Chapter 111 Chaos
Regarding his identity as the former leader of the Giant League, he must not tell this Sun Qiang in front of him. The Goshawk League and the Giant League are deadly rivals, and he does not know what this Sun Qiang will do at that time.But the task that Lin Ye entrusted to him was about to fail.And the blood moon in the sky gradually faded, and a round of rising sun rose from the east.A new day is about to begin.

The next day, the entire Tianshui County fell into a panic, because the members of the Giant League ordered to close all the entrances and exits of Tianshui County, and the population of more than 20 people was blocked in the city and could not go out or come in.Gao Zhan and supernatural beings from the entire Giant League have all infiltrated into the crowd. What they have to do is to wipe out all the fifty or so people from the Goshawk League,
After Lin Ye disguised himself, he searched everywhere in Tianshui County. After releasing all fifty of Zhang Ren's mutated dogs for a day, there was no news of Xuewu.In some corners of Tianshui County, the supernatural beings between the two alliances had already started fighting, but with the majority of the number, the Giants Alliance had already gained the upper hand. "

Tianshui County, inside the small hotel.

"Brother Lin, today the Giant League will launch a final attack on the Goshawk League. It is said that Qi Xuan has found their stronghold and has mobilized a good number of people. When the blood moon rises tonight, they will be wiped out." It's gone." Zhang Ren stroked the mutant golden dog's big head and said to Lin Ye who was sitting on the chair.

Lin Ye expressed his confusion, "Brother Zhang, I think Xuewu must still be in Tianshui County, but it's not in the hands of the Giant League, and maybe it's not necessarily in the Goshawk League."

Zhang Ren asked after hearing this. "why would you say so?"

"People in the entire Tianshui County are panicking now. A large part of the reason is because of the civil war between the Giant League and the Goshawk League. The consumption between the two alliances will definitely reduce the strength of the city defenders. When the time comes, the tide of corpses will come. Will this county be powerless to resist, and eventually become a dead city."

Li Jie heard Lin Ye finished speaking, and asked anxiously: "Boss, what should we do then!"

Lin Ye nodded to Li Jie, motioning him to sit down.Slowly said: "According to the news from Brother Zhang, the Giant League is going to launch a general attack on the Goshawk League tonight. What we have to do is stand still and wait until the situation is critical. Let's go in and subdue the remaining forces of these people This Tianshui County must never fall into the hands of the Giant League again." Lin Ye couldn't help clenching his fists when he thought of the miserable conditions of the slaves in the underground world.

"As for those people like Qi Xuan and Li Zhong, we will never show mercy to them."

The Goshawk League's stronghold is in a mountain forest behind Tianshui County. There are more than fifty of them, and Qiao Zhuang usually dresses up as ordinary humans. They only go outside the county to kill zombies at night.At the beginning, there were a lot of zombies, but when the number of zombies became less and less, the contradiction between the Goshawk League and the Giant League became more prominent.

In a hidden corner in the back mountain of Tianshui County, more than 100 people were lurking in the woods in twos and threes.The body of the sentinel in the Goshawk Alliance lay beside him.

"Brother, the people we planted inside got the news that the dog thief Sun Qiang is also resting at the stronghold of the Goshawk Alliance today. Now our people are also ready, as long as you give an order, I will attack immediately."

Qi Xuan raised his eyes and looked at Li Zhong, "Why panic, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, what about the Lingbo people? Those guys from outside don't know our whereabouts!"

"Don't worry, I definitely don't know. Ling Bo said he couldn't let go of a remnant of the Goshawk League, so he led another team to go back." Li Zhong said with a flattering smile.
When these people from the Giant League were ambushing around the Goshawk League and preparing to attack, a group of people quietly appeared behind them.Hu Fei hung himself on a tall tree to check the situation between the two factions.Jiang Xinyu skillfully disassembled and reassembled the guns in his hands.Li Jie teased Ah Hui, Zhang Ren's subordinate, the three Wang brothers stood there like silent giants, Nie Quanqi was practicing supernatural powers in the mountains and forests because of his own wood-type supernatural powers, Lin Erye looked into the distance with deep eyes The dots of starlight emitting from the tent of Goshawk League made me feel touched.

Tonight is destined not to be peaceful.

Hu Fei jumped down from the tree and said, "Brother, they are fighting! Let's fight!"

"No hurry, wait a minute, when will Brother Zhang come over?" Zhang Ren was the only figure missing from Lin Ye's group.Lin Ye asked him.

"Brother Zhang said that he found news about Xuewu, and said he would come over later." Li Jie stood up and patted the ashes on his hands, ready to fight.

Lin Ye glanced at the group of mutated dogs around him. Among the group of mutated dogs, only King Beast Ahui's eyes shone with wisdom. When Lin Ye looked at it, it also looked back.

After getting along for such a long period of time, among Lin Ye and his group, Li Jie had the best relationship with him, followed by Lin Ye.Although Zhang Ren was not here, he handed the king beast Ahui into their hands.This showed his unconditional trust in Lin Ye, but it was strange why Zhang Ren acted alone.

There was a sound of gunfire from the Goshawk League in the distance, and the light erupting from the supernatural fight was like colorful fireworks dancing non-stop. Among those people, a group of fiery red light was particularly dazzling. It was dark.The two sides have been red-eyed.If you don't fight until the last soldier, you will never give up.

When these mutated dogs asked about the smell of blood wafting from the corpse, they were already restless and bared their teeth.

Lin Ye looked at all this indifferently, and suddenly felt that the time had come. He turned his head and said to everyone: "Wait a minute, everyone, don't disperse, everyone gathers together. The mutant dog is the vanguard, and the supernatural being is rushing forward. I'll be the first," Lin Ye glanced at Jiang Xinyu after he finished speaking, and she understood what Lin Ye meant.However, as a member of this team, I will not shrink back under such circumstances.

Lin Ye turned around slowly, and let out a terrifying roar from his broad and strong chest.


Then he rushed out like a cannonball, and those mutated dogs running on the ground with their four paws on the ground were left behind by him, only A Hui faintly surpassed Lin Ye.Today is the first battle in my life.If he wins, the supremacy of Tianshui County will be at his fingertips, and he can create the first step of a grand blueprint. If he loses, the entire army will be wiped out, and there will be no bones left.However, he has no capital to lose.

During the scuffle, the members of the Giant League were frightened by that freak Sun Qiang from the Goshawk League. Most of the corpses that fell on both sides were ordinary people, while the Goshawk League was more tragic, with only ten corpses left. A supernatural being is struggling to support.

(End of this chapter)

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