Chapter 108 The Return
"Brother Lin, what are we going to do next?" Nie Quanqi followed Lin Ye with a bright expression.

The blood moon has disappeared, and the morning sun in the east is about to break.All living beings are at peace.

From the end of the day, he escaped among the crowd avoiding zombies.In the end, I couldn't run anymore. When I was resting in a dilapidated village, I drank the water given by an old man. After waking up, I appeared in this dark Colosseum.In the life-and-death struggle with the zombies day after day, he discovered the supernatural ability in his body, which can turn the body into wood and block the gnawing and biting of the zombies.But this kind of life has no end in sight.Until the appearance of Lin Ye and Xue Wu changed the trajectory of his life.

In Tianshui County in the early morning, the air is slightly cold. After the end of the world, all human factories and enterprises have all closed down, and the global temperature will slowly drop accordingly, and will eventually return to the pre-industrial age.Some new biological species will be derived and mutated in just a few years.In decadence, vitality also appears.

"Take you to join us, or let's go together!" The morning sun hit Lin Ye's face with a warm golden light, his fine bangs hung down on his forehead, and his facial features softened into a halo.A pair of amber pupils shone brightly.

"Ah, ah, good!" Nie Quanqi stroked the back of his head, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Bastard, who the hell did this! The whole underground world was burned to ashes, and you all told me that you didn't know!?" Personally scolded, due to excessive anger, his fleshy face was already red and deformed.Hair is also messy from overexcitement.

Seeing that all three were silent, he began to curse. "Can any of you tell me where I came from yesterday? Everything was fine, just one night, one night! Nothing! The higher-ups asked. Do you know what will happen? That guy disappeared too."

The chief secretary Ling Bo still had a calm look, and after seeing Qi Xuan's anger, he began to say in a calm and unhurried manner: "Don't worry, the leader, if the higher-ups are to blame for this matter, we can just say what it is." What, and that person, he has turned into a dumb person, and no one will believe what he says. The most important thing now is that the members of the Fly League will not be eliminated for a day, and the position of the leader in Tianshui County is still not stable. .It is a good thing that the underground world was burned to ashes this time."

"How should I say it!" Qi Xuan heard Ling Bo finish speaking.His expression became a little calmer.

"The higher-ups don't know who is responsible for this matter. We can frame the incident on the people of the Goshawk League, and the higher-ups will definitely issue weapons, and we have ready-made thugs that can be used to deal with these people from the Goshawk League. .This underground world can be built at any time.”

Qi Xuan's face was obscure, he looked at Ling Bo, and then at the other two.

Li Zhong said: "I think Ling Bo's method is good, killing two birds with one stone. At present, Zhang Ren's group will leave Tianshui County sooner or later. Since they can't be used by us, why not?"

There was a flash of sharpness in Qi Xuan's eyes, "Then do this! As for that person, please pay more attention to me. I will carefully control the people who come and go in and out of Tianshui County these days, and I must not let any one go. A fish that slipped through the net."

At the same time, in the hotel in the town, Lin Ye took Nie Quanqi and knocked on the door of the hotel room. Because the group was so powerful, the entire floor of the hotel was occupied by Lin Ye and his group.Zhang Ren's more than 50 dogs are scattered in every corner of Tianshui County.But Ah Hui and the golden retriever were left to watch the house.

Everyone was very excited about Lin Ye's return, especially Jiang Xinyu, a policewoman, the moment Lin Ye stepped into the gate, she rushed forward and gave him a big hug.

Zhang Ren grasped Lin Ye's hand, and said in a reproachful tone: "As a leader, you should understand the importance of yourself. In the future, don't do this kind of risky thing again. I don't want brothers Worrying about you."

Hearing Zhang Ren's heartfelt words, Lin Ye was a little moved.The tacit understanding of a man can be conveyed in a single look, Lin Ye nodded.

Li Jie rushed up and looked at Nie Quanqi.He winked at Lin Ye and said, "Boss, let me introduce this big brother."

Lin Ye introduced Nie Quanqi to everyone one by one. After a short rest, he found that Xuewu was not among them, so he asked, "Did Xuewu come back?"

After hearing Lin Ye's question, Li Jie asked in the puzzled eyes of everyone, "Didn't Xuewu go in with you? I wonder why she didn't come back with you."

Lin Ye secretly screamed in his heart, it's not good!If Xuewu were alone, she would not be in any danger in Tianshui County with her special ability, but with that guy around her, the situation would suddenly be different. How could that person's identity be revealed in Tianshui County? .

Seeing the change of expression on Lin Ye's face, the understanding Zhang Ren asked eagerly, "Brother Lin, did something happen to Xuewu?"

Seeing the situation in front of him, Lin Ye told him everything he and Xuewu had encountered in the underground world.After listening to Lin Ye's narration, all the people present expressed their intention to find Xuewu and the dumb prisoner back.

While everyone was discussing how to investigate in Tianshui County, two uninvited guests walked in.

There was a burst of hearty laughter from the door, Lin Ye frowned, it turned out to be this guy.Could it be that he came here now because Xuewu and that person fell into their hands?Or did he know about the burning of the underground world by himself?
"Brother Lin, I heard that you are not in Tianshui County recently. As the leader of the Giant League, I am very worried, so I came to visit today." Ye calls them brothers and sisters.

Lin Ye's expression was cold. When the scenes of the underground world appeared in front of his eyes, he immediately felt that this guy deserved death. He was able to tolerate things in the underground world happening under his nose.

Lin Ye glanced at Li Zhong who was standing beside him, and felt that he and this Qi Xuan were also a nest of snakes and rats.As his confidant, how could he not know about those dirty deeds.

"Thank you, Chief Qi, for your concern. Lin Ye just went outside Tianshui County to look for high-level zombies and hunt for alien cores." Lin Ye looked indifferent. After hearing what Qi Xuan said, he already knew that Xuewu was definitely not in their hands. Now, what he has to do right now is to see what kind of medicine is sold in this guy's gourd.

(End of this chapter)

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