Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 115 Advanced Intelligent Creatures

Chapter 115 Advanced Intelligent Creatures
Lin Ye gave a wry smile.Back to: "I hope so!"

"Boss, what else are we going to do when we go back to Baidi City besides sending a letter to that unknown person!" Li Jie is an optimist, he keeps smiling even in the end, the person he cares about the most Already died in the hands of zombies.So as long as you can become stronger and eliminate more zombies, even if you are timid, you can change!

"The zombies have not yet formed a large-scale wave of corpses. The supernatural beings in Baidi City are their own kings. From the outside, Baidi City is already the largest human surviving place in the southwest, but..." Lin Ye thought of the Baidi in his previous life. The tragic scene of the city being slaughtered by zombies, I can't continue with my mouth shut.

He couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in his heart. She also died in that wave of corpses. At that time, he was just an ordinary human being, not a supernatural being. He couldn't protect her and became himself. Regret for a lifetime!
When the regrets that have been accumulated for ten years become the hope of becoming the supreme powerhouse, when I have the golden finger bug of the memory of the previous apocalypse, and I am familiar with the existence of many hidden spaces and sky cities after the apocalypse.He has also become a person with dual abilities among tens of millions of people!These two abilities still complement each other, as long as I can reach the level above diamonds, the White Emperor will eventually belong to my hands!

Lin Ye and his team made it to a gentle place in a small stream.Hu Fei volunteered to find today's dinner and a tree branch to light the fire. Lin Ye was worried that he would be in danger alone, so he asked him to call Nie Quanqi together.The honest Nie Quanqi and the sullen Hu Fei hit it off right away, and they talked non-stop on the road.It's as if I want to tell everything about the first half of my life.

Although Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu are sisters on the surface, in fact, the relationship between the two has changed because of who Lin Ye treats better.When Lin Ye got closer to Baidi City and became more and more indifferent towards them, the two formed a team to fight against Lin Ye!
Qi Zhan still refused to take off that mask, that's why he was willing to walk with Lin Ye.Because they saved him from the Colosseum.He also helped him avenge his life and death.The violent attribute in his body can only be restrained by Lin Ye's ice water ability.Following Lin Ye is the best choice.

And Li Jie is like a free and easy fairy, playing with steamed buns all the way, and he picked all the weeds and flowers on the roadside.

These people are all closely connected by one person, that is Lin Ye!Little did they know, tonight was going to be an extraordinary night.

After nightfall, a bonfire was lit next to the tent stationed by the stream, and a plump little piglet was perched on a tree branch, dripping drops of fat from its golden skin roasted by the fire.There was a burst of fragrant barbecue aroma.Under the dripping of grease, the fire roared up,
"Hey, Nie Quanqi, hurry up! My stomach is almost empty!" Jiang Xinyu sat on the grass and touched her empty belly, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Ah! This will be ready soon! It will be ready soon!" As a lumberjack in his previous life, Nie Quanqidi has a strong ability to survive in the wild.It's not easy to get a suckling pig or something.

Jiang Xinyu, who is a supernatural person among a group of people, has the same physical fitness as ordinary people, but she has a shooting talent that ordinary people don't have.Lin Ye also thought that she could strengthen her body with liquid medicine in the future.Or use the secret realm to stimulate the supernatural powers of this girl.At present, we can only rely on everyone's protection.

"It's ready, everyone, come and eat!" Nie Quanqi greeted warmly.Li Jie jumped up from the stream. "Let me see how your skills are!" Hu Fei, who was helping Nie Quanqi at the side, said to him: "This little wild boar has not mutated, and the meat is absolutely fresh, and I'm helping Quanqi. It's the old world!"

Everyone gathered around to eat this little suckling pig, and when they were eating, they noticed that one figure was missing.

The buns are gone!
When I first went hunting, I didn't bring it with me.It was just with everyone, how could it suddenly disappear, now it is getting late, it is already unrealistic to go out and look for it.Lin Ye comforted everyone and said: "Don't forget that Mantou is also a mutant beast. Ordinary zombies are not its opponents. Even if there are zombies, they should be attracted by us. We have not found the existence of mutant beasts all the way. Maybe they I just lost my way, everyone should rest well today and look for it tomorrow!"

The blood moon was like a smear of dark red blood in the black sky, and everyone was already asleep.Lin Ye was left alone by the creek, thinking deeply. The sudden disappearance of Mantou was too strange. As an ordinary dog ​​with a keen sense of smell, he and his party had such big goals. There is no reason why the mutated beasts cannot be retrieved, unless there are mutated beasts that are much stronger than it in this place.

"Could it be." A gleam flashed in Lin Ye's eyes, "Impossible, this kind of creature will only appear in the middle of the apocalypse, and the apocalypse has not passed half a year, has it already evolved?" Lin Ye felt the air at this time. A trace of irritability came from the air and floated faintly into his chest, and the memory of his doomsday past was suddenly awakened. "It actually appeared!"

Lin Ye rushed into the tent.Wake up the people who are sleeping soundly.

A group of people looked at the panicked Lin Ye with sleepy eyes and confused faces.Xue Wu rubbed her beautiful eyes: "Lin Ye, what's wrong?"

"Get up and get ready, we are surrounded by highly intelligent supernatural beasts!!?"

Although they didn't know what the highly intelligent supernatural beast Lin Ye was talking about, but after seeing Lin Ye panicked, everyone understood that it was definitely not a creature they could provoke at this time!

"Boss, what the hell is it that made you panic like this? At that time, I didn't see you so worried when I was dealing with that ghost knight!" On Lin Ye.

"I don't want to explain to you first, we, now, are going to leave immediately. Otherwise, don't say we can't leave. There may not even be a whole body left.";

Everyone was silent and packed up their things one after another.After walking out of the tent, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them and dared not speak!After Qi Zhan was the penultimate one to go out, he also babbled to express his surprise.

"Damn it!" Lin Ye cursed in his heart.

Lin Ye and the others are located on a low and gentle slope, so there is a small stream behind them.As for the scene in front of him, the eyes of all the beasts in the mountains and forests are all emitting red, green, blue, yellow and colorful lights.

(End of this chapter)

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