Chapter 114 Departure
After hearing Lin Ye's repeated persuasion, Zhang Ren squatted down on the ground and scratched his head depressedly.

Seeing that this elm head finally opened up, Lin Ye slowly said again: "Do you still remember what you said to me when you first met me? You said that you should have a piece of land away from yourself, and you should take care of those homeless people. A safe place for people who are chased by zombies!"

Lin Ye paused, and then said: "And, Brother Zhang, you also know that I was entrusted by someone. I still have a letter on my body to be sent to Baidi City. We also need someone who can remember me." Place. I think Tianshui County is very good. If you don’t agree, then I don’t care about this place. If zombies come, let these ordinary people be bitten to death!”

Zhang Ren's eyebrows were almost knotted, looked at Lin Ye, and sighed heavily, "Brother Lin, in fact, I also want to go to Baidi City with you, but your words don't make sense. Speaking of my heart. No matter how the world changes, as long as you call me Big Brother Zhang, you can take this life and use it at any time. I won’t say anything else, I will help you guard this Tianshui County!! When Zhang Ren mentioned the emotional part, he couldn't help but hugged Lin Ye.

This man who raised [-] stray dogs in his doomsday life was a veteran in his previous life. The comradeship in his bones is higher than the sky and heavier than the earth. From that day when Lin Ye stood in front of everyone For a moment, he already regarded Lin Ye as his brother. Since it is his brother's territory, then this Tianshui County will definitely help him look after him!

Lin Ye couldn't breathe when he was hugged by this rough middle-aged animal trainer.Repeatedly said: "Brother Zhang, take it easy! Take it easy!"


After Tianshui County helped Zhang Ren integrate the participating forces between the Goshawk League and the Giant League, a new force was born. Everyone called Zhang Ren to give it a name. Brother Lin took it.

Under the unanimous recommendation of everyone, Lin Ye decided that this assistant's team of supernatural beings in Tianshui County was called Zhan Ren, and appointed Zhang Ren as the first leader of the Zhan Zhan League.Make efforts to protect the Tianshui County Group to ensure that the people here will not be infested by zombies and can live in peace.

After resting for three full days, Lin Ye and his group are about to leave Baidi City and embark on a new journey of zombies.

"Brother Lin, I, Zhang Ren, don't have any good things. I only have a hundred or so bastards under my command. This Ah Hui has been with me for so many years, and he has also mastered human nature. I really don't want to let him leave me. In the wild, there are too many dangers, so you can take this golden retriever with you on the road. When you rest in the wild, let it guard, and ordinary zombies and mutant beasts will not come close. This way the big guy can sleep more or less It should be more fragrant!"

"Since Big Brother Zhang said so, then I'm not being polite. I don't know what the name of this golden retriever is?" Lin Ye said calmly.

"Ah, it's called Golden Retriever! There are so many dogs, I can't remember the names of each one, but it likes to bite steamed buns! It's the kind of big and white steamed buns." At this point, Zhang Ren was still in the air I made a gesture with my hand.It made Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu both roll their eyes at him.But the old driver Zhang Ren continued talking without being shy or impatient. "This dog is the most beautiful among my dogs. After it leaves, my bitches will be sad for a long time. If Brother Lin is too lazy to name it, let's call it Mantou!"

After the apocalypse, Lin Ye, who was always tense, was in a state of high tension all the time, but after Zhang Ren said these words, even he couldn't help laughing. "Okay, then listen to Brother Zhang and call it Mantou!"

Standing outside Tianshui County, Zhang Ren was seeing off behind a dense group of dogs, the golden retriever was pulled out from the middle, and he looked at Zhang Ren and the bitches in the group of dogs reluctantly, and finally he and Lin Ye bent down, Look at the dog's head and your own. "Mantou, you will follow me from now on! At that time, I will definitely bring you back with me!"

No matter how reluctant you are, there are still encounters in the mountains and rivers.Zhang Ren stood outside the city gate to bid farewell to Lin Ye and his party.Eye sockets are already wet.

Among Lin Ye's group were Hu Fei, Li Jie, Xue Wu, Jiang Xinyu, Nie Quanqi, the silent big man Qi Zhan, and the mutant dog, Mantou.The three Wang brothers, Lin Ye, stayed there in order to allow Zhang Ren to stabilize the safety of Tianshui County.

After going through the wind and rain for a period of time, his ice and snow empire finally took its initial shape.

On a sunny summer day, the flowers and leaves are luxuriant. It is more than 500 miles from Tianshui County to Baidi City.Transportation is already a decoration in the end of the day. All the transportation lines on the entire Chinese territory are damaged and blocked to varying degrees. Even the communication equipment is completely paralyzed within one month after the end of the day.Lin Ye, who has lived in the apocalypse for ten years, knows that in the middle and late stages of the apocalypse, human beings basically rely on mutant beasts to communicate.Time to start again, he will definitely develop the technology team, so that his ice and snow empire will not only become a settlement for human beings, but also become the most advanced and developed empire on earth!
But the current predicament is obvious. The yellow sun has already basked in the ground, and the mountains and forests have begun to become blurred. The temperature on the ground is about to boil eggs.

After a group of people walked eighty miles in the empty mountains and rivers, they were almost peeled off by the scorching sun.Mantou almost stuck his tongue out.Seeing this situation, Lin Ye picked up the water ability, sprayed it on everyone, and then used the ice ability to freeze them all.Everyone seemed to have fallen from the stove to the ice cellar.A group of people spoke ill of Lin Ye one after another.

While they were squabbling, a one-eyed black bird stopped on a rock and saw all of this. After confirming the route of Lin Ye and his party, its slender claws touched the rock one by one. Pedal, leap into the sky.A black feather slowly floated down.It laughed in the air: "Go back and tell the boss, there is a new prey coming!!"

"Today, everyone has worked hard. Let's walk a little further to a gentle place and set up camp again. Although there are no zombies nearby, I still feel the presence of mutant beasts. Everyone pay attention!" After everyone rested, Lin Ye told everyone.He always felt that this place was a little too quiet.There wasn't even a bird chirping around, but Mantou didn't feel any uneasiness.

Seeing Lin Ye's over-worried look, Xue Wu comforted him and said, "Could it be because you've been too tired for a while, and then you've had an illusion!"

(End of this chapter)

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