still enthusiastic and crazy, but all of this had nothing to do with him.

In the middle of the night, Lin Ye's eyes were bright. He really couldn't fall asleep so easily. After experiencing the battle during the day, he believed that all the prisoners would lose sleep tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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