Chapter 117
Lin Ye asked the parrot sitting on its shoulder: "What does it mean!?"

The crow jumped off it, flew to Lin Yue's feet, and said with a jump: "Master Gorilla King wants to give you a high-five as an oath, if you dare not fulfill the agreement between the two of you, then the mark on your hand will be destroyed." It won't disappear, no matter where you go, you will be found by Lord Gorilla King!"

Unexpectedly, the mind of this huge gorilla was so delicate and meticulous, Lin Ye couldn't help but let out a wry smile.He raised his left hand and gently touched that big palm.

The gorilla beat its chest and back happily, and let out a whining roar.The mutated beasts all over the mountains and plains also let out joyful sounds, for a while.Thousands of beasts screamed together, Lin Ye only felt that his ears were buzzing and were about to burst.The rest of the people also covered their ears.

After being awakened by this group of orangutans, everyone could no longer sleep at this time, and it was already late at night.There was no sound around.After those mutant beasts left, no other creatures came back to disturb them in this place.

Xuewu and Jiang Xinyu leaned against the stream and put a pair of jade feet in the water to slap the water, and they laughed like silver bells.In the doomsday life, one of these two people was the boss of an underground gang, and the other was a well-known policewoman.

Li Jie and Nie Quanqi couldn't sleep at night, they looked at Mantou who didn't know when they would come back and said they were going out for a walk with the dog!
Qi Zhan, on the other hand, seemed indifferent to everything, lying in the tent alone and sleeping peacefully.

Seeing Lin Ye playing with the ice sculpture in his hand, Hu Fei went over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Boss, why do you feel that you are so preoccupied?"

"Does this look like I'm preoccupied?" Lin Ye asked back.

"Ever since we set off from Tianshui County to Baidi City, your brows have been wrinkled all the way. It's all written on your face, especially after the orangutan king left just now, you seem to have lost your soul. This way. Since when have you been like this?"

Hearing Hu Fei's complaints, Lin Ye gave a wry smile.Why don't I want to live a more relaxed life, laughing and joking all day like Li Jie, who can take everything seriously.But when he thought of his ice and snow empire and her face appearing in front of his eyes, how could he stop.

"Do you know? In my opinion, this doomsday is actually an opportunity to reshuffle the cards. When injustice and fairness appear in front of everyone at the same time, you don't know whether you will become a supernatural person or a zombie tomorrow. I try my best to live, and I want to lead everyone to live a more thorough life, to become a strong man who can control the fate in my own hands. I will not lose my life because of a zombie. I will not lose my life like fighting in Tianshui County. Those living prisoners in the animal farm are just lingering! What I think is a just and beautiful world!"


After a sleepless night, everyone was very exhausted. Seeing this situation, Lin Ye slowed down and stopped rushing like the day before.

After being away from the forest for fifty miles, everyone finally felt a glimmer of life. At this time, they completely left the territory of the orangutan king.

"Boss, what if the orangutan king attacked Tianshui County that day?" Li Jie rode on the steamed bun, his feet dangling non-stop.

"I have also thought about your question. This orangutan king is not a pure wild animal. He was domesticated and raised. In fact, there is still a fear of humans in his bones. If he really came from this It evolved in a valley. We would have been eaten by him yesterday as a snack. I think he wants to occupy the land as king, as long as it is invaded by zombies or humans, he will tear these things to pieces. people!"

"Brother Zhang, can you recover this orangutan king? I think he has so many mutant dogs under his command." Probably hearing Zhang Ren's name, Mantou shrugged and almost threw Li Jie to the ground.

"Based on Brother Zhang's current strength, this is impossible. He and the orangutan king have not passed on inheritance. If the orangutan king is forcibly regained, he may be counterattacked. Don't forget, do The mutated beasts all over the mountains and plains are all obeying the orders of the orangutan king. What I am worried about now is that if these mutated beasts encounter a large wave of zombies, they may evolve after they wipe out the tide of zombies under the leadership of the orangutan king. At that time, not only Tianshui County, but also Baidi City may be overthrown." Speaking of this, Lin Ye's face was a little heavy, and if there was such a day, would he have enough strength to take this orangutan? The king subdues, or kills.

"Oh. Then..." Li Jie was like a curious baby, asking why.Lin Ye answered his confusion carefully. When Lin Ye said, the whole team listened carefully. In this doomsday, the more you know, the greater the possibility of becoming stronger.

After walking for a whole morning, Lin Ye and his party came to a small mountain village at the foot of a mountain.The entire small mountain village was quiet and not a single human voice could be heard.Mantou, however, seemed to have discovered something, screaming crazily.

"Everyone pay attention, Mantou may have found zombies and other creatures. I will be the first one. Everyone will form a triangle and go in." Lin Ye said nervously. , In the last days of the previous life, many people with supernatural powers went to the depths of the mountains in order to capture the different cores of mutant beasts. In the end, they did not die under the sharp claws of mutant beasts, but were brought alive by the zombies in these small mountain villages. The bite killed him.

In front of a dilapidated earth embryo house, Lin Ye clasped his hands into palms, let out a soft shout, and shot an ice arrow at the wooden door, then exploded and turned into powder.But there are only some old furniture left in the whole earth embryo house. It can be seen that the life here is very poor.After opening the kitchen door, I found that the noodles on the clay stove hadn't been cooked yet, and the owner of this house left in a hurry.

The same is true for the second house, but Lin Ye and his party found food here, and after replenishing their strength, they began to search for traces of people.

"This is a bit too strange! Even if there is no one, there are no zombies!" Jiang Xinyu followed behind sullenly, holding the sniper rifle in his hand.Mantou, on the other hand, yelled crazily towards a two-story building made of red bricks as if he had gone crazy.

"There is something strange in this room. Jiang Xinyu, you are sniping outside. If there is any situation, shoot immediately. I will go ahead and open the way. Qi Zhan is second. Li Jie will follow. Xuewu, you should pay more attention to yourself. If there is any situation, you can retreat at any time. .”

(End of this chapter)

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