Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 109 Reasonable

Chapter 109 Reasonable
"Brother Lin said this, and the big stone in my heart was put down. If I go to kill zombies, I don't worry about Brother Lin very much, but there are some human organizations, which are terrible! I don't know if Brother Lin has heard of the underground world. !?"

Lin Ye was startled, did he already know that he set the fire and burned it to ashes?
Seeing that Lin Ye was silent, Qi Xuan spoke to himself.

"This underground world is where Tianshui County and Baidi City and countless human beings gather and do business. You also know that after the end of the world, even a piece of grass on the land of China can be sold. The price is high, but the order is chaotic, and there is no ruler to make the rules, so what should we do? Then such a black market will come out, Brother Lin, don’t be confused, this underground world is a black market.”

Qi Xuan paused for a moment, glanced at Lin Ye, and saw that he didn't look like he was about to speak, so he said, "The emergence of this black market has supported a large number of people, and most of these people are unarmed ordinary human beings. I am also a supernatural user. The stability they want can be obtained in the underground world, and in the near future, all of this can be done on the table. Don’t make fuss in that place. Everyone has to pay for it Can be rewarded, you say yes."

Listening to Qi Xuan who distorted the truth, Lin Ye not only didn't show any anger, but asked with a smile: "Li Zhong, is what Leader Qi said true?"

Li Zhong nodded and replied: "Brother Lin, Leader Qi is right!"

"It seems that Leader Qi and Li Zhong are good people who benefit Tianshui County!" Zhang Ren gritted his teeth and stood up and said to the two of them after hearing this.

Lin Ye turned his head and gave Zhang Ren a wink. The meaning of the look was complicated, which probably meant that we are now in other people's territory, and we can't fight them hard, and the other party's reason for coming has not been understood yet, so we can't act rashly.

"Whatever Leader Qi wants to express, it's okay to say it directly!"

"Hehe, since Brother Lin is so magnanimous, I won't beat around the bush anymore. I believe you have heard some rumors about the underground world today. The murderers who set the fire this time are those guys from the Fly League." , Qi Xuan gritted his teeth.

If he knew that the person in front of him who he called Brother Lin was the culprit of the arson, then the expression on his face would be so wonderful.

"Now I have communicated with the people above, and they will release a batch of weapons this month. Although it is said that this revenge can be avenged, I cannot swallow this tone!"

"Since Alliance Leader Qi can't swallow it, then shall we smash this Goshawk Alliance?" I understood Qi Xuan's reason for coming here this time.In Lin Ye's heart, the intention to kill him was already ignited. Qi Xuan, the leader of the giant alliance, obtained the position of leader through usurping the throne, but he never expected that his methods would be so cruel and he wanted to kill with a knife.Put your own group of irrelevant people to death.

Seeing Lin Ye being so "reasonable", Qi Xuan smiled and stepped forward to pat Lin Ye on the shoulder, but he cleverly dodged it, so he smiled embarrassingly and withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

"Since Brother Lin is so warm-hearted, I, Qi, will not say anything more. I will safely put the talisman of Tianshui County in your hands. All the supernatural beings and the zombie removal team in Tianshui County Listen to your deployment, after this revenge is avenged, the position of the deputy leader of the Giant League in Tianshui County"

After sending Qi Xuan away, Lin Ye approached Zhang Ren to discuss this matter. After a few words, both of them fell into deep thought. Finally, Lin Ye broke the silence and said, "Brother Zhang, we don't participate in the relationship between their two alliances." Complaints and grievances are no longer possible, the most important thing right now is to find Xuewu and the orc who claimed to be the former leader of the giant alliance."

Lin Ye knew in his heart that under such circumstances, unless he led this group of people to leave Tianshui City quickly, the struggle between the two factions could be avoided, but Xuewu and that guy would be found by them in the end. In this situation, I can't give up on her and stay in this place.And I want to join this grievance, not to help the Giant League, but to pray for the mantis to catch the cicada, with the oriole behind.Control this Tianshui County in your own hands.

"Lin Ye, I don't agree with your approach this time. The strength of our group of people can only be regarded as a small force in other cities. If we make such a sacrifice at the beginning, I'm afraid that this group of people will be disappointed." It's easy to break up." Zhang Ren, as an "elder" with older experience than Lin Ye, although he thinks this is what he thinks, but he really thinks so.He feels that the most important thing now is to strengthen the team, not to participate in the disputes between these people. "However, Xuewu still needs to be found."

Although the two had disagreements over whether to join the struggle between the two alliances, they had a consistent commonality in finding Xuewu.

As a beast trainer, Zhang Ren's own strength is not too strong, he is only a fourth-level silver supernatural being, but when the king beast Tibetan mastiff Ahui who has opened up his wisdom appears, no one can doubt it anymore. His strength, just that mutated golden hair, is already able to live and die endlessly with a second-level silver power user.When the fifty dogs were searching for Xuewu's figure day and night in the streets, fields, and forests, Li Jie, Hu Fei and the others were also looking for Xuewu's whereabouts.But still not found.

The strength of the Goshawk League is led by a strong man at the peak of silver, and the strength of the others are from the fourth level of bronze to the third level of silver.There are also some ordinary humans who voluntarily join them to kill zombies, and they are generally powerful warriors.This silver peak powerhouse is called Sun Qiang. Before the apocalypse, he was a wire repairman working at heights. After the apocalypse, when he came down from the cable, he found that he had the ability to control fire. In the era when the strong are kings, he gathered a group of people who wanted to have their own place in this era.

However, the woman in front of him can actually have fire-type powers, and her powers are similar to hers. The three-meter-tall stone giant beside him is as solid as a rock. A faint cyan flame emerged from it.A pair of iron fists waved on the ground.None of his subordinates dared to move forward.

"Sister, I just want to ask about your background. Why did you fight me?" Sun Qiang saw her supporting a weak man walking on the street at four or five o'clock in the morning. It was inconvenient to move, and Sun Qiang was worried that it was a zombie that was about to mutate, so he stepped forward to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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