Chapter 110

The woman's stubborn and beautiful face made him startled, and then he asked: "Sister, who is that person behind you, and what is your name?" As a result, before the beautiful woman could open her mouth, three balls of fire shot straight at him.

The reason why Sun Qiang's own strength soared after the apocalypse was that he discovered that the alien core in the zombie's brain could increase the power of the fireball. She knew it well, today the girl threw out three balls of fire.The bursting fire element made him feel a sense of threat, but also an indescribable intimacy.

Among the Goshawk League, he is the only one with a fire attribute ability.

Xuewu, who had just stabilized at the first level of silver, threw these three balls of fire just as a tentative, deterrent move.

She knew that the person next to her was not an ordinary supernatural being. If he was caught by the Giant League guys, he might only have a dead end.Since Lin Ye handed it over to him, he must be brought back to Lin Ye's eyes.

The three balls of fire flew to Sun Qiang's eyes in an instant. He stepped back and pushed lightly with both hands. The three balls of fire disappeared, and then three fire lotus flowers emerged from his hands.Wanton burning.There seemed to be some disdain in the eyes.

"Girl, I just want to ask you about your background, why did you fight me so hard?" After Sun Qiang finished asking, several of his subordinates used their supernatural powers to surround Xuewu and the prisoner in a circle. formed a circle.Shoot them anytime.

One of the guys who trapped them took out a noose from his waist and threw it on him. Obviously, these people regarded him as a zombie about to mutate.Even if it wasn't a zombie, this group of people ran out in high spirits today, but they didn't see anything, and they were all simmering in their hearts.

In the Colosseum, he had already been tortured by the manager, who used electric shock and fire to restrain him after his transformation, and changed from a master to a slave.His own abilities were also imprisoned. Under the long-term suppression, it was difficult for him to remain rational after transformation.

At this time, he had already escaped from birth.This is the border area of ​​Tianshui County, not in the cells of the Colosseum.There is no longer the cell that trapped him, nor the shackles that bound him.

Everyone saw him roaring violently, the muscles on his body began to burst, his size suddenly doubled, and all the muscles on his body began to mutate into stone-like shapes, and with his roaring, his hands became extremely huge .It was about the size of two round tables, and the joints crackled like firecrackers.And faint green flames began to emerge from the gaps in the muscles and stones on his body.

Seeing his current situation, Xue Wu felt very anxious.Said quietly to Sun Qing and his party: "Get out!"

"Hey, girl, we kindly helped you. We were worried that the guy next to you would turn into a zombie, but he turned out to be an alienated orc." As the boss of the League, Sun Qiang still had a temper, let alone in front of his subordinates. , I and my group were going to take them to kill the golden poisonous spider, but they were overtaken by the giants. The group had no choice but to go back to the house depressed, and ran into a dazed woman again.

Seeing so many people besieging him, Xuewu saw that he had become alienated, and knew that he would lose his mind soon.

I was a little flustered in my heart.But she couldn't retreat in the slightest, she knew that if she gave in, these guys in front of her would not know what they would do to her.

"I don't need your help, please get out of the way." Thinking that she made the first move, Xuewu said in a more relaxed tone.

Sun Qiang has a lustful supernatural being under his command. Relying on the strength of his supernatural ability, he bullies ordinary women on weekdays.I saw Xuewu so beautiful today.I can't help but be sensual.He opened his mouth and said frivolously: "Such a beautiful little girl, stay and have fun with my brother!" Everyone laughed after hearing this, and Sun Qiang also showed an indescribably weird smile.

Xue Wu's face changed, even before the doomsday, he was the leader of an underground force in a city, when had he ever suffered such humiliation.Under the attack of anger, he shot in an instant and let out a loud shout.


I saw five fireballs whistling with wind, flying towards the guy who spoke rudely from a strange and tricky angle.The man saw the situation and turned into a barrier with water to block it, but the five fire balls seemed to be spiritual and avoided the water barrier and passed through.

Five fireballs were attached to his chest and burned blazingly.In pain, he rolled on the ground and grinned non-stop.

Seeing her attack, Sun Qiang's eyelids twitched. Although his supernatural powers are improving rapidly, his proficiency in supernatural powers is far from her proficiency. With her strength, he can use supernatural powers It's so mysterious, could it be that there is an expert behind it?
Thinking of this, Sun Qiang ordered his subordinates to stop their attack. Although these people were puzzled by his lord telling them to stop attacking, they still immediately stopped the supernatural means that were about to be used on these two people in front of them.Most of them do not want to use these methods against their own kind.

"Girl, it was my subordinate who was unreasonable just now, what should I call you?" Sun Qiang turned his body sideways and asked in a gentle tone.

"Xuewu." She was about to fight, but she didn't know what this guy was trying to do.These guys are really bad.Even if they are not members of the Giant League, they still deserve to be beaten.

Seeing Xuewu's indifferent attitude, Sun Qiang was not annoyed,
"Miss Xuewu, my name is Sun Qiang, the leader of the Goshawk Alliance, they are members of my alliance. Please forgive me for offending me just now!" Sun Qiang paused, and when he was about to continue, he stood Xuewu slowly lost his mind, and suddenly a pair of iron fists hit the ground.Everyone was excited, not good.

Out of control, his eyes were red, and when Sun Qiang was talking to Xuewu and his party, he had slowly lost his mind.The blue fire that came out of his body also turned into fiery red.

"Miss Xuewu, your friend, why did you become like this all of a sudden, what should you do now?" Sun Qiang decided that he wanted to make friends with the woman in front of him, but after seeing the friend beside her out of control, he didn't know what to do. shot, so he asked.

At this moment, Xue Wu was very upset, all of this could be blamed on himself for getting lost in the dark, walking to the edge of Tianshui County, and meeting this group of neurotic supernatural beings.If it weren't for this, the former leader of the Giant League wouldn't run away, and if he didn't run away, he would be able to rush back to join Lin Ye and the others smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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