Chapter 118

The door of the red brick house was suddenly opened, and the light inside was dim, with only a faint light shining through the gray glass windows. A group of people walked not two meters away, and they suddenly found that the ground was covered with human heads and corpses. Judging from the dried blood on the ground, these people died two days ago.

"This place is really weird," Lin Ye said inwardly,

Mantou hid outside the door and yelled at the inside, but dared not come in.Li Jie turned his head and waved at it. "Go, go, go and protect Jiang Xinyu, don't yell around here!"

There was a plaque at the end of the spacious long living room. Lin Ye walked over to take a look. On the plaque was an old black and white photo, and on both sides were statues of Zhong Kui and Sun Dasheng.

"It seems that this family used to be a Taoist ghost hunter." Li Jie blew on the dust on the plaque. "But I'm a scientist, I can't do this!" Just as he was about to lift his foot, he stepped on the furry thing, which made him scream in horror.

The fluffy object shot up into the sky after being stepped on by Li Zhi, its eyes glowing green, it stuck to the wall and made strange calls at Lin Ye and his party.

Hu Fei patted Li Jie on the head. "What are you yelling for? This f*ck is a mutant cat, which shocked everyone!"

"Okay, I always feel that it's not that simple in this house. There's another floor upstairs, and it's all in place. Qi Zhan, you two will follow me up to have a look, and the three of you will look down there and speak up immediately if you have any problems. "

Lin Ye took Qi Zhan, a big man, and Nie Quanqi, an earth-type supernatural being, up the stairs made of concrete. As a result, there were only piles of tools used by Taoist priests on the second floor, and a black and white TV. The strange thing is that the TV There are still images on it, but they are all mottled snowflakes. "

The tools of those practices are not like the tools of Huaxia Taoism, but like the magical tools of shamans who harm people.When Lin Ye was about to step forward to have a better look, he heard a scream from Xuewu downstairs.

"No, let's go!" Lin Ye's figure was like thunder, and he went downstairs, followed by Nie Quanqi and Qi Zhan. The seal on one of the coffins on the ground began to emit bursts of yellow light.The coffin board seemed to be lifted by Li Man's thing.

When Lin Ye and his group rushed downstairs, they found that there was no one there, not even the mutant cat on the wall.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Nie Quanqi asked anxiously when his companion disappeared.

Lin Ye quickly searched for the memories of his previous life in his mind, but he couldn't find any relevant memories. What kind of creatures are these guys who attacked Xuewu?
Just as Lin Ye was thinking, there was a rustling sound from inside a red wooden door, and Qi Zhan waved a pair of iron fists to smash the wooden door, but there were tadpole-like runes shining golden on the wooden door, making Qi Zhan like this The big guy bounced off many meters away.

Lin Ye supported Qi Zhan, and said with a dignified expression, "Let me do it!" Lin Ye stretched out his five fingers, and when a jet of water splashed on the door, all of them turned into ice, tightly attached to it, and observed with naked eyes. The place where it can't reach has been cracked.

He took out the hunting knife from behind, strode forward, and drank in a low voice. "Five forms of the world, collapse!"

The wooden door covered with runes melted into pieces and fell to the ground. Looking around, it turned out to be an empty room inside, with only a protrusion at the corner at the end.

Lin Ye walked in and found that there was a hole under the movable floor. Looking from below, it turned out to be dark. Lin Ye formed an ice lump from his hand and threw it straight down. After a second, he heard a plop. .

"The underground is not very far from the ground, we can go down and see what's inside!" Lin Ye looked at the two people with burning eyes, and the other two nodded in unison.Nie Quanqi took out three military flashlights from the bag behind him and handed them to everyone.

When Lin Ye was about to turn over, Qi Zhan grabbed him.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmm~" Lin Ye and Nie Quanqi both had black lines on their heads. They couldn't understand what this guy said at all!

Lin Ye used his ice ability to ask Qi Zhan to write on it, only to see him writing stroke by stroke. "Let me go down first! There may be danger inside!"

Seeing Qi Zhan staring at him with scorching eyes, Lin Ye understood that the one in front of him might not be able to hold him back, so he agreed to let him jump first.

The three of them jumped into a dark hole, and when the light hit one place, they found that the ground was full of bones, and the cause of death was different.These bones are very old, and some of them are still wearing green overalls from the early Chinese period.It seems that this place was already a killing den before the end.

Not far away, Xuewu's shouts and fights were heard again.Nie Quanqi and Qi Zhan were both startled, and they were about to walk in a certain direction.In the end, Lin Ye grabbed him.

"Don't you think there is something strange here? From the moment we came in!"

After Nie Quanqi and Qi Zhan finished listening, they turned their heads in doubt.Looking at Lin Ye.Lin Ye said word by word. "We may have fallen into the trap of a dark-type supernatural being!"

"Dark system abilities!?"

"Well. Dark-type supernatural beings are able to control people's brains to create hallucinations. At the beginning, they could only control a few people and let them enter a world that didn't exist to kill each other! But the later, when these supernatural powers After those who can become kings, their spirits can control tens of thousands of zombie legions! Many massacres after the end of the day are all reported by people with dark abilities. If you don’t believe what I say, you You can see how the light on the flashlight is different from usual!"

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the two picked up the flashlight and observed carefully, only to find that the white light in the circle above came from one eye.The two threw the flashlights in their hands to the ground.Hearing whoops, the scene in front of him was exactly the same as when Tameng entered the red brick house and opened the first door.

But there were only Lin Ye, Nie Quanqi, and Qi Zhan around, and the other three had disappeared.

At this moment, Lin Ye was very annoyed that this guy dared to tease his group of people, and Li Jie's life and death were uncertain, and if they were delayed for a minute, their lives might be in danger.Angrily shouted. "Get out of here quickly!"

In the world before the end of the world, the strength of the dark system supernatural powers is very poor.It can be said that it exists like a weak chicken, but as long as you enter his trap, or enter the fantasy created by him when you are mentally exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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