Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 116 Orangutan King

Chapter 116 Orangutan King

So many animals are so quiet that only the sound of the wind hanging on the branches in the forest and the sound of running water in the small stream are left.The entire mountain has been occupied by mutant beasts. What's even more frightening is that their eyes are shining with man-eating light.
In the middle of the doomsday, the tide of corpses has not yet formed a large scale, but small groups gathered together.On the Chinese territory, apart from the developed urban areas, the rest are mostly rural and mountainous. In these forests, some intelligent advanced creatures often appear.Under the irradiation of the blood moon night, they began to mutate.Unlike zombies, they become more intelligent.According to Darwin's law of survival of the fittest, the creatures in these forests will produce a king of beasts, leading all the mutant beasts to attack the human survivors.

In the early stage of the doomsday, this kind of attack is basically unsolvable, and can only rely on the explosive body of the supernatural being to repel this group of beasts that are far more powerful than zombies.

Among these mutant beasts, basically all the creatures in the mountains and forests gathered together.A ten-meter-tall orangutan squatted surrounded by many mutant beasts.Its eyes radiated a violent light.The strength of this king beast turned out to be the pinnacle of gold!
It seems that it is very difficult to get out of here completely today.Jiang Xinyu was scared and hid behind Lin Ye. If the zombies were scary, the scene before her could only be described as horror.

The mutated beasts with different expressions maintained a gloomy and cold light. As long as the orangutan king yelled, they would immediately rush up and tear these humans to pieces.

Did a pangolin break through the ground when the ground was loosened? The red eyes of the pangolin have lost the control of the orangutan king, and the mutated very sharp teeth are mixed with the flesh and blood of unknown creatures.
Because she sensed that Jiang Xinyu's body was more human, it was like a bullet that exploded, biting at her.There was a sharp, eerie hissing sound.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xinyu's life might be in danger at any time.Lin Ye's right hand was covered with a thick layer of ice.He yelled softly: "The five forms of the world, explode!"

The mutant pangolin was killed on the spot.The orangutan king's eyes brightened.Two breaths that were as thick as branches came out, and the mutant beast under his feet was sprayed away a few meters away!On its shoulder covered in black hair, there is a black one-eyed crow.The crow whispered something in its ear.

Lin Ye couldn't stop complaining about the scene in front of him. Didn't he just be reborn, why did he encounter all the hardships.Killing a mutated pangolin is already so strenuous, what should be done with the mutated beasts everywhere.That orangutan king beast is the existence of the pinnacle of gold.

"Boss, let's run away!" Hu Fei looked nervously at the mutant beasts around him, and beads of sweat appeared on his face.Said to Lin Ye.

"No, don't act rashly! That orangutan king's IQ has surpassed that of ordinary humans, and his strength is terrifying. This mutant beast is everywhere. Even if we run away, few of us will survive!"

From the position of the chimpanzee in the herd came a sad and strange voice: "Are you going to Tianshui County or Baidi City?"

Everyone except Lin Ye opened their mouths wide. In these days after the apocalypse, whether it is zombies or mutant beasts, they can only make animal roars. When will they be able to speak sentences composed of such words like humans.

Lin Ye, who has experienced the doomsday life, knows that some of some highly intelligent creatures have learned human conversations later, and some disguised mutant beasts will put themselves in human bodies and mix among the crowd as undercover agents.However, the voice in front of him was obviously not from this big man.

"We want to get to Baidi City," Lin Ye returned calmly with a neither humble nor overbearing expression.At this time, if the orangutan king wanted to attack his group of people, he would have torn them into powder.But it's clear they didn't.

The crow resting on the shoulder of the orangutan king relayed Lin Ye's words to it. After listening to it, the orangutan king showed a kind of human tenderness in his eyes, and his nasal cavity was full of grace, and then the crow spoke again. : "What do you want to do when you go to Baidi City? Can you humans just pass through this group of zombies outside?";

Lin Ye was trying to figure out what this orangutan king was thinking, what exactly did this guy want to do, or was he asking for something.

"We went to Baidi City because we were entrusted by a friend to deliver a letter. I don't know what the Lord Beastmaster wants to do?" Lin Ye looked indifferent.Just a moment ago he was thinking of avoiding his sharp edge, but at this moment his heart was already as immobile as a mountain,

"You said you were going to deliver a letter? Then can you help me find someone,"

Then the crow narrated a story in its own shrill voice.It turned out that before the doomsday, the orangutan king was an ordinary male orangutan in the zoo. He fell in love with a female orangutan, but that female orangutan could only be enjoyed by the orangutan king among them. , until the blood moon fell on the heads of humans, zombies began to appear, and the human world was in chaos.

In the beginning, there were still people feeding, and then zombies also swept the zoo. At that time, in order to preserve the species of the zoo, the manager of the zoo took away the pregnant female orangutan who was deeply loved by him.Later, it became violent and killed the orangutan king at that time, and set up a new mountain by itself.He returned to the forest with a group of male orangutans.

Within a few months, it evolved into a king orangutan.From the mouths of people passing by, he got the whereabouts of the female orangutan. It is said that she was captured in Baidi City, the base of the four human survivors in China!
Its strength is increasing day by day, it stops people passing by, as long as they are going to Baidi City, they will be allowed to pass, but those who go to Tianshui County or other places will be unlucky.All will die under his claws.

After listening to the crow's sad story, Lin Ye thought of his girlfriend who passed away at the end of the day. In this life, he wondered if he could meet again.If we meet again, I will never let you leave my side.

Lin Ye, who was absent-minded, was pushed by Li Jie.Relieved, he began to say: "I never thought that the orangutan king would be so affectionate and righteous. I, Lin Ye, would like to help you find that female orangutan you love so much, no matter whether it lives or dies." Lin Ye paused word by word.

After the crow finished telling the story in the ear of the orangutan king, his huge body rushed towards Lin Ye like a mountain.Everyone backed away in fright.

Lin Ye stood there quietly, looking like a small insect compared to the huge body of the orangutan king in front of him.Just look at it stretching out that big furry palm.Holding it in front of Lin Ye, the hard black skin on the palm exuded a penetrating light.

(End of this chapter)

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