Chapter 119

It is very likely that he will become a marionette controlled by him. I just said by accident that I would go to the second floor to have a look. Maybe I was subconsciously controlled by this dark superpower. Must not be taken lightly.

At this time, the cat stepped on by Li Jie jumped down from Gong's high plaque.The green light in the eyes was strong, and the sharp fangs stretched out around the feet of Lin Ye and his party.

"Break into my altar, destroy my trick formation. You deserve death!" Lin Ye waited for the green-eyed cat to finish speaking.Clenching the hunting knife in his hand, he slashed straight away.The green-eyed cat disappeared like a vision of nothingness.

"Pretending to be a ghost! I'll demolish this broken place of yours today!" Lin Ye's body was so cold at this moment.Qi Zhan also turned into a rock giant with a bang.Nie Quanqi made a seal with his hands, and more than a dozen ivy plants were on the ground at any time.

"It seems that you are all supernatural beings. This is also good. After I sacrifice you, my blood corpse in the previous life will skyrocket. At that time, I will trample all you ant-like humans to death under my feet."

This strange sound came from all directions of the red brick house.Lin Ye had a cold expression on his face, he was waiting for this guy to show his feet.

This time, all the skeletons lying on the ground took over, their eyes spewing fire, and they rushed towards the three people, and a large group of zombies came out from the room they had just entered.Those zombies are completely different from the zombies outside.More like Chinese zombies!
"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, and all the dark-type supernatural beings in the early stage of the end of the world will linger in silver and gold. As long as you persist for a while, these illusions in front of you will disappear." Lin Ye said, the hunting knife in his hand It's like a lotus flower that blooms all over the sky.He rushed into the group of skeletons, which were flying and churning.

What is even more exaggerated is Qi Zhan. After his transformation, he smashed the head of a skeleton zombie with one punch, and it seems that he has endless strength.

The ivy in Nie Quanqi's hand was like tentacles with life, as sharp as a sword, and all the zombies around him were pierced through.

Ten minutes later, the hunting knife in Lin Ye's hand began to curl, and Qi Zhan's body began to burst into flames, while Nie Quanqi only had five green vines left to support him.The skeletal zombies they killed were about to fill up the red brick house, but there were still a steady stream of zombies emerging, pounced on them with claws and teeth.

"Boss, what should we do next? These guys seem to be endless." Nie Quanqi, covered in blood, asked anxiously.

"Hold on for a while, this dark-type supernatural being is about to overdraw his physical strength to fight us."

At this moment, the green-eyed cat appeared at Lin Ye's feet again.It smiled like a ghost, "Don't struggle! Come and be the holy object of my altar!"

"I want to see who died the worst today!" Lin Ye responded forcefully. Just when the three of them were about to lose their hold, the scene in front of them slowly faded to the original appearance of the red brick house.

A Taoist priest wearing Taoist robes held a mahogany sword and murmured words to the coffin, with a little blood oozing from his mouth with a goatee.Stick a piece of rune on top of the black gold coffin.

"If it weren't for this guy who is about to come out and need me to suppress it, you think you can escape from my dream for thousands of years." The goatee old man said indignantly.

Lin Ye found that the voice was exactly the same as that made by the green-eyed cat, and it was really this guy who made a mess!Lin Ye stepped forward and put the curly-bladed hunting knife on the Taoist priest's neck, "What have you done to my friends?";

"Is there anyone else besides the three of you?" The Taoist looked at Lin Ye with a ghostly look on his face.

Lin Ye grabbed his collar and picked up the Taoist priest like he was catching a chicken: "I tell you, don't play tricks on me, there were six people in the group that came in with me just now, and now there are only Three people. Are you as easy to fool as I am a three-year-old?"

"Uncle, Uncle. When I came down from the second floor and found you, I only saw you three, and there was really no one else. You are also a supernatural person. If I lied, you can tell me now kill me!"

Lin Ye let go of his collar and thought to himself, are there other supernatural beings here besides this poor Taoist priest?

"Taoist priest, what's in that coffin behind you!?" The three people who searched the entire red brick house still couldn't find any clues, and returned to the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest knelt on a futon, murmuring words without knowing what he was talking about.After hearing Lin Ye's question, he opened his eyes.Said slowly.

This Taoist priest was a well-known master of exorcism in this area before the doomsday. Most people would ask him to cast spells in the past when there are happy or mourning events at home, but no one knows that this Taoist priest is actually a tomb robber. The purpose of lurking in this mountain village is to find this The tomb of a prince and king in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties of the place.

And he stayed here for three years. Just three years later, when the blood moon came to the world, the Taoist priest also found the tomb on that day, went down with a shovel, and came up with a shovel.It was found that a tomb in Nuo Da was empty, with only a lonely main coffin standing in the middle.The catacombs are not ventilated.The Taoist tried to drag the coffin up.

When he came back disappointed, he found that the world had changed, the people in the whole village had turned into zombies, and he seemed to have a different ability.Not only can it manipulate other people's spiritual thinking, but it can also create illusions.I don't know how many people who escaped along the way were killed by him.

"Taoist, is the tomb you're talking about in one of these rooms!?" Lin Ye hurriedly asked after hearing what he said.

"How do you know? Could it be that you have already been there?" The Taoist touched the goatee at the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"You, take us down to have a look! If you have any wrong thoughts, I will kill you first!" Lin Ye put the hunting knife in his hand on his neck again. It is impossible to control their thinking in the future! "

The Taoist took out a key from his waistband, opened the door, opened the floor, looked at Lin Ye timidly, and pointed down, "This is the tomb of the prince!"

The four of them descended into the dark cave, and the Taoist priest walked ahead familiarly. Just at a corner, Lin Ye's hunting knife was inserted into his heart.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Nie Quanqi was very puzzled when he saw Lin Ye violently commit murder.

And Lin Ye's tone was extremely cold, and he said sentence by sentence, "This Taoist priest is lying! He is not a Taoist priest at all, he is just an illusion!"

(End of this chapter)

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