Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 120 Blood Corpse

Chapter 120 Millennium Blood Corpse

After listening to what he said, Nie Quanqi and Qi Zhan showed a trace of fear. Could it be that the three of them are still in the phantom of the dark-type supernatural powers!

"This village is real. Remember the two families we just entered? They left in a hurry, if the time is correct. They should have been called out in the morning. Or, they were controlled to leave It went out. There must be a real object in an illusion, if you guess correctly, all the problems lie in that coffin."

"That is to say, this Taoist priest is a fake, and you are the real one!" Lin Ye flew out the hunting knife in his hand into the darkness.After the sound of the knife flew ten meters away, it fell to the ground with a thud.There was a crisp clang.

From the darkness, the three of them felt the dazzling light explode in front of their eyes.The first thing Lin Ye did when he opened his eyes was to use the water power. The entire red brick house was covered with water, and then the ice power froze the entire room like a spreading vine.

Xue Wu, Li Jie, and Hu Fei all closed their eyes tightly, with painful expressions on their faces.

As far as the eye could see, the whole red brick house was arranged as a venue for shaman practice. A huge coffin was placed vertically in the middle, and next to it were the bloody corpses of villagers. Their heads were all stacked together one by one. , the limbs were disassembled and thrown in a pile.Those people still had the terrified expression on their faces.

The dark-type power user was wearing a large white robe and a hat made of wild bird feathers on his head.His face was covered with blood, and his eyes stared at Lin Ye with evil lights.

"In order to become a thousand-year-old blood corpse king, if you sacrifice the surviving humans in a village, aren't you afraid of going to hell?" Lin Ye said through gritted teeth.Two huge ice hockey balls have been accumulated.

"Go to hell? I am hell!" After listening to Lin Ye's words, the man smiled charmingly, picked up a kitchen knife that was placed next to him with his right hand, and chopped off his left hand.Blood spurted from the broken left hand.With his right hand, he held the left arm that was still slightly moving and put it on his head, allowing the blood from the severed arm to stay on his head.Laughed crazily.

"I, I am Yan Luo, I am the king!!!"

The coffin board suddenly bounced off the inside and flew in front of Lin Ye and the others.Seeing this, Qi Zhan rushed to the front of the three of them, and caught the flying coffin board!The figure took a step back.

Inside that blood-soaked coffin stood a man with a highly decomposed face, half of his body was bone-like carrion, and white maggots were wriggling in his two deep-set eye sockets.

This zombie is wearing a general's uniform from ancient times, with a big knife pinned to his waist, and a wide variety of accessories on his body.The blood of the dead villagers who fell on the ground was sucked drop by drop by the zombie, and the skin and flesh on its body gradually became fuller.

At this moment, the crazy dark-type supernatural user stood up and stuffed his bloody arm into its mouth.

"Quick, stop this lunatic!" Lin Ye yelled violently, and the three of them surged.

When the dark-type supernatural user stuffed one of his hands into the mouth of the blood corpse, its two deep-set eye sockets suddenly lit up with a little fireworks.Gives a kind of indescribable sorrow.

"Follow my Taoism, obey orders and give orders!" The dark-line supernatural person retreated behind the blood corpse, muttered something, and slapped the blood corpse with seals with both hands!
At this time, Lin Ye was frozen with one hand and Mercury retrograde with the other.Freeze its body.

Qi Zhan transformed into a boulder lava man, swinging a pair of iron fists like King Kong and smashed on the blood corpse. Nie Quanqi urged more than ten thumb-thick green vines to spring up from the ground, entangled the blood corpse.

The blood corpse was made motionless by the joint attack of the three, and the dark-type supernatural being standing behind it shouted angrily: "Explode!"

The thousand-year-old blood corpse suddenly looked like Popeye who had eaten spinach, and the dozen ivy vines that were bound to his body suddenly burst open, and the head that had been punched by Qi Zhan seemed to be fine.

The thousand-year-old blood corpse stiffly held the big knife from his waist.Opening his mouth and baring his fangs, he roared at Lin Ye and his group of monsters. This thousand-year-old blood corpse was restored to its physical body by the shaman of the great jumping god, and also became spiritually enlightened.

The shaman smiled grimly behind the blood corpse. "Even if you can escape my dream for a thousand years, so what, you will still die under the sword of my thousand-year-old blood corpse!"

In the eyes of the thousand-year-old blood corpse, it seemed that only Lin Ye and the three were left. The big knife that had sucked the blood of the villagers emitted a penetrating white light in the entire red brick house.This blood corpse was already invulnerable, and was manipulated into a puppet by that wicked shaman.

Qi Zhan saw that his pair of iron fists were useless on this strange-looking blood corpse, so he jumped up brazenly, clenched his fists, and smashed towards the blood corpse's head with the sound of thunder and lightning.After smashing the blood corpse's head in a circle, it returned to its original position.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye's mind raced about how to deal with this blood corpse.Finally, when a light bulb flickered in my mind, an idea flashed out.Capture the thief first and capture the king first.As long as the shaman who dances the great god is killed, everything will be fine.

The strength of this blood corpse is faintly close to the third level of gold, and the highest in my group is Lin Ye, the third level of silver. If the three of them head-to-head fight this guy to the death, the possibility is very small, but all sneak attacks will be defeated. At the moment of this blood corpse, there is no possibility of subduing that shaman and this blood corpse.

Although the thousand-year-old blood corpse in front of him is invulnerable, this shaman has a mortal body.

Among this group of people, there was a sniper lurking outside the door, Jiang Xinyu had to tell the shaman's location before he was allowed to find out, so that Jiang Xinyu could be killed with one blow.

Lin Ye suddenly thought of the berserk zombie he and Jiang Xinyu met when they were at the police station.I used the mirror image principle to kill it.And today, too, can take heart.

"Quan Qi, Qi Zhan, hold this blood corpse and give me some time." Lin Ye threw a burst of ice rain on the blood corpse as if he didn't want money. A layer of ice made the blood corpse slow down a lot.

This blood corpse is a general from the ancient Chinese dynasty. His body function is very comparable to others. Even after a thousand years, becoming a blood corpse is much better than those mutants with supernatural powers after the end of the world, let alone those ordinary zombies. .There are countless tombs of generals and emperors buried on the Huaxia plate. If some famous generals in history ran out of them, wouldn't this doomsday be raised from the ordinary level to the hell level all of a sudden?

(End of this chapter)

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