Chapter 112
At this time, only Sun Qiang's ability in his body could still be used, and the abilities in the rest of his body had been wiped out, leaving only his own strength and agility to support him.

"Sun Qiang, you ruined the underground world that I created with my own hands, and today you have seriously injured my Giant League. Today I will let you die without a place to bury you." Qi Xuan looked hideous under the light of the fire.Li Zhong behind him was covered in blood.

Seeing that his [-] or so brothers had all died under the hands of the Giant League, Sun Qiang had fallen into a state of madness at this moment, and he laughed wildly. "Unexpectedly, I didn't die in the hands of zombies. I was framed by a despicable villain like you. Today, even if I go to hell, I will drag you with me!"

After finishing speaking, a dancing fire lotus flower took shape in his hand and flew straight towards Qi Xuan's chest.

A deafening kill was heard from a distance to the Goshawk League and the Giant League factions who were entangled in life and death, and everyone turned their heads to take a look.

The mountains and plains flickered like green lanterns, and from the sound waves, it was judged that a wolf-like creature was roaring.The Tibetan mastiff in front was nearly four meters long. Qi Xuan grabbed Li Zhong's clothes, his arms trembling, and asked, "Whose person is this?"

Before he could answer, a bloody mouth came from far to near, and bit off half of Li Zhong's arm in one bite.This Tibetan mastiff swooping down from the mountain is the beast king Ahui.Lin Ye followed closely behind.With both feet striding across the mountains and forests, fine pieces of cold ice grew under his feet. This trick of breaking through the ice and flying was already a small success.

After Ah Hui was about to get off Li Zhong's arm, the hairs all over his body counted backwards, and he let out a low-pitched roar towards the group of Giants. Not long after, Lin Ye appeared here where the two factions fought and suffered heavy casualties.

Seeing Lin Ye, Qi Xuan had a smile on his face. "I didn't expect that Brother Lin would provide such timely support. The wolf cubs all over the mountains and plains were brought by Brother Lin. Please forgive me and don't accidentally hurt my brothers from the Giant League."

Lin Ye sneered, and looked at everyone on the field with eagle eyes and wolf eyes.Everyone who made eye contact with Lin Ye shuddered, the killing intent on this man was too strong.

"Qi Xuan, do you know the Colosseum?" Lin Ye stared at Qi Xuan after scanning around, and asked in a cold tone,

At this moment, Qi Xuan has already realized that the guy in front of him already knows about the dark transactions in the underground world and the bloody and cruel Colosseum.At this moment, Sun Qiang of the Goshawk League was seriously injured.Only the final blow could kill him.

Thinking that he still has such subordinates from the Giant League under his command, Qi Xuan is not afraid of the menacing Lin Ye at all, even if he wants to attack him, he has to ask himself if he has such a weight.Li Zhong, his strongest arm, was about to be lost by the mutant wolf at this time, rolling on the ground in pain.Even if he doesn't avenge this revenge now, he will have to get it back in the future.

The smile on Qi Xuan's face gradually cooled down, and he suddenly thought of something. "Brother Lin, you set the fire in the underground world, right?"

Hearing Qi Xuan's initiative to bring up the underground world, Lin Ye didn't intend to hide it anymore, and said sharply: "You guessed right, I did set the fire in the underground world, but as the leader of the largest organization in Tianshui County, you actually allowed it Aren't you afraid of being punished by the gods for the dirty existence in the underground world?"

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Qi Xuan looked up to the sky and laughed, "God's punishment? In Tianshui County, I am the Lord of Heaven! Go out and look at those zombies. I have wiped out all the zombies in a radius of a hundred miles in Tianshui County. The 20 people in Tianshui County are living safely under the protection of our Giant League. Everything is on the right track, and then you tell me that because of an underground world, you, an outsider, want to shake my position. Lin Ye, Lin Ye Ye, are you too naive?"

"Oh! Did Tianshui County rise under your construction? The former leader of the Giant League was imprisoned in the Colosseum, and it was also the work of your leader, who is full of benevolence and morality, to make his life worse than death?" Lin Ye looked indifferent , the expression on his face has become extremely cold.

Qi Xuan, who had been exposed, seemed to have a feeling that Lin Ye had seen him all. The people he led, after hearing what Lin Ye had said.They started whispering one by one.Qi Xuan yelled at Lin Ye angrily: "Do you think that this kind of indiscriminate sowing and discord can make the brothers of the Giant League turn against each other?"

At this moment, Ling Bo, the leader of the giant alliance, ran out from behind Qi Xuan and his party.Running in a panic, he shouted, "Leader, we are surrounded by counterattacks!"

Zhang Ren rode on the body of the mutated golden retriever, slowly leading ahead, followed by a group of more than twenty mutated dogs. Under the light of the blood moon at night, all the dogs looked like wolves, with faint green lights in their eyes .

Xue Wu was sitting on the other Tibetan mastiff, and the former leader of the Giant League was also riding on the back of a Tibetan mastiff.

"Brother Lin Ye, it was the members of the Goshawk League who rescued Xuewu and the former leader of the Giant League." Zhang Ren patted the golden retriever's tail, and it bent down obediently.Zhang Ren walked slowly to Lin Ye and said.

Seeing Lin Ye again, Xue Wu was obviously a little excited, and her beautiful eyes were filled with crystal clear tears. "Lin, Lin Ye, I'm fine. Friends from the Goshawk League have taken care of me these two days."

Just when Lin Ye and Xuewu were about to reminisce about the past.

Xuewu wasn't the only one who was excited, but also the man who still refused to take off the mask with the Colosseum mark.After he saw Qi Xuan, he jumped straight at him, trying to grab his neck.

Qi Xuan saw this person rushing over.He used the lightning ability on his body to blast out.Qi Xuan's strength is not strong, he is just a fourth-level silver ability user, but his ability attribute is too domineering. As the one with the least nine types of ability attributes, the strong person with lightning ability can be said to call the wind and shake the rain.Even the supernatural beings of the same class would not be able to survive a round trip under his supernatural power.

The person was knocked to the ground by the purple thunder, his throat creaked and he couldn't speak.All the people present looked at Qi Xuan who made the attack outrageously.Just at this time.

The man wearing the slave mask stood up slowly and took off the mask on his face, only to see that half of his face was cut by a knife, leaving dozens of shocking scars, while the other half of his face was It was intact, with an indescribably weird feeling.

There were still more than 80 members of the Giant League left on the field. When they saw this half face, all of them fell to their knees and shouted, "Welcome to the leader Qi!"

This person with the same father as Qi Xuan is called Qi Zhan, Qi Zhan has a generous personality. Every day I think about how to defraud money from his brother.

(End of this chapter)

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