Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 124 Responsibilities

Chapter 124 Responsibilities
Nuclear bombs were dropped on some population gathering places where zombies piled up.He led the last armed men to build the imperial capital in the extreme north, and the population of survivors reached 4000 million. He made a bold statement: "As long as the Chinese people are less than the last human being, they will never bow to this catastrophe that swept across mankind." .”

As for the other three large survivor human bases, one was built by local armed personnel, named Zhao Du.There is also a medium-sized city brought together by supernatural beings, called the East Temple.This city is the darkest and horrific survivor base after the end of China, where the human beings have become slaves and sold in the hands of the supernatural beings, who enjoy the same treatment as the emperors.All the supernatural beings who committed heinous crimes in the imperial capital, Zhao capital, and Baidi city would be free and liberated as long as they could escape from the vast crowd of zombies to the East Hall.

And Baidi City is the smallest of the survivor bases, but the human beings here live the happiest and most comfortable life. As long as you are willing to give your hands to work, you can enjoy the rights that a laborer should have.The supernatural beings living here abide by these three rules:
"All supernatural beings and superpowers are human beings, and they cannot override human beings!"

"Protecting human beings is the unshirkable responsibility of all supernatural beings and superpowers."

"Facing zombies, show no mercy!"

I don’t know who formulated these three regulations, but the supernatural beings who entered here obeyed these regulations very well, so the supernatural beings will stipulate to go outside Baidi City for the life-and-death grievances between the snatching of the territory and the alliance faction. Settle disputes.This peaceful and warm way has been going on for many years, which has resulted in the inability of Baidi City's armed forces to evolve very well.So in the late end of the day, the city was massacred.All the humans and supernatural beings in Baidi City survived only a tiny number.

Thinking of the painful memories of the apocalypse in the previous life, Lin Ye's eyes flashed brightly. "Be a tortoise that is passively beaten. No matter how hard the shell is, it will eventually be broken. Only by gaining stronger strength can you survive. Instead of coveting a moment of peace. This time, let yourself Save this place!"

The people in front have all registered and entered one after another.This high-tech device registers all the population in Baidi City. Those who enter must register their identities. Through the biological information of the pupils, they can get food and water for work in Baidi City.The supernatural beings were recorded aside with ordinary paper and pen.

"Boss, this is really strange. People with supernatural abilities use paper and pen to record, but ordinary people use computers to record." Li Jie looked at the things in front of him and asked in puzzlement.

"Because superhumans have a longer lifespan, while ordinary humans are like a piece of data in a computer that can be destroyed at any time." Lin Ye's voice was cold and emotionless.

When Li Jie, who was at the front, passed by the two werewolves, the two werewolves had fierce eyes, as if they wanted to eat Lin Ye into their stomachs.And Li Jie ignored these two guys directly.He went straight to the old man who recorded the supernatural being with pen and paper.

"Hold out your hand!" said the old man.

Lin Ye and his group watched there nervously, not knowing what the old man was trying to do!
Li Jie rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his hand.

"Superpowers, first-level silver, Batian" the old man said with a trembling voice, this superpower actually exists, as long as one's own level can be raised, this superpower will be unsolvable in the later stage!This foolish boy in front of him actually has such a fate!

The old man filled the brush with ink and wrote Li Jie's name stroke by stroke.

Lin Ye, who stood in the second place, remembered how much he wanted to go in his previous life, so that he could record Lin Ye's name in that book.Today, when he really had this opportunity, his body trembled slightly.

"Show me your hand!" The old man had a childish face with white hair and a flowing beard fluttering on his chest.He raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Ye.He has the character of an old Chinese medicine doctor.

Lin Ye stretched out his hand, and the old man touched it.The old man's eyelids twitched, and he patted his head with both hands!
Lin Ye's eyelids twitched when he saw the old man like this. Could it be that the old man couldn't see it because of his twin powers?
"Young man! You are indeed a supernatural power, but the old man really can't see the supernatural power in you, so you can tell me what kind of supernatural power it is!"

You must know that the old man who can walk and sit here to help people see the level of supernatural powers is really an ordinary person unless he has a bad brain. He must have his own unique identification method if he did not undergo rebirth like Lin Ye!
Lin Ye thought about it a thousand times in his heart, and said, "Water-type supernatural powers, third-level silver!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, Jiang Xinyu behind him showed suspicion, "Why is the boss lying? Woolen cloth?"

When Lin Ye said that it was the ability of the water system, the old man's face returned to normal. After all, the ability of the water system is a very common ability, and it takes too much material and effort to upgrade to a level.Although it is said that he is a third-level silver player, such a level cannot be regarded as powerful.

If this old man knew that he was a dual-line power user, and he was still at the peak of silver, and he stepped into gold, he would probably find himself in a lot of trouble. When Li Jie went for the test just now, he already had several pairs of eyes. Peeping in the dark, the feeling of being watched made Lin Ye feel inexplicably upset.

Holding the heavy brush, Lin Ye wrote his name on the yellowed paper.After writing.The plump ink was quickly absorbed by the paper, and a golden spot shone for a while before disappearing. Lin Ye secretly thought, "Sure enough, this thing is not an ordinary thing!"

The group of people waited safely to find out their identities, but the sniper rifle in Jiang Xinyu's hand was taken away by two werewolves.In the end, something went wrong with the steamed bun.Mantou barked wildly at the two werewolves.The old man looked at the steamed buns, then turned to ask Lin Ye and his party.

"Which of you is a beast trainer?" Mantou itself is a stray dog ​​adopted by Zhang Ren in his previous life. After the end of the world, he became a mutated golden retriever and was given to Lin Ye by Zhang Ren as a guard. Every night along the way It is the one who is guarding, and the relationship between everyone and it has also been established.The old man's implication is that if there is no animal trainer in Lin Ye's party, this mutant beast cannot be brought into Baidi City.

Under the anxious eyes of everyone, Lin Ye stood up, "Old man, this mutant beast was given to me by a friend of mine in Tianshui County. It is naturally domesticated rather than acquired. It will not pose a threat to human beings. Moreover, he can understand people's wishes." .It won't hurt anyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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