Chapter 121
Lin Ye turned over and over again in his mind, and immediately denied this idea. There was no such thing in the last days of the previous life. The most important thing right now is to kill the shaman who dances the great god, so that he will not stay behind to do evil and cause harm. survivor.

Lin Ye used the ice water ability to the extreme. A thin stream of water from his hand writhed on the ice like a wise water snake, and swam out of the red brick house. The erected brackets generally stand up, forming an O-shape.

Jiang Xinyu, who was lurking opposite the red brick house, listened to Lin Ye's words and stayed there without moving.Mantou circled around her, restless.From time to time, he yelled towards the inside, but he didn't have any special abilities, so rushing in might not help them.

Seeing the upright O-shaped ice cube, Jiang Xinyu smiled happily. It seems that Lin Ye and his party are fine, and they are about to stand up and walk into the red brick building. As a qualified beautiful policewoman Hua, her thoughts are meticulous. At this moment, she suddenly realized that something was wrong, so she pulled the trigger in her hand.
The shaman who activated the ability to control the blood corpse was shot through the head by a bullet that surpassed the speed of sound without any precautions.There was an unbelievable expression in his eyes, and he stared closely at the hole that shot through the gate.

The thousand-year-old blood corpse that had been attacking them fell to the ground, and the flesh and blood on its body rotted and flowed out.The body also turned into a white bone, and the knife fell to the ground abruptly, with a dazzling red light emitting from the handle.

Seeing the shaman fell to the ground, Lin Ye rushed to the three sleeping people and shook their heads. Li Jie was the first to open his eyes. After seeing Lin Ye, he hugged him excitedly. Lin Ye. "Boss, I thought I would never see you again. Didn't you get killed by that Taoist priest!?"

Lin Ye had black lines all over his head. It seemed that the three sleeping people and the three of them were in the same illusion, but the roles were reversed.Both Hu Fei and Xuewu slowly opened their eyes.Seeing Lin Ye, Nie Quanqi and Qi Zhan in front of him were all ecstatic.When Xuewu was excited, she almost shed tears.They heard Lin Ye's voice on the second floor in the hallucination, so they went up and found nothing. After they came down, they also found the hole under the floor, but they kept walking in.In the end, it was discovered that there was a main coffin in the tomb, and a zombie ran out of it chasing and biting them. In the end, when the three of them ran out of abilities and were about to be killed, everything in their fantasy suddenly disappeared.Passed out, and was woken up by Lin Ye later.

Hearing Lin Ye and the others talking inside, Jiang Xinyu expressed joy and knew that nothing had happened to Lin Ye and the others.He threw the sniper rifle over his shoulder and rushed in.

Lin Ye's hunting knife was lost during the battle with the blood corpse. Finally, Lin Ye picked up the big knife that belonged to the thousand-year-old blood corpse. It is very smooth in the hand, and the blade has been stainless for thousands of years, and under the faint sunlight, it seems that there are beams of light dancing on it.Although he didn't know what kind of knife it was, when Lin Ye held it in his hand, he seemed to hear a dragon's roar resounding through the sky, lingering in his ears for a long time.

"Then let me tell you to slay the dragon!" Lin Ye smiled happily. After all, the hunting knife is only a weapon used by ordinary people, but this knife is like a big ax used to open up the world.

"This time, we should thank Xin Yu well. If she hadn't shot and killed the shaman in time, our lives would be in danger!" In the evening, Lin Ye and his group sat on a spacious lawn in the village. The above describes what happened during the day.

During the day, the red brick house was thrown by Xuewu with a fireball, and it caught fire.What the Chinese people say is that it is safe to go to the ground. In this doomsday, even the corpse cannot be preserved, so there is no place for burial there.

Hearing Lin Ye complimenting herself for the first time, Jiang Xinyu's face turned red like a small apple under the firelight. "It's all because the boss is smart and thought of it. Otherwise, I don't know where to shoot at that place."

Seeing Jiang Xinyu's appearance, everyone couldn't help laughing. Li Jie, who had [-] reasons, was very interested in today's dancing master shaman and kept asking Lin Ye.

"Boss, why is that guy so powerful that he can control the consciousness of ordinary people, even us supernatural beings?"

Lin Ye stirred the bonfire to make it burn hotter.replied. "This guy is a spell-casting shaman, and he was very close to these ghosts and gods before the end, so he has a unique advantage compared with us in this spiritual ability, so he can become a dark-type ability user. His own strength It's not that powerful, it's just an ordinary second-level silver, but the strength of that thousand-year-old blood corpse is at the third-level gold. This is also the scary thing about people with dark abilities. Don’t care about anything. Many times, it’s not just supernatural powers that can save your life, but also keen insight.”

After Lin Ye finished speaking, Li Jie nodded half-understood.Then asked again. "Then what is the origin of this thousand-year-old blood corpse?"

Lin Ye frowned slightly and returned: "The origin of this blood corpse is very likely that the Taoist himself said that it was dug out from an ancient Shang and Zhou tomb. But this small mountain village obviously does not have that pattern."

After he finished speaking, Li Jieye stopped asking.All the villagers in this village were killed by this evil shaman.Only some poultry were still chirping.After a while, the steamed bun came back with a few chickens, ducks and geese in its mouth.

Nie Quanqi volunteered, so the group ate a delicious dinner, took a nap, and continued to Baidi City the next day.

In the pre-apocalyptic world, Lin Ye mixed with the survivors and wandered in various places on the Chinese mainland, looking for the protection of powerful supernatural beings, and finally stayed in Baidi City for three full years.He has witnessed the tide of zombies, the battles between the supernatural beings, and the melee between the major gangs. Although he is like an ant, he still keeps everything about the end of the world in his heart. He always believes in himself. One day, he will become a strong man, and he will no longer live in mediocrity.

This kind of thinking persisted until the end of the day, when he was in the tide of the destruction of the entire Baidi City, he was just an inconspicuous pebble, even the woman he loved the most.The flying mutated zombies covering the sky and the sun rushed towards the unarmed survivors like locusts, and finally there were no bones left.A huge berserk zombie with a height of 20 meters smashed a roof with one punch.Zombies with abilities are more like demons released from hell.Fire and ice interweave, thunder and electricity tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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