Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 122 White Emperor City

Chapter 122 White Emperor City

In the Zhushan League that once ruled the entire Baidi City, all the supernatural beings exploded to death outside the Baidi City.The boss of the Zhushan League resisted the siege of millions of zombies by himself, and finally fell under the claws of an epic-level mutant beast corpse.So, no matter what, you have to become stronger, right?
"Ah!" Lin Ye screamed, waking up from the nightmare, recalling the day when he was reborn in his previous life. Will he be able to lead the survivors to live on that day and wipe out all the zombies?

Thinking of this, Lin Ye no longer dared to fall asleep, stood up quietly by himself, and followed the sound of water from a waterfall.The rest of the people were still sound asleep, only Mantou pricked up his ears vigilantly, shook his silver hair with his four paws on the ground, and followed behind Lin Ye.

This small mountain village in the middle of the mountain forest has a unique water resource. After Lin Ye saw the water, he felt that the cells in his body were trembling. The waterfall fell from the 50-meter high mountain, splashing layers of water vapor.The surrounding plants grow better than other places.After the water vapor touched Lin Ye's body.It was absorbed by Lin Ye's skin epidermis.Although under the blood moon in the sky, everything in the world seems to be blurred and unclear, but this place is like a fairyland on earth.Smoky.There are also exotic flowers and fragrances.

Although I know that I will be more sensitive than ordinary supernatural beings in the rain, but since the end of the day.Lin Ye had never had such an illusion.My body here is like a fish swimming in water and a bird flying high in the sky.

Taking off the clothes on his body, revealing his strong and capable body, Lin Ye carefully looked at his young body, and felt that as long as he did all the difficult things, he would surely succeed.

Like a diving athlete, Lin Ye jumped into the water with a bang, and after a while, the deep pool that had been smashed by the waterfall for many years disappeared.

Every pore of Lin Ye's body felt extremely comfortable in the water, and he swung his feet gently to swim several meters away.And his body can breathe like a fish in the water, his hair flutters in the water, he sinks to the bottom of the water, his eyes are closed tightly, allowing the two supernatural abilities in his body to be tightly entangled endlessly.

Under the influence of Lin Ye's ability, the water in this pool started to bubble up, as if it had been boiled, and then a thin layer of ice formed on the surface of the water.

Two heteronuclei were swimming in his body, one glowing white and the other glowing golden.The two influence and blend with each other.An hour later, Lin Ye suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes brightened, his hands unconsciously criss-crossed, and the ice blades cut through the resistance in the water and slashed towards the rocks of the high mountain.And the abilities in Lin Ye's body seemed to be inexhaustible.The speed of the shot is getting faster and faster, and the power is getting faster and faster.The speed at which the left and right hands extended their palms even created a large vortex underwater.

Lin Ye felt that he was in an extremely crazy and hearty state, like a drop of poison on the tip of a knife stuck in his heart, and his heart beat faster and faster.In the end, Lin Ye rose from the water, his eyes glowing white and cold.There was a violent drink in the mouth.With both palms forming knives, the two ice blades slashed towards the mountain behind the waterfall like thunder and lightning.

He landed on the shore, knelt on the ground, panting heavily, feeling the fourth level of silver in his body slowly loosen, but the last two ice blades that he threw out seemed to have no power, and were hidden in the waterfall.

Lin Ye stood up hard, shook his head with a wry smile, and walked back.As a result, I heard a bang behind my ears, and when I looked back.The high mountain was like a rock blasted by a hundred tons of explosives. For a while, the waterfall stopped flowing, the high mountain burst, and the stones flew into the air.

Lin Ye returned to the place where a group of people were sleeping on the ground. Everyone opened their eyes and waited for him to come back. Li Jie couldn't help but said, "Boss, you must have made the loud noise just now!"

Seeing the terrified faces of everyone, Lin Ye had no choice but to explain clearly to them.Everyone looked like they couldn't believe it. After all, it seemed to everyone that it was impossible for Lin Ye to cause such a big commotion with Lin Ye's current strength.Lin Ye didn't care whether they believed it or not, he slept alone with his clothes on.

Because he spent too much power and energy in that pool, Lin Ye slept very soundly this time, and he didn't even know that he broke through the class in his sleep.

Early the next morning, the sun shone on everyone, and soon the sun would climb above their heads and wreak havoc.Lin Ye, who was the first to wake up, woke up everyone, and found that he had jumped directly from the fourth rank of silver to the fifth rank of silver, and had stepped into gold with one foot.

Could it be because he practiced the ice blade yesterday and touched the looseness of his class, Lin Ye smiled indifferently, it seems that as long as he works hard, God will help you, and it is only a hundred miles away from Baidi City, if you say His own strength is not strong, and he is easily bullied by others in that place. There are not a few people in his team. If he is topped by other big alliance factions, he may not even know how he lost his life. Human nature Weaknesses, Lin Ye has seen a lot in the doomsday life.

At present, I have the highest strength in my team. If it is an ordinary supernatural person, after experiencing such a doomsday, it will not make such a big improvement in a short period of time. The heterokaryon was fed little by little and raised.

Lin Ye: "Silver is the fifth-level peak, one foot into gold, ice, and water dual abilities"

Xuewu: "Silver level three, fire ability."

Li Jie: "First-level silver, a person with super powers, overpowering abilities, strong when encountering strong ones, huge potential for development!"

Hu Fei: "Bronze level five, superpowers, ability to bounce,"

Nie Quanqi: "Bronze level four, wood supernatural powers, defensive late stage."

Qi Zhan: "Second level of silver, alienated orc, can be transformed into a stone giant, very strong in the early and mid-term!"

Mantou: "Mutated Beast"

After traveling for several days, everyone was a little tired, but seeing the majestic Baidi City behind the endless plain, everyone's enthusiasm was mobilized again.

In the previous life, Baidi City was a defensive military fortress, which was not suitable for human habitation in essence, but because of its strong defense system, it became the four major human survivor bases on the Huaxia section in the early days of the doomsday. The city's shortcomings will become more and more obvious. It relies too much on thermal weapons without making major changes in technology, making the entire Baidi City a beaten tortoise.

(End of this chapter)

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