Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 123 A New Beginning

Chapter 123 A New Beginning
When Lin Ye saw the familiar place in front of him, the corners of his eyes were slightly wet. The scene in front of him overlapped with the memory of his previous life.Maybe it's because this is still the beginning of the end, the White Emperor City in front of him is not quite the same as what he imagined.If it's just a change in appearance.In fact, it is more of that kind of vigorous vitality.

"Boss, have you been here before?" Is Jiang Xinyu riding on Mantou? As the only ordinary person in this group of people, her physical strength is the weakest, so in the general situation, all She rides on the back of the steamed bun.

Lin Ye didn't know how to answer her question. He couldn't tell the little girl in front of him that the money had happened, so he said vaguely: "I used to come here when I was an ordinary person. .But it was a long time ago, so I'm not too familiar with it."

Xuewu, who entered the doomsday together with Lin Ye, was a little puzzled. Lin Ye was clearly in the same organization as him before.When has he been here.But she didn't ask any more questions. In just a few months, Lin Ye had used his strength and courage to convince everyone of his leadership.And between the two women, myself and Jiang Xinyu, there is a kind of affection for him that you can't explain.

"Boss, this Baidi City is so powerful, even if it's the doomsday corpse tide you mentioned, it can't break through here!" Li Jie thought of the corpse tide that Lin Ye and himself described, and saw the huge city like a fortress in the distance. Insincerely sighed.

"You're right, such an impenetrable fortress is indeed invulnerable, but what will happen when the attacker becomes a demon flying in the sky, a pangolin that can be moved on the ground, or a tall giant that can overturn the city? ?” Lin Ye said indifferently, the memory of the past life in his eyes was slowly passing by like a movie scene.

"Is there really such a zombie as you said? If it is so powerful, then all human beings will die, so what can us supernatural beings do?" After listening to what Lin Ye said, I understood A little frustrated, after all, as a supernatural being, he is one in a million among ordinary human beings.

Lin Ye became serious after hearing Li Jie's frustrating words.He looked at him with serious eyes, and said word by word, "As a supernatural being, you must understand that you are also a human being, not a zombie. If you can't understand this, then you are the same as a zombie." There is no difference."

Seeing Lin Ye's serious look, Li Jie's heart trembled a little. Although Lin Ye usually got along well with the big guys, when it came to these right and wrong issues, he was as rigid as an old antique, and the bottom line and scale seemed rigid. Like a living ruler engraved in his heart.

It looks very close from a distance, but walking on two legs is not the same thing at all. In the early days of the end, supernatural beings can quickly go from one place to another by taming some bird creatures.

Ordinary humans mostly use docile mutant beasts to move long distances, and dogs are the main force among them. Ordinary supernatural beings basically have the ability to fly in the later stages.

Before sunset, Lin Ye and his party finally reached the foot of Baidi City. Under the shell of this modern metropolis, there is a steel beast that can withstand the tide of tens of thousands of zombies. Baidi City is like a castle. Glittering under the afterglow, the others couldn't help but sigh in surprise.But since this morning, Lin Ye's "near nostalgia" in his heart has turned into a faintly boiling heart.

This is the new starting point for your own ice and snow empire!


When Lin Ye and his party stood at the foot of Baidi City, they really felt what a fortress is. The towering city wall was about to approach the clouds.The main entrance is a large iron gate ten meters high and three meters thick. Not to mention that bullets can't penetrate such a door, even if it is bombarded with shells, it will only leave a little white mark on it.The guards standing at the door were werewolves who were nearly three meters tall, and both of them held the latest technology laser guns in their hands.And inside the city wall, there are countless supernatural beings who are secretly staring at this place, and if there is any change, they will be killed immediately on the spot.

In order to prevent people from entering Baidi City with the zombie virus, all people have to go through a measuring instrument before entering. Doctors in white coats are there to conduct the most basic physical health checks on the people queuing up.Lin Ye lined up behind him with his group.

The Baidi City, which is peaceful on the surface, is full of turmoil in the dark. There are more than 500 million survivors in the Baidi City in the early days of the end.Whoever can rule these 500 million people can become the emperor of this place.But unfortunately, the internal forces of Baidi City were torn apart, and all the supernatural beings were scattered into many small teams and small organizations. The next three most powerful alliance factions.They are Zhushan League, Qingfeng League, and Yuexia League.

As an ordinary person, Lin Ye in the doomsday of the past did not have supernatural powers, but he did pay attention to the distribution of the forces of these supernatural beings anytime and anywhere.And some places that can substitute superpowers, including Tianwai Kongmen, which appeared in advance in Tianshui County, are also among them, but they are far less than in Baidi City and outside the city.Just outside Baidi City, Lin Ye knew of twenty empty gates,

These empty doors are full of zombies and mutant beasts, trapped inside and unable to get out, but outsiders can go in and kill them to obtain different cores to improve their own strength. Some high-level zombies and mutant beasts are likely to burst out spirits. Nuclei, and the value of spiritual cores is priceless. The strength of an alliance lies not only in the number of its supernatural beings, but also in the number of Buddhist sects and spiritual cores under their alliance.

The empty door is a space that only appeared after the blood moon. An empty door often accommodates countless zombies and mutant beasts. They sleep in it, like corpses sleeping in the refrigerator, and their strength is also There are different levels, from low-level zombies to berserk zombies to supernatural zombies and mutant beast corpses are all low-level zombies, and the real zombie king has not yet appeared on the territory of China.

The population in Baidi City is large, compared to the huge population of China before, it is like a little finger, because most of the people in China turned into zombies during the blood moon, and ordinary humans who did not become zombies People with supernatural powers are the few of the few. China has a vast land and abundant resources, and its culture has a long history. The leader of the largest official organization at that time showed courage as a leader in the face of discovering this global catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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