Chapter 106 Action
Driven by such a cruel competition system, the existing prisoners in this prison will be purged within a month, and most of the managers who are not strong enough will also be reduced to prisoners.It is impossible for them to fail to understand that they can survive the doomsday.

Lin Ye woke up Xuewu and Nie Quanqi, who were sleeping, and said in a cold voice, "Today is the only chance to rescue these people from here. After a long time, after they get used to this kind of life, they will be able to save their lives." It's hard to get them emotional. So we're going to raze this place today and burn it to ashes."

"Brother Lin, tell me, as long as you can do it, I'm willing to do it!" Nie Quanqi had unreserved faith in Lin Ye, after all, he saved his life.When his life was dying, he took out a precious heterocore to save his life, and was promoted from the second level of bronze to the third level of bronze.

Seeing Nie Quanqi like this, Lin Ye felt a little moved. In this doomsday, the most rare thing is sincerity. Since he is willing to believe in himself, then let him live well.Become the king of one side in this hell on earth.

"According to these two days of observation, I found that all the managers sleep in the same area, and each compartment is under the jurisdiction of a manager. There are a total of twenty managers here, and there are a dozen or so supernatural powers in the middle. Most of them are in the Bronze Level, three of them are Silver Level [-], and one is Silver Level [-]. As for whether there are any hidden masters, I don’t know. However, after the riots broke out, even if they kill people, they can’t stop them from wanting to The determination to escape from here."

"Brother Lin, the problem right now is that we don't have a key, and we can't even open our own iron door, so how can we save others." Nie Quanqi asked puzzled.

Lin Ye did not answer his question, but stood up, walked to the iron fence made of refined steel bars, clasped his hands tightly, and stimulated the power of ice in his body. After a while, it was covered with a layer of ice. The cold ice was expelled with one palm, and the fence turned into powder, which fell to the ground and was easily broken.

"Brother Lin, don't you know water? How can you know ice?" Because the partition wall has ears, Lin Ye didn't have to tell him about the supernatural beings and zombies in the doomsday.

Seeing that Lin Ye didn't answer his own question, Nie Quanqi also understood that too many words are bound to fall short.So no more questions.The anticipation of this riot rose in my heart.

The Colosseum is located in the center of the underground world, surrounded by black market transactions and human trafficking sites.The Colosseum is like a rectangle wrapped around a circle. On one side are the "slaves" killed by their own kind, and on the other side are thousands of ordinary zombies.Underneath the dark, sunless ground, all the dark places of human corruption are swollen and sprouting.

All the banknotes before the apocalypse have become waste paper, and only the intuitive food and water, as well as the different cores needed for the evolution of the supernatural beings, can become the hard currency of the market.There is no order in the world yet.All human beings are struggling to survive while resisting the zombies.Only the strong can lead mankind to tomorrow.

After seeing the terrifying appearance of your relatives and friends turned into zombies, everyone's desire to survive has reached an unprecedented height. It can be said that none of the human beings who survived on this land are willing to commit suicide.Of course, there are very few exceptions, like this guy in this cell.

Lin Ye asked Xuewu to look after the dumb prisoner, and escaped from the cell with Nie Quanqi and two people. In an underground prison in Nuoda, there were only two sleepy security guards, and these two people were ordinary people.

Before the two security guards were knocked out before they could utter a scream, Lin Ye had already appeared in front of a cell, and quickly used melting ice to trap the locks of the prisoners.

Nie Quanqi, who was following behind, and the detainees said impassionedly, "Brothers and sisters detainees, today we must stand up from this unequal rule and push this mountain to the ground! Destroy this Colosseum!" Burned to ashes." The first few prisons still made rustling noises, and later, when more iron doors were opened, some people came out, some started to make noise, and some laughed non-stop.

Lin Ye released the power of ice on his body in the dark, and the entire corridor aisle on the first floor turned into an ice rink. He was already speeding up desperately, because he didn't want to cause unnecessary casualties.

However, they were still discovered by those managers. After a group of disheveled managers stood at the prison door with heavy machine guns and submachine guns in their hands, the hundreds of people standing in the corridor fell silent.

Lin Yebing dropped an iron fence and said to the people inside: "Come out, you are free."

"Get out? Didn't you hear the gunshots in the hands of those guys! You want me to go out. I'll just go out!" A bald man sitting inside said arrogantly.Lin Ye gave him a cold look, and his bald head shivered involuntarily.

"Who the hell wants to rebel? Stand up!" shouted the fat man with a heavy machine gun, his hat was shackled on his head, his face was splattered with flesh and saliva.The clothes on his body were left open before he could button them up, revealing the tattoo of a coiling dragon and a crouching tiger inside.

After he finished yelling, the entire prison was so quiet that even a needle dropped on the ground could be clearly heard.

"I want to rebel!" A loud voice came from the other end of the corridor.Lin Ye walked out from the dense crowd of prisoners.When he walked through those sides, they felt as if the temperature around them had dropped by more than ten degrees.get cold.

Lin Ye was tall, but he was still a head shorter in front of that fat man.The fat man glanced at Lin Ye. Since all the prisoners were wearing masks, he couldn't be seen, but judging by his grade, he should be just a young man in his early twenties.

The fat man sneered and did not speak. He just raised the heavy machine gun in his hand and fired at Lin Ye. The muzzle of the gun flashed blue in the dark night, and the red and burning bullets shot at Lin Ye who was standing in the crowd. go.

"Lin Ye, be careful." Xue Wu who was mixed in the crowd couldn't help but exclaimed.

The heavy machine gun in Fatty's hand is the MG34 machine gun made in Germany. This kind of gun was like killing gods in the war years. has lost its original meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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